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Immigrants in Quebec by Country of Birth (2021 Census)

按出生国家/地区划分的魁北克移民(2021 年人口普查) Immigrants in Quebec by Country of Birth (2021 Census)

2021 年,魁北克有 1,210,600 名移民 In 2021, Quebec was home to 1,210,600 immigrants

!魁北克移民 !Immigrants in Quebec

魁北克移民 Immigrants in Quebec

加拿大统计局报告称,2021年,有8,361,505名外国出生的人居住在加拿大,占加拿大人口的23%。 Statistics Canada reported that in 2021, there were 8,361,505 foreign-born people living in Canada, which accounted for 23% of Canada’s population.

2021年,外国出生人口比例最高的省份是安大略省(30%)、不列颠哥伦比亚省(29%)和魁北克省(14.6%)。 In 2021, the provinces with the highest proportions of foreign-born people were Ontario (30%), British Columbia (29%) and Quebec (14.6%).

按出生国分列的外国出生人口 Foreign-born population by country of birth

在魁北克,最大的移民人口来自法国、海地和阿尔及利亚;他们合计占该省外国出生人口的21%。 In Quebec, the largest immigrant populations were from France, Haiti and Algeria; together they accounted for 21% of the foreign-born population in this province.


按出生国家/地区划分的魁北克移民(2016 年人口普查) Quebec Immigrants by country of Birth (2016 Census)

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