Understanding Inland Spousal and Common-Law Partner Sponsorship
10 Feb 2023了解内陆配偶和普通法同居伴侣担保探索一项可以帮助加拿大公民和永久居民通过永久居留将其配偶或普通法同居伴侣留在加拿大的计划。 Understanding Inland Spousal and Common-Law Partner Sponsorship Exploring one program that can help Canadian citizens and permanent residents keep their spouse or common-law partner with them in Canada through permanent residence.
家庭是加拿大社会的主要支柱之一。因此,加拿大有几个家庭赞助计划,该国的公民和永久居民 (PR) 可以根据这些计划申请与亲人团聚。 Family is one of the primary pillars of Canadian society. Accordingly, Canada has several family sponsorship programs that the country’s citizens and permanent residents (PR) can apply under to reunite with their loved ones.
事实上,在家庭类移民中,加拿大希望每年在其配偶、伴侣和子女类别下欢迎约 80,000 名新移民。此类别下的一个计划称为内陆配偶和同居伴侣赞助。 In fact, among family-class immigrants, Canada seeks to welcome some 80,000 newcomers per year under its Spouses, Partners, and Children category. One program under this category is called Inland Spousal and Common-Law Partner Sponsorship.
该计划适用于在加拿大合法同居的配偶或同居伴侣。 This program is for spouses or common-law partners who are legally living together in Canada.
赞助您的家人移民加拿大 Sponsor your family for Canadian immigration
出于这些目的,“配偶”和“同居伴侣”的定义如下: For these purposes, a “spouse” and “common-law partner” are defined as follows:
- 配偶:您已合法结婚,并且您的婚姻根据登记地所在司法管辖区的法律和加拿大法律有效 Spouse: you are legally married, and your marriage is valid under the law of the jurisdiction where it was registered and under Canadian law
- 普通法:您正在或已经与您的伴侣以类似婚姻的关系同居至少连续 12 个月 Common law: you are cohabiting or have cohabited with your partner in a marriage-like relationship for at least 12 consecutive months
一般预申请要求 General pre-application requirements
希望通过内陆担保申请加拿大永久居留权的个人必须牢记以下几点: Individuals hoping to apply for Canadian permanent residence through inland sponsorship must keep the following in mind:
- 担保人和外籍人士都必须年满 18 岁 Both the sponsor and foreign national must be at least 18 years of age
- 在提交内陆担保申请之前的五年内,外国人和担保人都没有得到担保 Neither the foreign national nor the sponsor may have been sponsored in the five years prior to the submission of their inland sponsorship application
- 外国人和担保人都没有入狱、破产或目前被控犯有严重罪行 Neither the foreign national nor the sponsor may be in prison, bankrupt or currently charged with a serious offence
- 加拿大担保人和外籍人士均被加拿大移民、难民和公民部 (IRCC) 批准为内陆配偶担保的合格候选人 Both the Canadian sponsor and the foreign national be approved as eligible candidates for inland spousal sponsorship by Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
赞助商要求 Requirements for a sponsor
个人有资格成为担保人有几个要求。赞助商: There are several requirements for an individual to become eligible as a sponsor. The sponsor:
*不得因就业保险或残疾以外的原因接受社会援助 Must not be receiving social assistance for reasons other than employment insurance or disability
- 必须证明他们有足够的收入或资产来支持配偶或伴侣抵达加拿大后的生活 Must show that they have sufficient income or assets to support the spouse or partner once he or she arrives in Canada *不得从任何省份领取收入支持福利或处于破产程序中 Must not be receiving income support benefits from any province or be in bankruptcy proceedings
自内陆担保申请获批之日起三年内,担保人必须: For a duration of three years from the day that the inland sponsorship application is approved, a sponsor must:
- 证明有能力满足自己、配偶或伴侣的基本需求,以及(如果适用)受抚养子女的基本需求。基本需求包括住房,包括水电费;食品和个人卫生用品;日常生活所需的衣物和其他物品;公共健康保险不包括的医疗费用,例如牙科和眼科保健 Demonstrate the financial ability to provide for their own basic needs, those of the spouse or partner and, if applicable, those of dependent children. Basic needs include housing, including utility bills; food and personal hygiene products; clothing and other items necessary for daily living; medical expenses not covered by public health insurance, such as dental and eye care
- 能够在经济上支持他们的配偶或伴侣 Be able to support their spouse or partner financially
- 确保他们担保的人不需要政府的社会援助 Make sure the person they sponsor will not require social assistance from the government
被担保外国人的要求 Requirements of the foreign national being sponsored
希望获得赞助并来到加拿大的外国人的两个关键要求包括: The two key requirements of a foreign national hoping to be sponsored and come to Canada include:
- 在加拿大持有有效的临时居民身份,如工人、学生或访客 Holding valid temporary resident status in Canada as a worker, student, or visitor
- 通过所有背景、安全和体检 Passing all background, security and medical checks
###申请步骤 Application steps
注意:居住在魁北克省的内陆担保候选人必须遵循不同的申请步骤。有关这些步骤的详细信息,请参见此处。 Note: Inland sponsorship hopefuls living in the province of Quebec will have to follow different application steps. Details regarding these steps can be found here.
内陆担保申请涉及六个关键步骤。 There are six key steps involved with inland sponsorship applications.
第 1 步:关系中的加拿大公民或永久居民必须申请有资格履行其作为担保人的职责。此申请必须与外国配偶或伴侣的担保申请同时发送,并将包含在第二步所述的申请包中 Step 1: The Canadian citizen or permanent resident in the relationship must apply to become eligible to fulfill their role as a sponsor. This application must be sent at the same time as the application for sponsorship of the foreign national spouse or partner and will be included within the application package described in step two
第二步:获取在政府网站上找到的申请包;它包括一份指南、说明和表格以及一份清单,可帮助您正确完成该过程 Step 2: Obtain the application package found on the government website; it includes a guide, with instructions and forms as well as a checklist that will help you complete the process correctly
第 3 步:在线支付所有必需的申请费用(申请费用、永久居留权费用、生物识别费用) Step 3: Pay all required application fees online (application fees, right of permanent residence fees, biometric fees)
第 4 步:填写并签署所有必需的表格 Step 4: Complete and sign all required forms
第 5 步:按照您下载的指南中提供的说明,将您的申请发送到加拿大正确的签证办公室和邮寄地址 Step 5: Send your application to the right visa office and mailing address in Canada by following the instructions provided in the guide you downloaded
第 6 步:在审核申请期间,您可能会被要求提交其他证明文件 Step 6: While the application is under review, you may be asked to submit additional supporting documents
申请处理 Application processing
此赞助途径的申请需要提交至 IRCC 确定的特定邮寄地址(在上述第一步中提到的指南中提供),通常需要大约 12 个月的时间来处理。 Applications for this sponsorship pathway will need to be submitted to a specific mailing address identified by IRCC (provided in the guide mentioned in step one above) and they typically take approximately 12 months to process.
普遍的期望是,此赞助流中的申请人将在申请处理期间留在加拿大。如果外国申请人无法做到这一点,则外地配偶和同居伴侣担保可能是更好的选择。 The general expectation is that applicants in this sponsorship stream will remain in Canada during application processing. Should this not be possible for the foreign national applicant, outland spousal and common-law partner sponsorship may be a better option.
赞助您的家人移民加拿大 Sponsor your family for Canadian immigration
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