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Tools and tips to help newcomers to Canada budget better in a time of higher cost of living

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加拿大现在的移民和难民比例是其历史上最高的。 Canada now has the highest proportion of immigrants and refugees than it has ever had in its history.

创纪录的 23%。 A record 23 per cent.

未来几年这一数字只会增加,计划到 2025 年每年新增 500,000 名新移民。 This is only slated to increase in the years ahead with plans to bring in an additional 500,000 newcomers per year by 2025.

许多新移民将技能、知识以及国际教育和经验带到了他们的新国家,但通常需要进行一些调整的是了解加拿大的金融体系。特别是随着生活成本的上升。 Many newcomers bring skills, knowledge and international education and experience to their new country but what often takes some adjusting is learning about Canada’s financial system. Especially, as cost of living rises.

最近的研究表明,许多新加拿大人在抵达时自我报告他们的金融知识水平有限。造成这种知识差距的原因可能包括语言障碍、难以获取财务信息,甚至是对您所在国家/地区的金融系统缺乏信任,这可能使您难以了解如何在加拿大有效管理您的资金。 Recent studies have shown many new Canadians self-report their financial knowledge level as limited when they arrive. The causes for this knowledge gap can include language barriers, difficulty accessing financial information, and even, a lack of trust in the financial system from your country of origin, which can make it difficult to learn about how to effectively manage your money in Canada.

由于加拿大经历了创纪录的通货膨胀,导致生活成本上升以及借贷利率上升,专注于支持移民和难民的加拿大慈善机构 Windmill Microlending 与 CIBC 财务和投资咨询副总裁 Carissa Lucreziano 建立了联系. Lucreziano 表示,许多加拿大人现在正在考虑如何更明智地使用他们的钱。 As Canada experiences record inflation leading to increased cost of living, as well as increasing interest rates to borrow money, Windmill Microlending, a Canadian charity focused on supporting immigrants and refugees, connected with Carissa Lucreziano, Vice-President, Financial and Investment Advice at CIBC. Lucreziano indicates many Canadians are thinking about ways to be smarter with their money, right now.

“最近 CIBC 的一项调查发现,超过一半的加拿大人 (56%) 正在削减可自由支配的支出,一些人正在考虑使用优惠券或从名牌产品中转出,以减轻商品和服务成本上涨的影响。大多数人 (81%) 都在密切关注自己的财务状况,以便在关注自己的需求之前能够负担得起自己的需求,”Lucreziano 说。 “A recent CIBC survey found over half of Canadians (56 per cent) are cutting back on discretionary spending and some are looking at couponing or switching from brand-name products in an effort to lessen the impact of rising costs for goods and services. Most people (81 per cent) are paying close attention to their finances so they can afford their needs before focusing on their wants,” Lucreziano says.

Lucreziano 提出了以下建议,以帮助加拿大的新移民使他们的钱花得更远,并分享了一些 CIBC 工具和产品,以帮助他们进行预算和财务规划。 Lucreziano suggests the following tips to help newcomers to Canada make their dollars go further and shares some CIBC tools and products to help with budgeting and financial planning.

提示 #1:制定预算以避免意外  Tip #1: Build a budget to avoid surprises

搬到一个新的国家时,有很多事情要做。最大的挑战之一是弄清楚如何调整您的财务状况,尤其是在通货膨胀和利率上升的时期。由于食品、交通和住房供应有限的通胀压力,加拿大的基本开支成本较高。将不断增加的成本纳入年度和月度预算非常重要。 When moving to a new country, there’s a lot to navigate. One of the biggest challenges is figuring out how to adjust your finances, especially during a time of rising inflation and interest rates. The costs of essential expenses in Canada are higher due to inflation pressures on food, transportation and limited housing supply. It’s important that you build rising costs into your annual and monthly budgets.

根据您的需要计划费用。这将根据您到达加拿大的时间而有所不同。对于刚到加拿大的第一年,这份核对清单会有所帮助。如果您还没有,请使用专为新移民的需求设计的 CIBC 在线预算计算器来创建您的预算。只需输入您的收入和支出,它就会向您展示每个月的支出和储蓄情况。 Plan for expenses based on your needs. This will differ depending on how long ago you arrived in Canada. For those in their first year in Canada, this checklist can help. If you haven’t already, create your budget using the CIBC online budget calculator designed specifically for the needs of newcomers. Just enter your income and expenses and it will show you a big picture view of where you’re spending and saving each month.

提示#2:减少和监控你的开支 Tip #2: Reduce and monitor your expenses

一旦你制定了预算,记得要留意你的开支。随着价格上涨,重要的是要检查您的预算并查看您的支出是否符合您的计划。如果你发现你的支出超出了你的目标,审查你的预算可以帮助你找到需要削减的地方。 Once you’ve created your budget, remember to keep an eye on your expenses. As prices rise, it’s important to review your budget and see if your spending is on track with your plan. If you find you’re spending more than you aimed to, reviewing your budget can help you find areas to cut back.

在加拿大有效管理信用卡、信用额度或小额贷款可以帮助您在新国家建立信用记录。您还可以通过避免可能影响预算的财务欺诈和诈骗来保护自己免受意外的储蓄损失。 Effectively managing credit cards, lines of credit or microloans in Canada can help you build your credit history in your new country. You can also protect yourself from unexpected drains on savings by avoiding financial fraud and scams that can impact your budget.

提示#3:建立应急基金和储蓄 Tip #3: Build an emergency fund and savings

将定期储蓄作为每月预算的一部分。确定近期、中期和长期的财务目标。这可能包括: Make regular savings a part of your monthly budget. Identify immediate, mid-term and long-term financial goals. This might include:

  • 建立一个 应急基金 以应对您没有计划的意外紧急需求,如果预算短缺,您可以使用 eSavings 帐户预留资金以快速获取现金。 Building an emergency fund for unexpected immediate needs you didn’t plan for with an eSavings account to set aside funds for quick access cash if there is a budget shortfall.
  • 为您孩子的教育储蓄(如果适用)。加拿大政府允许家长设立一个注册教育储蓄计划 (RESP) 来保护孩子的教育储蓄免税,并将提供每年 500 美元,最高可达 7,200 美元。 Saving for your child’s education (if applicable). The Canadian government allows parents to set up a Registered Education Saving Plan (RESP) to shelter child education savings from taxes and will provide $500/year, up to a maximum of $7,200.
  • 为买房存钱。首次购房者可以开设联邦免税首次置业储蓄账户,并可以使用注册退休储蓄计划 (RRSP) 的一部分支付购房首付款。 Saving for a home. First-time home buyers can set up a federal tax-free First Home Savings Account and can use a portion of the Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) for a down payment on a house.

转载自 Windmill Microlending。请在此处查看原始文章。 Reprinted from Windmill Microlending. See the original article here.

The New Canadian’s Financial Pathway to Prosperity, 由加拿大慈善机构 Windmill Microlending 提供的信息指南,分享工具和技巧,帮助您在加拿大建立财务基础,同时为长期繁荣做好准备。作为一个慈善组织,Windmill 专注于支持移民和难民在加拿大建立他们的生活和事业,提供负担得起的贷款来支付培训、教育和职业发展的费用。在 Windmill Microlending 的网站上了解更多信息。 The New Canadian’s Financial Pathway to Prosperity, an informative guide presented by Canadian charity, Windmill Microlending, shares tools and tips to help you build a financial foundation in Canada while setting you up for long-term prosperity. As a charitable organization, Windmill focuses on supporting immigrants and refugees in establishing their lives and careers in Canada, offering affordable loans to pay for the costs of training, education and professional development. Learn more on Windmill Microlending’s website here.

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