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How to Prepare for Your Working Holiday in Canada

如何为在加拿大的工作假期做准备 How to Prepare for Your Working Holiday in Canada

由 Themba Phongolo 创作。更新时间:2023 年 2 月 20 日 by Themba Phongolo. Updated: February 20th, 2023

!如何为你在加拿大的打工假期做准备 !How to Prepare for Your Working Holiday in Canada

您最近是否申请并获得了加拿大国际经验 (IEC) 工作假期签证计划?如果您是,那么尽管有好消息,但我们确信您可能对开始前往加拿大的工作假期之前需要做的准备工作有一些疑问。 Have you recently applied to and been a recipient of an International Experience Canada’s (IEC) Working Holiday Visa program? If you are, then notwithstanding the good news, we are positive that there are some questions you may have regarding the preparations you need to do before embarking on your working holiday to Canada.

为了帮助您为旅行做好准备并确保您有足够的能力应对一年或两年的旅行,我们编制了一套全面的信息,我们相信这些信息将在您的旅行期间为您提供极大的帮助。 To help prepare you for the trip and make sure that you are adequately equipped to deal with the one or two year trip, we have compiled a comprehensive set of information that we are positive will be of great assistance to you during your travels.

工作假期 (IEC) Working Holiday (IEC)

!打工度假 !Working Holiday

加拿大国际体验部是加拿大移民、难民和公民部 (IRCC) 的一个部门,为来自拥有青年流动计划国家的国际青年提供临时移民签证计划。在它提供的三个项目中,其工作假期签证项目是最常用的。 International Experience Canada is a department within Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) that offers temporary immigration visa programs to international youth that come from countries that have a youth mobility program. Of the three programs that it offers, its Working Holiday Visa program is the most commonly used.

工作假期的接受者有机会在一年或两年的大部分时间内持开放式工作许可证在加拿大工作和旅行。开放式工作许可证允许获得者在他们选择的加拿大任何地点工作,从而使他们有机会在北美国家的广袤土地上旅行。 Recipients of the working holiday are presented with the opportunity to work and travel in Canada on an open work permit for the better part of a year or two. The open work permit allows the recipients to be employed at any location of their choice in Canada, thereby affording them the opportunity to travel across the vast expanse of the North American nation.

IEC 每年都会为新的应用程序开放其池。这标志着新赛季的开始,这基本上是接受新申请的时间范围。 2023 年 IEC 工作假期于 1 月 5 日开幕。 Every year the IEC opens its pools for new applications. This marks the beginning of the new season which is essentially the timeframe during which new applications are accepted. The 2023 IEC Working Holiday season opened on the 5th of January.

为您在加拿大的打工假期做准备 Prepare for Your Working Holiday in Canada

!为你的工作假期做准备 !Prepare for your working holiday

###准备文件 Prepared Documents

在加拿大打工度假有很多好处。然而,与所有事物一样,只有在接受者需要事先满足的坚实而坚实的责任基础上才能获得这些好处。 A working holiday in Canada comes with many benefits. However, as with all things, those benefits can only be received on the basis of a firm and solid foundation of responsibilities that the recipient needs to meet beforehand.

这些责任主要以需要证明的文件形式呈现,因此它们可以作为工作假期的接受者是他们所说的人的验证,因此可以避免处理伪造身份案件的任何可能的法律后果. These responsibilities are presented mostly in the form of documents that need to be certified so they can serve as validation that the recipient of the working holiday is who they say they are and therefore can avoid any possible legal ramifications of dealing with a case of falsified identity.

如果您在抵达加拿大时未能出示这些文件,可能会导致您被禁止入境,最多可能会被驱逐出境。让我们来看看其中一些必不可少的准备文件 Failure to present these documents upon your arrival in Canada can lead to you being barred from gaining entry into the country and at most, you may be deported. Let’s take a look at some of these essential, prepared documents

财务支持证明 Proof of Financial Support

您需要以银行对账单的形式提供财务支持证明。这些文件将用于验证您在加拿大逗留期间是否有能力养活自己。在您抵达加拿大时,您的银行对账单至少应显示 2, 500 加元 (C$) 的正(贷方)余额。 You’ll need to provide proof of financial support in the form of bank statements. These documents will serve to verify that you are capable of supporting yourself during the period of your stay in Canada. At the very least your bank statement should reflect a positive (credit) balance of 2, 500 Canadian dollars (C$) upon your arrival in Canada.

医疗考试 Medical Exam

您需要接受加拿大政府 (IRCC) 批准的医生的体检,以证明您的健康状况良好、身体健全且不易患任何慢性病和/或合并症。 You need to undergo a medical exam with a Canadian government (IRCC) approved medical practitioner in order to prove that you have a clean bill of health, are able-bodied and not prone to any chronic illness and/or comorbidities.

加拿大非常需要能够工作的成年人,他们不会因生病或患有既往疾病而成为加拿大医疗保健系统的负担,从而为加拿大经济的增长做出全面贡献。工作假期接受者也不例外。 Canada is in great need of adults who are able to work, won’t be a burden on the Canadian healthcare system through illness or possession of preexisting illness and thus productively contribute overall to the growth of the Canadian economy. Working holiday recipients are no exception to this requirement.

健康保险 Health Insurance

虽然在提出申请时并不要求您拥有健康保险,但一旦您成功申请并成为工作假期计划的接受者,并且在您抵达加拿大之前,您必须申请并拥有一份健康保险单. Though at the point of making your application it is not required that you have health insurance, once you’ve successfully applied to and become a recipient of the Working Holiday program and before you arrive in Canada you must apply for and have a health insurance policy.

健康保险政策应持续到您在加拿大逗留期间。加拿大政府重视为其本国公民和永久居民提供医疗保健服务。作为工作假期签证的临时工作许可证持有人,您没有资格获得政府提供的医疗服务。 The health insurance policy should last for the duration of your stay in Canada. The Canadian government places emphasis on servicing its own citizens and permanent residents with the healthcare provision. As a temporary work permit holder though the Working Holiday Visa, you’re not eligible to receive health services for the government.

警方证明 Police Certificates

作为无犯罪记录的证明,您需要提供无犯罪记录证明。所有从 18 岁起在他们申请的国家居住超过六个月的工作假期接受者都需要这样做。 As proof of a clean criminal record, you need to provide a police certificate. This is required from all working holiday recipients who have resided in the country they applied from for more than six months since they were 18.

如果您无法在提交截止日期前获得无犯罪记录证明,您可以提交申请收据作为您申请的证明或您收到的确认申请的电子邮件副本。 If you can’t obtain a police certificate before the deadline for its submission, you can submit the receipt for your application as proof that you applied or a copy of the email you receive acknowledging your application.

简历/简历 CV/Resume

您需要提供您的简历或履历表的副本,其中包括您的教育、资格和工作经验(包括主要职责)的信息。您将受雇的加拿大公司需要这样做。 You need to provide a copy of your CV or resume that includes information about your education, qualifications and work experience (with the main duties included). This is needed by the Canadian companies who you’ll be under the employ of.

护照 Passport

您需要提供干净、清晰的护照复印件。您的护照必须在您提交申请时以及您在加拿大逗留和离开期间有效。 You need to provide a clean and legible copy of your passport. Your passport must be valid at the point of submission of your application and for the duration of your stay and departure from Canada.

数码照片 Digital Photo

您必须提供您自己的高分辨率照片,以便加拿大政府可以记录工作假期接受者的视觉身份证明。 You must provide a high resolution photo of yourself so the Canadian government can have a documented piece of visual identification of the working holiday recipient.

家庭信息 Family Information

您必须通过填写有关以下内容的家庭信息表来提供有关您家庭的信息: You must provide information about your family by completing the family information form about:

  • 配偶或同居伴侣 Spouse or common law partner

  • 父母 Parents

  • 子女、继子女和收养子女 Children, step children and adopted children

电子旅行授权 (eTA) 或访客签证申请 Electronic travel authorization (eTA) or Visitor Visa application

一旦他们的工作许可申请获得批准,将向收件人签发电子旅行授权或访客签证。您是否收到 eTA 或访客签证取决于您的国籍。 An electronic travel authorization or visitor visa will be issued to a recipient once their work permit application has been approved. Whether or not you receive an eTA or Visitors visa is dependent on your country of citizenship.

居住证明 Proof of Residency

作为申请资格验证过程的一部分,您需要提供证明,证明您是您所在国家/地区的居民。 You need to provide proof that you’re a resident of your country of citizenship as part of the verification process of your eligibility to apply.

由于只有有限且特定数量的国家拥有国际青年流动计划,因此来自不符合申请资格的国家/地区的青年可能会出示欺诈性证件试图非法进入加拿大。 Because there’s only a limited and specific number of countries that have an international youth mobility program, there is an opportunity that youth from countries that are not eligible to apply may present fraudulent credentials to try to illegally enter Canada.

支付你的费用 Pay Your Fees

对于工作假期签证计划,您需要支付 161 加元的 IEC 费用和 100 加元的工作许可持有人费用。 For the Working Holiday Visa program, you need to pay an IEC fee of 161 C$ and a work permit holder fee of 100 C$.

一旦您处理好所有准备好的文件,您就可以继续为您在加拿大的逗留做准备。 Once you’ve taken care of all the prepared documentation, you can then move on to making preparations for your stay once you’re in Canada.

在加拿大工作和旅行的必需品 Necessities for Work and Travel in Canada

财务自给自足 Financial Self-Sufficiency

财务自给自足是能够负担您在加拿大逗留的必要组成部分。授予打工度假签证计划不附带经济补助。因此,维持自己生计的唯一方法是通过自己的手段,并确保在逗留期间有钱养活自己。 Financial Self-sufficiency is a necessary component of being able to afford your stay in Canada. There is no financial grant that comes with the grant of a Working Holiday Visa program. Therefore the only means of sustaining yourself is through your own means and ensuring that you have money to sustain yourself through the duration of your stay.

对于大多数人,尤其是年轻人来说,除非他们来自特权背景,否则很难获得某种形式的财务稳定。他们在经济上维持生计的唯一途径是通过自己的手段,因此工作保障的必要性至关重要。 For most people, especially youth, it is very difficult to obtain some form of financial stability unless they come from a privileged background. The only way they can financially sustain themselves is through their own means, therefore the necessity of job security is paramount.

因此,我们建议您优先列出您有资格申请的所有符合条件的工作前景。注意定期检查各省的紧缺职业清单。 As a result we recommend that you prioritize making a list of all eligible job prospects that you’re eligible to apply for. Take care to periodically check the in-demand occupations list of each province.

打包旅行装备 Pack Travel Equipment

正如项目本身的标题所暗示的那样,打工度假签证项目涉及大量的旅行。这不可避免地意味着一旦您需要根据您的加拿大雇主或您自己的判断从一个地方旅行到另一个地方所需的必要设备。 As is implied by the title of the program itself, the Working Holiday Visa program involves a significant amount of traveling. This inevitably means that once you‘re going to need to have the requisite equipment needed to travel from one place to the next as per the needs of either your Canadian employer or your own discretion.

帐篷、睡袋、背包、吸水衣、运动鞋、风衣、御寒衣、水盆等,都是从一地到另一地的必备用品。 Tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, water-absorbent clothing, sneakers, parkas and clothing that protects you from the cold, water basins etc. are all needed when you need to travel from one place to another.

无线电信 Wireless Telecommunications

加拿大的许多探索性旅行必然涉及前往加拿大偏远的林地和雪地。为了确保您的安全,避免因远离文明社会提供的救助和帮助而独自陷入困境,我们建议您使用某种形式的无线电信技术供您使用。 A lot of explorative travel in Canada is bound to involve traveling to the remote woodlands and snow-lands of Canada. To secure your safety against any possibility of getting stranded alone away from the succor and help provided in civilized society, we recommend that you have some form of wireless telecommunications technology at your disposal to use.

这项技术将有助于确保找到您并带您重返社会所需的帮助。除了被困之外,您仍然容易生病和受伤,并且不应该在周围或供应短缺的情况下提供帮助,智能手机或平板电脑在这方面对您很有用。 This technology will be useful in securing the help needed to find you and take you back into society. Besides getting stranded you are still vulnerable to sickness and injury, and should help not be around or in short supply, a smartphone or tablet will be of great use to you in this regard.

建立关系 Building Relationships

加拿大是一个幅员辽阔、高度复杂的国家网络,其社会、经济和文化历史深深植根于国家结构中,并赋予其与世界其他地区截然不同的独特身份。 Canada is a vast, highly complex network of a country with a societal, economic and cultural history that is steeped into the fabric of the nation and gives it a distinctly unique identity to the rest of the world.

作为这个国家的外国新移民,对许多人来说,新鲜来到这个环境可能是一项非常艰巨的任务,尤其是对于仍在寻找和塑造自己身份的不合群的年轻人来说。 As a foreign newcomer to this country, coming in fresh to this environment can be a very daunting task for many, especially for non-gregarious youth who are still finding and forging their own identity.

作为应对这种孤立的一种巧妙方式,也是一种与加拿大人建立宝贵社会资本的方式,这可能有助于确保您在加拿大的未来,我们强烈建议您与可以联系的加拿大人建立有价值的联系并建立关系。 As a tactful way to cope with this isolation and also as a way to build valuable social capital with Canadians who may help secure your future in Canada, we highly recommend making valuable contacts and forging relationships with Canadians you can connect with.

为什么在加拿大工作和旅行? Why Work and Travel in Canada?

!在加拿大工作和旅行 !Work and travel in Canada

如果您决定在加拿大工作和旅行,您将获得千载难逢的机会。加拿大不仅拥有世界上最受尊敬的生活水平之一,提供免费的政府医疗保健、住房、教育和就业福利,而且还是世界上最具多元文化和包容性的国家之一。 Should you decide to work and travel in Canada, you will be presented with the opportunity of a lifetime. Not only does Canada have one of the most revered standards of living among the world’s nations, with free government healthcare, housing, education and employment benefits but it also ranks among the world’s most multiculturally diverse and tolerant countries.

这为访问加拿大提供了一个受欢迎的方面,使其成为一个有吸引力的目的地,即使对于最不情愿的潜在客户来说也是如此。 This lends a welcoming aspect to visiting Canada that makes it an attractive destination to visit or migrate to even for the most reluctant prospective clients.

这个国家幅员辽阔,也使它成为旅行癖人士值得关注的目的地。多样的地形覆盖了具有不同动植物群的不同生物群落,您永远不会用完有趣的地方来观看和探索。 The vastness of the nation also makes it a noteworthy destination for people with wanderlust. With a varied topography that covers different biomes with distinct flora and fauna, you will never run out of interesting places to see and explore.

我们如何帮助您移居加拿大度过工作假期 How We Can Help you Move to Canada for Your Working Holiday

!我们如何帮助您移居加拿大 !How we can help you move to Canada

无论是临时移民还是永久移民,都需要花费大量时间和精力。即使是消息最灵通的准移民也可能在申请过程的至少一个阶段步履蹒跚。 It takes a lot of time and effort to immigrate to Canada whether on a temporary or permanent basis. Even the most well-informed prospective immigrant is liable to possibly faltering in at least one of the stages of the application process.

为了避免这种可能性,我们建议您联系 CanadianVisa,这是一家隶属于加拿大注册移民顾问 (RCIC) 的移民咨询公司,可以协助您进行资格测试,按顺序收集所需文件,支付费用并将您的申请提交给相关的省提名计划。 As a way to avoid this possibility we recommend getting in touch with CanadianVisa, an immigration consultancy company affiliated with Registered Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCIC) who can assist you with the facilitation of your eligibility tests, gathering your required documentation in order, paying your fees and submitting your application to the relevant Provincial Nominee program.

现在开始你的旅程 Start Your Journey Now

常见问题 FAQs

准备在加拿大打工度假的最佳方式是什么? What is the Best way to Prepare for a Working Holiday in Canada?

确保您在经济上自给自足是准备在加拿大打工度假的最佳方式。 Making sure that you’re financially self-sufficient is the best way to prepare for a working holiday in Canada.

为准备在加拿大打工度假,您能做的最糟糕的事情是什么? What is the Worst Thing you can do to Prepare for a Working Holiday in Canada?

没有所需的法律文件是您准备在加拿大打工度假时可能做的最糟糕的事情。如果您这样做,您可能会被驱逐出境或被禁止进入加拿大。 Not being in possession of the required legal documents is the worst thing you can do while preparing for Your Working Holiday in Canada. You are liable to be deported or barred entry in Canada if you do so.

我怎样才能确保我满足在加拿大打工度假所需的所有准备工作? How can I Make Sure That I Meet all the Preparations Required for a Working Holiday in Canada?

与隶属于 RCIC 的 CanadianVisa 等移民咨询公司取得联系。通过协作咨询,他们将协助您做好一切准备工作,然后再开始您的加拿大之旅。 Get in touch with an immigration consultancy company like CanadianVisa which is affiliated with RCICs. Through collaborative consultation they’ll assist you with all the preparations that you need to meet before embarking on your journey to Canada.

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