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Federal confiscation program: Minister Shandro

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“上周,门迪奇诺部长承认联邦政府仍未弄清楚如何实施他们的枪支没收计划。“Last week, Minister Mendicino admitted that the federal government has still not figured out how to implement their firearms confiscation program.

“这一承认是在加拿大警察局长协会呼吁联邦政府不要使用警察服务没收枪支后不久作出的。“This admission comes shortly after the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police called on the federal government to not to use police services to confiscate firearms.

“现在,媒体报道引起了人们对联邦政府备忘录的关注,该备忘录概述了 Mendicino 部长在加拿大各地没收枪支的计划。“Now, media reports have drawn attention to a federal government memo that outlines Minister Mendicino’s plans to confiscate firearms across Canada.

“备忘录承认,今年夏天寻找私营公司实施联邦枪支没收计划的努力失败了。“The memo admits that efforts to find private sector companies to implement the federal firearms confiscation program failed this summer.

“由于没有私营公司愿意参与,该备忘录概述了加拿大皇家骑警将如何首先部署到爱德华王子岛 (PEI),该岛被认为是一个简单的‘低风险’目标。“With no private sector companies willing to participate, the memo outlines how the RCMP will first be deployed to Prince Edward Island (PEI), which has been deemed to be an easy ‘low-risk’ target.

“联邦政府将 PEI 视为‘试点’,帮助他们在通过反复试验实施没收计划时在工作中学习。“The federal government is treating PEI as a ‘pilot’ that will help them learn on the job as they implement their confiscation plan through trial and error.

“这个‘计划’预计耗资 10 亿美元或更多,据说已经进行了三年。“This ‘program’ is expected to cost a billion dollars or more and has supposedly been in the works for three years.

“尽管投入了大量金钱和多年的筹备时间,但渥太华似乎迷失了方向——尤其是考虑到他们最近对猎枪和霰弹枪发动的袭击——至少,他们应该主动延长目前定于 2023 年 10 月结束的大赦。“Despite a mountain of money and years worth of lead time, Ottawa appears to be lost – especially given their latest attack on hunting rifles and shotguns – at minimum, they should proactively extend the amnesty that is currently scheduled to end in October 2023.

“然而,这样的决定将涉及向加拿大枪支拥有者展示一种体面的衡量标准,这是门迪奇诺部长和这个联邦政府似乎无能为力的。”“Such a decision, however, would involve showing Canadian firearms owners a measure of decency, something that Minister Mendicino and this federal government is seemingly incapable of.”

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  • 加拿大公共安全部门的没收备忘录 Public Safety Canada’s confiscation memo

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