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March is IRCC’s Fraud Prevention Month

三月是 IRCC 的防欺诈月 IRCC 将三月用于提高人们对针对新移民的移民欺诈和诈骗的认识。 March is IRCC’s Fraud Prevention Month IRCC dedicates the month of March to raise awareness about immigration fraud and scams directed at newcomers.

每年 3 月,加拿大移民、难民和公民部 (IRCC) 都会参加加拿大政府的欺诈保护月,以阐明加拿大新移民所经历的欺诈以及他们如何保护自己。 Every year in March, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) participates in the Canadian government’s Fraud Protection Month to shed light on the fraud experienced by newcomers to Canada and how they can protect themselves.

加拿大的移民程序可能复杂而艰巨。许多准移民会聘请专业人员在整个过程中提供支持。不幸的是,有些居心叵测的个人和无证顾问利用外国人缺乏经验来谋取私利。 Canada’s immigration process can be complex and daunting. Many prospective immigrants hire a professional for support throughout the process. Unfortunately, there are ill-intentioned individuals and unlicensed consultants who exploit foreigners’ inexperience for their own gain.

成功移民加拿大后,新移民在找工作或找房子的过程中也可能容易受到骗子或不诚实者的攻击。可能会有保证在加拿大大学或学院学习的高薪工作或奖学金的广告。新来者应该意识到,其中许多优惠都是欺诈性的。 Upon successful immigration to Canada, newcomers may also be vulnerable to scammers or dishonest individuals during their job or housing search. There may be advertisements guaranteeing high paying jobs or scholarships to study at Canadian universities or colleges. Newcomers should be aware that many of these offers are fraudulent.

保护自己免受移民欺诈的最佳方法是了解情况并做好准备。一旦了解了诈骗或欺诈性通信的警告信号,新手将能够识别、避免和报告欺诈行为。 The best way to protect yourself from immigration fraud is to be informed and prepared. Once educated on the warning signs of a scam or fraudulent communication, a newcomer will be able to recognize, avoid and report fraud.

IRCC 的网站提供了一些针对加拿大新移民的常见骗局的信息: IRCC’s website provides information on some common scams aimed at newcomers to Canada:

  • 冒充加拿大政府工作人员的人会与您联系并试图恐吓您或威胁您支付费用以维持您的移民身份 - People posing as Government of Canada staff will contact you and try to scare you or threaten you into paying fees in order to maintain your immigration status
  • 试图说服您投资或提供与您的银行账户相关的个人信息的虚假电子邮件 - Fake emails trying to convince you to invest money or give personal information related to your bank accounts
  • 虚假的电子邮件或电话,说您的计算机已感染病毒,并要求您提供计算机密码和个人信息,以便他们为您清除病毒 - Fake emails or phone calls saying that your computer has been infected with a virus and asking for computer passwords and personal information so they can remove the virus for you
  • 电话或短信说您赢得了您从未参加过的奖品或比赛 - Phone calls or text messages saying that you won a prize or contest that you never entered

帮助保护自己免受移民欺诈的建议 Advice to help protect yourself from immigration fraud

IRCC 致力于保护移民和加拿大人免遭诈骗。它们提供了加拿大准移民和新移民应牢记的事项: IRCC works to protect immigrants and Canadians from falling victim to scams. They provide things that prospective immigrants and newcomers to Canada should keep in mind:

  • 没有人能保证您能找到工作或获得加拿大签证 - No one can guarantee you a job or a visa to Canada
  • 只有加拿大的移民官员以及加拿大大使馆、高级专员公署和领事馆才能决定签发签证 - Only immigration officers in Canada, and at Canadian embassies, high commissions and consulates can decide to issue a visa
  • IRCC 服务的手续费在加拿大和世界各地都是一样的。以当地货币计算的费用以官方汇率为准 - Processing fees for IRCC services are the same in Canada and around the world. Fees in local currencies are based on official exchange rates
  • IRCC 将要求您向“加拿大接收总署”支付加拿大政府服务费用,除非加拿大签证处网站上有说明 - IRCC will ask you to pay fees for Canadian government services to the “Receiver General for Canada”, unless stated difference on a Canadian visa office website
  • 小心代表对支持文件收费,例如劳动力市场影响评估 (LMIA) - Be cautious of representatives charging a fee for supporting documents, like a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
  • IRCC 绝不会通过电话收款或付款 - IRCC will never collect money or payments by phone

请务必记住,IRCC 绝不会通过电子邮件或电话向申请人确认申请表上提供的基本信息,或通过电子邮件询问银行或信用卡信息。 It is important to remember that IRCC will never email or call applicants to confirm basic information provided on application forms or ask for banking or credit card information by email.

如果出现以下情况,您收到的电子邮件可能是骗局: An email you received might be a scam if:

  • 你没想到这封电子邮件 - You did not expect the email
  • 来自私人地址或收费 Web 邮件地址(例如 Yahoo、Hotmail 或 Gmail),而不是来自加拿大政府的“gc.ca”电子邮件帐户 - It is from a private address or fee Web mail address (such as Yahoo, Hotmail or Gmail) and not from a government of Canada “gc.ca” email account
  • 电子邮件使用标准问候语而不是您的真实姓名 - The email uses a standard greeting instead of your real name
  • 发件人要求您更新、验证或确认您的个人信息。 - The sender asks you to update, validate, or confirm your personal information.
  • 你被告知你必须迅速采取行动以防止负面后果,例如你的申请被取消 - You are told that you must act quickly to prevent negative consequences such as your application being cancelled
  • 该电子邮件宣传了一个听起来好得令人难以置信的特殊移民优惠 - The email promotes a special immigration offer that sounds too good to be true

如果您选择聘请代表,请使用授权的移民和公民身份顾问、律师或魁北克公证人。 If you choose to hire a representative, use an authorized immigration and citizenship consultant, lawyer or Quebec notary.

如何举报移民欺诈 How to report immigration fraud

IRCC 表示您应该向加拿大边境服务局 (CBSA) 的边境观察免费热线 1-888-502-9060 报告任何移民欺诈行为。 IRCC indicates that you should report any immigration fraud to the Canada Border Services Agency’s (CBSA) Border Watch Toll-Free Line at 1-888-502-9060.

如果您认为您在加拿大期间是互联网、电子邮件或电话诈骗或欺诈的受害者,您应该联系加拿大皇家骑警加拿大反欺诈中心。 If you believe you are a victim of an Internet, email or telephone scam or fraud while in Canada, you should contact the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.

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