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Know everything about your Permanent residency (PR) status in Canada

了解您在加拿大的永久居留 (PR) 身份的所有信息 Know everything about your Permanent residency (PR) status in Canada

  • 2023 年 2 月 7 日 February 07, 2023

加拿大已成为想要成为加拿大永久居民的潜在移民的热门目的地。 Canada has become a popular destination for potential immigrants who want to become Canadian Permanent Residents.

但是,加拿大永久居民或未来的永久居民必须了解永久居民身份的许多规章制度和技术细节。 However, there are a lot of rules and regulations as well as technicality for permanent resident status, that permanent residents in Canada or future permanent residents must know.

此外,您知道拥有永久居民身份意味着什么吗?尽管大多数福利与公民相似,但仍存在一些明显差异。 Moreover, do you know know what it means to have a permanent resident status? Although most benefits are similar to citizens, some stark differences exist.

在本文中,我们将帮助您了解永久居民身份的方方面面: In this article, we will help you understand all the aspects of Permanent Resident Status:

  • 永久居民身份是什么意思? What does permanent resident status mean?
  • 为什么拥有永久居民 (PR) 卡很重要? Why having your permanent resident (PR) card is important?
  • 成为加拿大永久居民有什么好处? What are the benefits of being a Canadian Permanent Resident?
  • 加拿大永久居民不能做什么? What can Canadian Permanent Residents not do?
  • 您在加拿大居住多长时间才能维持您的永久居民身份? How long do you live in Canada to maintain your PR status?
  • 失去永久居民身份 Losing your status as a permanent resident
  • 自愿放弃永久居民身份 Renouncing your status as a permanent resident voluntarily

永久居民身份是什么意思? What does permanent resident status mean?

永久居民是移民到加拿大后获得永久居民身份但不是加拿大公民的人。一般来说,永久居民是其他国家的公民。 A permanent resident is someone who has been granted permanent resident status after immigrating to Canada but is not a Canadian citizen. Generally, permanent residents are citizens of other countries.

拥有加拿大永久居民身份可让您无需签证即可自由前往加拿大。 Having a Canadian permanent resident status allows you to travel freely to Canada without needing a visa.

然而,当您从加拿大境外旅行返回时,您必须检查您的永久居民卡是否仍然有效,并在必要时申请新的。 Nevertheless, when you return from a trip outside of Canada, you must check that your PR card is still valid and apply for a new one if necessary.

如果您的永久居民卡过期,您不会失去永久居民身份。 You do not lose your status as a permanent resident if your PR card expires.

但是,当登上飞往加拿大的航班或乘坐商业航空公司前往加拿大时,加拿大永久居民 (PR) 必须持有当前有效的永久居民卡或永久居民旅行证件 (PRTD)。 However, when boarding a flight to Canada or travelling to Canada on a commercial airline, permanent residents (PRs) of Canada must have their current PR card or permanent resident travel document (PRTD).

如果您没有 PR 卡或 PRTD,您可能无法登上前往加拿大的航空公司、火车、公共汽车或轮船。 You might not be allowed to board your airline, train, bus, or boat to Canada if you don’t have your PR card or PRTD.

在加拿大申请难民或临时身份的人不会获得永久居留权。 A person does not acquire permanent residency when they apply for refugee or temporary status in Canada.

要成为一个人,他们必须首先让移民和难民委员会接受他们的申请。他们接下来必须申请并获得永久居民身份。 To become one, they must first have their claim accepted by the Immigration and Refugee Board. They must next apply for and obtain permanent resident status.

因此,访客或临时居民,如学生或外国工人,不被视为永久居民。 Therefore, a visitor or temporary residents, such as a student or foreign worker, is not considered a permanent resident.

为什么拥有永久居民 (PR) 卡很重要? Why having your permanent resident (PR) card is important?

您可以通过出示您的永久居民卡来证明您是加拿大永久居民。它允许您自由进出加拿大。 You can prove that you are a Canadian permanent resident by showing your PR card. It allows you to enter and exit Canada freely.

因此,当您乘坐飞机、轮船、铁路或公共汽车等商用交通工具返回加拿大时,您必须出示您的永久居民卡以证明您的永久居民身份和护照。 Hence, when returning to Canada on a commercial vehicle, such as an airplane, boat, railway, or bus, you must present your permanent resident card to prove your PR status and passport.

如果您在加拿大境外而没有当前的 PR 卡或没有携带 PR 卡,则必须申请永久居民旅行证件。 If you are outside Canada without your current PR card or are not carrying one must apply for a permanent resident travel document.

这是因为如果您在没有 PR 卡或 PRTD 的情况下返回加拿大,您可能会被拒绝入境。 This is because you could be refused entry if you return to Canada without your PR card or PRTD.

成为加拿大永久居民有什么好处? What are the benefits of being a Canadian Permanent Resident?

作为永久居民,您享有以下特权: You have the following privileges as a permanent resident:

  • 获得加拿大公民可获得的最多社会福利,例如医疗保险 obtain the most social benefits available to Canadian citizens, such as healthcare coverage
  • 在加拿大任何地方居住、工作或上学 reside, work, or attend school anywhere in Canada
  • 申请加拿大公民身份 apply for citizenship in Canada
  • 受《加拿大权利与自由宪章》和加拿大立法的保护。 protection under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the legislation of Canada.

但是,您必须遵守加拿大所有的联邦、省和地方法律并纳税才能享受永久居留权。 However, you must abide by all federal, provincial, and local laws in Canada and pay taxes to enjoy permanent residency benefits.

加拿大永久居民不能做什么? What can Canadian Permanent Residents not do?

作为永久居民,您不得从事以下行为: Being a permanent resident, you are prohibited from the following:

  • 投票或竞选政治职位 Voting or running for political office
  • 担任某些需要高级安全许可的职位。 Occupy certain positions requiring a high-level security clearance.

您在加拿大居住多长时间才能维持您的永久居民身份? How long do you live in Canada to maintain your PR status?

在过去五年中,您必须至少在加拿大居住 730 天才能维持您的永久居留身份。 You must have spent at least 730 days in Canada to maintain your permanent residence status during the last five years.

这 730 天不必连续运行。在某些情况下,您在海外度过的时间可以计入 730 天。 These 730 days do not have to run consecutively. In some cases, your time spent overseas could count toward 730 days.

检查您在国外度过的时间是否计入成为永久居民。 Check if your time spent abroad counts toward becoming a permanent resident.

使用旅行日记记录您在加拿大度过的时间。确定您在加拿大停留时间的其他技术包括: Use a travel journal to record your time spent in Canada. Additional techniques to determine your time in Canada include:

  • 当您进入加拿大时,请咨询边境官员 When you enter Canada, inquire with the border officer
  • 获取或申请更新您的永久居民卡。如果您符合条件,IRCC 会通知您。 Obtain or apply to renew your PR card. IRCC will let you know if you are eligible.

失去永久居民身份 Losing your status as a permanent resident

当您的永久居民卡过期时,您仍然保留永久居民身份。只有通过正式程序,您才能失去身份。 When your PR card expires, you still retain your status as a permanent resident. Only if you go through an official procedure may you lose your status.

如果出现以下情况,您将面临失去永久居民身份的风险: You risk losing your status as a permanent resident if:

  • 经过调查或 PRTD 上诉后,裁决员得出结论认为您不再是永久居民; After an investigation or PRTD appeal, an adjudicator concludes that you are no longer a permanent resident;
  • 您选择放弃您的永久居民身份; You choose to renounce your status as a permanent resident;
  • 递解令已发出并对您生效;或者 A removal order is issued and becomes effective against you; or
  • 您获得加拿大公民身份 You acquire citizenship in Canada

请记住,在对您的身份做出决定之前,您仍然是永久居民,即使您不符合居住要求。 Remember, you remain a PR until a decision is reached about your status, even if you don’t match the residency requirement.

自愿放弃永久居民身份 Renouncing your status as a permanent resident voluntarily

如前所述,您不会自动失去永久居民身份。 As mentioned earlier, you do not automatically lose your status as a permanent resident.

您可能有一天会决定不想永久居住在加拿大。如果是这样,您可以自愿申请放弃您的永久居民身份。 You might decide one day that you don’t want to live in Canada permanently. If so, you can voluntarily apply to renounce your permanent resident status.

例如,如果您: For instance, if you:

  • 您知道,由于在国外花费大量时间,您未能满足您的居住要求,并且 You are aware that by spending a significant amount of time abroad, you have failed to fulfill your residency requirements, and
  • 想去加拿大旅行,并且 Would like to travel to Canada, and
  • 不愿意等待签证官正式评估您的永久居民身份。或者 Are unwilling to wait for a visa officer to evaluate your status as a permanent resident formally. or
  • 想避免在入境口岸延误 would want to avoid delays at the Port of Entry

在您的永久居民身份得到解决之前,您可能无法进入加拿大,无论是通过签发永久居民旅行证件还是自愿放弃您的永久居民身份。 You may be unable to enter Canada until your permanent resident status is resolved, either through the issuance of a permanent resident travel document or the voluntary surrender of your permanent resident status.

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