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Studying in Canada vs. the United Kingdom

留学加拿大 vs. 英国 Studying in Canada vs. the United Kingdom

韦斯利艾伦。 by Wesley Allan.

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韦斯利艾伦 Wesley Allan

英语语言文学和电影研究学士学位 Bachelor’s Degree in English Language and Literature and Film Studies

韦斯利·艾伦 (Wesley Allan) 从事专业写作已有五年多,并且从事有关移民的写作已有一年。拥有南非开普敦大学的英语语言文学和电影研究学士学位。 Wesley Allan has been writing professionally for over five years and about immigration for a year. With a BA in English Language and Literature and Film Studies from the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

更新时间:2023 年 3 月 17 日 Updated: March 17th, 2023

!留学加拿大vs.英国 !Studying in Canada vs. the United Kingdom

作为一名学生,出国留学可能是您一生中最有意义的经历之一。这是一个让自己沉浸在新文化、结识新朋友并获得宝贵技能以帮助你未来职业的机会。 As a student, studying abroad can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. It’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture, meet new people, and gain valuable skills to help your future career.

它提供了体验新文化和了解不同生活方式的机会。这可以帮助您培养更全球化的视角,这是当今互联世界中的一项宝贵技能。 It provides a chance to experience a new culture and learn about different ways of life. This can help you develop a more global perspective, a valuable skill in today’s interconnected world.

这也是结识世界各地新朋友并建立可能对您未来职业有用的人脉网络的机会。 It’s also an opportunity to meet new people worldwide and build a network of contacts that could be useful in your future career.

出国留学可以帮助你获得独立和自信,因为你将生活在一个远离你通常支持网络的新国家。 Studying abroad can help you gain independence and self-confidence, as you’ll live in a new country away from your usual support network.

选择留学目的地时,必须考虑几个因素。以下是出国留学时要寻找的内容的快速细分。 When choosing a study abroad destination, several factors must be considered. Here’s a quick breakdown of what to look for when studying abroad.

那么你如何决定选择哪个国家呢?本文将讨论加拿大和英国,以确定最适合您的国家。 So how do you decide which country to choose? This article will discuss Canada and the UK to determine which suits you best.

学者 Academics

!学者 !Academics

加拿大和英国拥有优秀的学术课程。但是,在课程持续时间、课程灵活性、评分等级、转学政策和认证过程方面存在一些差异。 Canada and the UK have excellent academic programs. However, there are some differences in the duration of courses, flexibility of courses, grading scales, transfer policies, and accreditation processes.

加拿大的大学更注重研究,注重学术卓越。加拿大大学的评分标准与英国大学不同,加拿大学生必须提供解释评分标准的官方文件。 Canadian universities are more research-oriented, focusing on academic excellence. Canadian universities have a different grading scale than UK universities, and Canadian students must provide an official document explaining the grading scale.

英国大学强调实践技能和就业能力。 UK universities emphasize practical skills and employability.

此外,加拿大学生可以在院校之间转学以完成学位,而英国学生通常需要在同一所大学学习。这是我们的大学列表,可帮助您了解有哪些加拿大大学可供选择。 Furthermore, Canadian students may be able to transfer between institutions to complete their degrees, while UK students are usually required to study at the same university. Here’s our university list to help you learn which Canadian universities are available. 

如果在学术界寻找职业,加拿大可能是更好的选择,而如果在工业界寻找工作,英国可能更合适。 If looking for a career in academia, Canada might be the better choice, whereas if looking for a job in the industry, the UK might be a better fit.

这两个国家都提供高质量的教育和优秀的大学,但学生在决定之前应该研究并考虑他们的个人需求和偏好。如果很难找到合适的大学,您可以与可以帮助您找到理想大学的学生顾问交谈,从中受益。 Both countries offer high-quality education and excellent universities, but students should research and consider their individual needs and preferences before deciding. If finding the right university is difficult, you could benefit from speaking to a student advisor who can help you find the perfect place.

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辅助功能 Accessibility

!辅助功能 !Accessibility

进入加拿大或英国的大学具有竞争力,但两国的要求各不相同。 Getting into a university in Canada or the UK is competitive, but the requirements vary between the two countries.

在加拿大,您需要完成高中文凭或同等学历,并且需要满足所选课程的特定要求。这可能包括完成先修课程或达到一定的平均绩点。 In Canada, you’ll need to have completed a high school diploma or equivalent, and you’ll need to meet the specific requirements for your chosen program. This might include completing prerequisite courses or achieving a certain grade point average.

在英国,你必须完成 A-levels 或同等学历,并且你需要满足所选课程的特定要求。这可能包括在特定科目中取得特定成绩。 In the UK, you must complete A-levels or an equivalent qualification, and you’ll need to meet the specific requirements for your chosen program. This might include achieving specific grades in particular subjects.

加拿大与英国的学习成本 Cost of Studying in Canada vs the UK

!在加拿大和英国学习的费用 !Cost to study in Canada vs UK

在学费和生活费方面,加拿大总体上比英国更实惠。学费因大学和课程而异,但平均而言,加拿大的学费低于英国的学费。加拿大的生活成本也较低,尤其是在住宿方面。 Regarding tuition fees and living costs, Canada is generally more affordable than the UK. Tuition fees vary depending on the university and program, but on average, they’re lower in Canada than in the UK. Living costs are also lower in Canada, particularly regarding accommodation.

但是,值得注意的是,生活费用可能会有所不同,具体取决于您选择在每个国家/地区学习的地方。例如,多伦多和伦敦等大城市的生活成本将高于小城镇或农村地区。 However, it’s worth noting that the cost of living can vary depending on where you choose to study in each country. For example, living costs in big cities like Toronto and London will be higher than in smaller towns or rural areas.

如前所述,在学费和生活费用方面,加拿大通常比英国更实惠。然而,考虑在每个国家学习的总体成本仍然很重要。 As mentioned, Canada is generally more affordable than the UK regarding tuition fees and living costs. However, it’s still important to consider the overall cost of studying in each country.

在加拿大,学士学位的价格从 10,000 美元到 60,000 美元不等,具体取决于大学和课程。但是,要充分了解在加拿大学习的负担能力如何,您必须考虑其他主要的生活开支。为了清楚地了解情况,这里是加拿大留学费用的细目分类。 In Canada, the price of a bachelor’s degree can range from $10,000 to $60,000, depending on the university and program. However, to fully understand how affordable studying in Canada is, you must consider other major lifestyle expenses. To have a clear picture, here’s a breakdown of the cost of studying in Canada.

根据英国文化协会的数据,学士学位的费用从 19 032,30 美元到 63 438 美元不等,具体取决于大学和课程。 According to the British Council, a bachelor’s degree can cost from $19 032,30 to $63 438, depending on the university and program.

值得注意的是,两国的国际学生可能有资格获得奖学金和助学金以帮助支付学费。在此处了解如何申请加拿大大学奖学金。 It’s worth noting that international students in both countries may be eligible for scholarships and bursaries to help with tuition fees. Find out how to apply for a Canadian university scholarship here.

加拿大与英国的学生生活 Student Life in Canada vs the UK

!加拿大与英国的学生生活 !Student life in Canada vs UK

加拿大和英国的学生生活丰富多彩,有很多机会参加俱乐部、社团和运动队。在加拿大,您会发现户外活动非常受重视,有滑雪、单板滑雪、徒步旅行等多种选择。在此处详细了解加拿大的学生生活可以为您提供什么。 Canada and the UK offer a rich student life, with plenty of opportunities to get involved in clubs, societies, and sports teams. In Canada, you’ll find a strong emphasis on outdoor activities, with options for skiing, snowboarding, hiking, and more. Find out more about what student life in Canada can offer you here.

相比之下,英国拥有蓬勃发展的艺术和文化景观,有许多博物馆、画廊和剧院可供探索。此外,这两个国家都提供多种多样的食品和饮料,加拿大以肉汁薯条和枫糖浆而闻名,而英国则以鱼、薯条和下午茶而闻名。 In contrast, the UK has a thriving arts and culture scene, with plenty of museums, galleries, and theatres to explore. In addition, both countries offer a diverse range of food and drink, with Canada known for its poutine and maple syrup and the UK known for its fish, chips, and afternoon tea.

毕业后的机会 Opportunities After Graduation

!毕业后的机会 !Opportunities After Graduation

你会想要就业机会或进一步学习的机会。加拿大和英国提供极好的毕业后机会,但存在一些差异。例如,它只需要熟练的医疗保健、工程和技术人员。如果您拥有这些领域的学位,您将很有可能在加拿大找到工作。这张地图向您展示了加拿大需求量最大的一些工作。 You’ll want employment opportunities or further study opportunities. Canada and the UK offer excellent post-graduation opportunities, but some differences exist. For example, it only demands skilled healthcare, engineering, and technology workers. If you have a degree in these fields, you’ll have a great chance of finding work in Canada. This map shows you some of the top jobs in demand in Canada.

在英国,机会存在于各个行业,包括金融、媒体和创意产业。另外值得注意的是,如果毕业后留在加拿大,必须申请工作许可。相反,如果您留在英国,则可以申请无需单独许可即可工作的签证。 In the UK, opportunities exist in various industries, including finance, media, and creative industries. It’s also worth noting that if you stay in Canada after graduation, you must apply for a work permit. In contrast, if you stay in the UK, you can apply for a visa that allows you to work without needing a separate permit.

移民流程 Immigration Process

!移民流程 !Immigration Process

如果您是国际学生,您必须获得学习许可或签证才能在加拿大或英国学习。 If you’re an international student, you must obtain a study permit or visa to study in Canada or the UK.

在加拿大,您必须在到达那里之前申请学习许可。为此,您必须提供 In Canada, you must apply for a study permit before arriving there. To do so, you must provide

  • 你被加拿大大学录取的证明, - Proof of your acceptance to a Canadian university,
  • 英语或法语语言能力证明 - Proof of language proficiency in English or French
  • 财政支持,以及 - Financial support, and
  • 无犯罪记录。 - A clean criminal record.

在此处详细了解如何获得加拿大学习许可。 Learn more about how to get your Canadian study permit here.

在英国,您必须在抵达前在线申请学生签证。再一次,你必须 In the UK, you must apply for a student visa online before arriving there. Again, you must

  • 提供你被英国大学录取的证据, - Provide evidence of your acceptance to a UK university,
  • 经济支持证明和 - Proof of financial support and
  • 英语知识。 - Knowledge of English.

这两个国家都需要高语言能力并使用国际英语语言测试系统(雅思)。如果您想最大限度地提高在加拿大或英国学习的机会,使用雅思备考课程可能会非常有价值。 Both countries require high language proficiency and utilize the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). If you want to maximize your chances of studying in Canada or the UK, using an IELTS preparation course can be hugely valuable.

在此处详细了解如何准备雅思考试。 Learn more about how to prepare for IELTS here.

获得学习许可或学生签证需要多长时间? How Long Does it Take to Get a Study Permit or Student Visa?

获得学习许可或学生签证可能需要几周甚至几个月的时间,因此尽早开始申请流程至关重要。要详细了解您的加拿大签证需要多长时间,请查看加拿大移民处理时间的细目分类。 It can take several weeks or even months to obtain a study permit or student visa, so starting the application process early is essential. To learn more about how long your visa will take for Canada, here’s a breakdown of the Canadian immigration processing times.

申请出国留学可能很复杂,但一些技术娴熟的专业人员可以在整个申请过程中为您提供帮助。假设您想最大限度地提高在加拿大学习的机会。在这种情况下,您可以从受监管的加拿大移民顾问 (RCIC) 的帮助中获益匪浅。 Applying to study abroad can be complex, but some skilled professionals can help you throughout your application process. Suppose you want to maximize your chances of studying in Canada. In that case, you can massively benefit from the help of a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC).

RCIC 可以确保您有资格获得签证并在整个申请过程中为您提供帮助。 An RCIC can ensure you’re eligible for a visa and help you throughout the application process.

成为加拿大的学生 Become a Student in Canada

在加拿大和英国学习的优缺点 Pros and Cons of Studying in Canada vs the UK

加拿大 Canada

####优点: Pros:

  • 优质教育: - High-quality education: 
  • 加拿大的大学和学院以其高质量的教育和研究机会而闻名。 - Canadian universities and colleges are known for their high-quality education and research opportunities.
  • 安全和温馨的环境: - Safe and welcoming environment: 
  • 加拿大是一个安全和热情的国家,拥有多元化和多元文化的社会。 - Canada is a safe and welcoming country with a diverse and multicultural society.
  • 工作机会: - Work Opportunities: 
  • 国际学生可以在学习期间兼职工作,在假期全职工作,提供宝贵的工作经验和赚钱帮助生活费用的机会。 - International students can work part-time during their studies and full-time during breaks, providing valuable work experience and the opportunity to earn money to help with living expenses.
  • 毕业后的前景: - Post-graduation prospects:
  • 加拿大为国际学生提供一系列移民选择,使毕业后更容易留在加拿大工作。 - Canada offers a range of immigration options for international students, making it easier to stay and work in the country after graduation.

####缺点: Cons:

  • 生活成本 - Cost of living
  • 虽然加拿大的学费普遍低于其他热门留学目的地,但生活成本可能很高,尤其是在多伦多和温哥华等大城市。 - While tuition fees in Canada are generally lower than in other popular study destinations, the cost of living can be high, particularly in major cities like Toronto and Vancouver.
  • 恶劣的天气 - Harsh weather
  • 加拿大以其漫长而寒冷的冬天而闻名,这对于不习惯这种条件的国际学生来说可能会很困难。 - Canada is known for its long, cold winters, which can be difficult for international students who are not used to such conditions.
  • 有限的程序选项 - Limited program options
  • 虽然加拿大提供高质量的教育,但一些学生可能会发现课程范围比其他国家更有限。 - While Canada offers high-quality education, some students may find that the range of programs is more limited than in other countries.
  • 离家的距离 - Distance from home
  • 对于来自远离加拿大的国家的国际学生来说,离家的距离可能是一个很大的缺点,主要是如果他们需要更频繁地回家。 - For international students from countries far from Canada, the distance from home can be a significant drawback, mainly if they need to travel home more frequently.

英国 The UK

####优点: Pros:

  • 世界知名大学 - World-renowned universities
  • 英国拥有一些世界一流的大学,为学生提供高质量的教育和研究机会。 - The UK has some of the world’s top universities, offering students high-quality education and research opportunities.
  • 文化体验 - Cultural experience
  • 英国丰富的文化底蕴以其多元化和国际化的社会而闻名,为国际学生提供了独特的文化体验。 - The UK’s rich cultural heritage is known for its diverse and cosmopolitan society, providing international students with a unique cultural experience.
  • 广泛的程序选项 - Wide range of program options
  • 英国提供广泛的课程选择,包括许多专业和利基研究领域。 - The UK offers a wide range of program options, including many specialized and niche fields of study.
  • 便捷的地方 - Convenient location
  • 英国与其他欧洲国家有着良好的联系,使学生可以轻松地旅行和探索欧洲其他地区。 - The UK is well-connected to other European countries, making it easy for students to travel and explore other parts of Europe.

####缺点: Cons:

  • 高昂的学费 - High tuition fees
  • 英国的学费可能相当高,尤其是对于国际学生而言,这使得一些学生难以负担得起。 - Tuition fees in the UK can be quite high, particularly for international students, making it difficult for some students to afford them.
  • 高生活成本 - High cost of living
  • 英国的生活成本可能非常高,尤其是在大城市。例如,根据 Numbeo.com 的数据,伦敦的生活成本高于加拿大任何地方。 - The cost of living in the UK, particularly in major cities,  can be very high. For example, according to Numbeo.com, the cost of living in London is higher than anywhere in Canada.
  • 有限的工作机会 - Limited work opportunities
  • 英国的国际学生在学习期间只能兼职工作,这可能需要提供更多的收入来支付生活费用。 - International students in the UK can only work part-time during their studies, which may need to provide more income to cover living expenses.
  • 不确定的毕业后前景 - Uncertain post-graduation prospects
  • 英国的移民政策可能会发生变化,导致国际学生毕业后难以留在该国工作。 - The UK’s immigration policies are subject to change, making it difficult for international students to stay and work in the country after graduation.

常见问题 FAQs

我可以在加拿大或英国学习期间工作吗? Can I Work While Studying in Canada or the UK?

国际学生可以在加拿大和英国学习期间兼职工作。 International students can work part-time while studying in Canada and the UK.

出国留学可以带家人吗? Can I Bring my Family with Me When I Study Abroad?

这取决于您所处的国家和项目。一般来说,将家人带到加拿大比带到英国更容易。 It depends on the country and the program you’re in. In general, it’s easier to bring family members with you to Canada than to the UK.

哪个国家最适合留学? Which Country is Best for Studying Abroad?

加拿大和英国提供极好的出国留学机会。不过,您的选择将取决于您的个人喜好和职业目标。加拿大的学费通常更便宜,并且非常注重学术卓越,而英国则提供更实用的教育方法和繁荣的艺术和文化场景。 Canada and the UK offer excellent opportunities for studying abroad. Still, your choice will depend on your personal preferences and career goals. Canada is generally more affordable and strongly focuses on academic excellence, while the UK offers a more practical approach to education and a thriving arts and culture scene.

无论您选择哪个国家,出国留学都是培养宝贵技能、获得独立和体验新文化的机会。在留学组织的帮助下和周密的计划下,您可以充分利用这个激动人心的机会。这就是为什么确保您的旅程从右脚开始至关重要。你最不想看到的就是进入你梦想的学院或大学,却因为无法获得所需的签证而梦想破灭。 Whichever country you choose, studying abroad is an opportunity to develop valuable skills, gain independence, and experience a new culture. With the help of study abroad organizations and careful planning, you can make the most of this exciting opportunity. This is why ensuring your journey starts on the right foot is vital. The last thing you would want is to get into the college or university of your dreams only to have those dreams dashed because you can’t get the visa you need.

确保这种情况不会发生的最佳方法之一是使用 RCIC。 RCIC 可以提供驾驭复杂的加拿大移民系统的专业知识,从而帮助您获得加拿大学生签证。他们可以建议您申请哪种类型的签证,并帮助您制定个性化的移民策略。他们还可以代表您与加拿大移民当局联络并处理所有必要的文书工作。 One of the best ways to ensure this doesn’t happen is utilizing an RCIC. An RCIC can assist you in getting a Canadian student visa by providing expertise in navigating the complex Canadian immigration system. They can advise you on which type of visa to apply for and help you create a personalized immigration strategy. They can also liaise with Canadian immigration authorities on your behalf and take care of all necessary paperwork.

此外,他们可以提供诚实的反馈,并就您的移民选择提供不同的观点。最后,通过聘请 RCIC,您可以避免来自国际学生招聘机构的诈骗,并且知道您有专业人士指导您。 Additionally, they can provide honest feedback and offer different perspectives on your immigration options. Finally, by hiring an RCIC, you can avoid scams from international student recruitment agencies and know that you have a professional guiding you.

然而,必须注意的是,使用 RCIC 并不是强制性的,因为加拿大政府对每个人一视同仁,无论他们是否使用代表。 However, it is essential to note that using an RCIC is not mandatory as the Government of Canada treats everyone equally, whether they use a representative or not.

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