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Refusals and appeals for Canadian immigration applications

加拿大移民申请的拒绝和上诉 如果您的移民申请被不公正地拒绝,您可能有追索权。 Refusals and appeals for Canadian immigration applications You may have recourse if your immigration application was unjustly refused.

得知您的加拿大临时或永久居留申请被拒绝可能是毁灭性的打击。幸运的是,您可能有追索权。 It can be devastating to learn that your temporary or permanent residency application to Canada has been refused. Fortunately, you may have recourse.

如果加拿大移民官员拒绝申请的决定在事实或法律上是错误的,或者就手头的事实和提交给官员的文件的质量而言是不合理的,则可能会受到质疑。 A Canadian immigration officer’s decision to refuse an application may be challenged if the decision was wrong in fact or in law, or it was unreasonable with regards to the facts at hand and the quality of the file presented to the officers.

加拿大移民、难民和公民部 (IRCC) 做出的所有影响申请的决定都可以提交给联邦法院,联邦法院将首先决定案件是否值得听证,或者是否提出了重要的法律问题。这方面的一个例子可能是工作或学习许可申请被拒绝,尽管有大量证据可能有利于其批准。 All decisions taken by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) that affect an application can be presented to the Federal Court, which will first decide if the case merits a hearing or if it raises an important question of law. An example of this could be a work or study permit application that is refused despite substantial evidence that could favour its approval.

例如,在拒绝赞助的情况下,也可以在移民上诉部门对拒绝永久居留申请提出异议。永久居留申请的拒绝也可以在联邦法院提出质疑,就像技术工人申请被拒绝的情况一样。 The refusal of an application for permanent residence can also be contested before the Immigration Appeal Division, in the case of refused sponsorships, for example. The refusal of an application for permanent residence can also be contested before the Federal Court, as would be the case for a refused skilled worker application.

如果在您的特定情况下有必要,您可以聘请加拿大移民律师帮助您出具复议函。 If warranted in your particular situation, you may hire a Canadian immigration lawyer to help you with a reconsideration letter.

如果拒签是基于事实或法律上的错误,而不符合程序公平原则,律师可以写信给有关加拿大签证处的项目经理,指出错误并要求重新考虑拒绝。 If the refusal was based on an error in fact or in law and not in accordance with the principles of procedural fairness, a lawyer can write to the program manager of the Canadian Visa Office in question to point out the errors and to request a reconsideration of the refusal.

如果没有收到回复或收到否定回复,如果案件看起来值得追究,律师可以帮助您寻求适当的法律程序。 If no response is received or a negative response is received, a lawyer can help you seek the appropriate legal proceedings if the case appears to be worth pursuing.

对于在联邦层面被 IRCC 拒绝的申请人,资源通常会提交给移民上诉部门或联邦法院。 For applicants rejected by IRCC at the federal level, recourses are usually presented before the Immigration Appeal Division or the Federal Court.

对于被魁北克移民局 MIFI 拒绝的永久移民申请,追索权通常会提交给魁北克行政法庭或魁北克高等法院。 For permanent immigration applications rejected by Quebec’s immigration department, MIFI, recourses are usually presented before the Tribunal administratif du Québec or the Superior Court of Quebec.

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