What are my rights as a Temporary Foreign Worker in Canada?
25 Feb 2023作为加拿大的临时外国工人,我有哪些权利?即使作为临时工,在加拿大的外国公民也享有其雇主必须遵守的权利;或冒法律后果的风险。 What are my rights as a Temporary Foreign Worker in Canada? Even as temporary workers, foreign nationals in Canada are guaranteed rights that their employer must adhere to; or risk legal repercussions.
加拿大的人权政策范围广泛,甚至延伸到临时来该国工作的外国人。 Canada’s human rights policies are expansive, even extending to foreign nationals who have temporarily come to work in the country.
根据临时外国工人计划 (TFWP) 和国际流动计划 (IMP)——外国工人在加拿大工作的两条主要途径——在加拿大工作的外国国民享有与公民和永久居民相同的权利和保护。 Under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP), and the International Mobility Program (IMP)—the two main paths for foreign workers to work in Canada—foreign nationals working in Canada are given the same rights and protections as citizens and permanent residents.
这些权利受法律保护,这意味着如果您是外国工人,您的雇主必须遵守 TFWP 和 IMP 规定的保护措施,否则将面临法律后果。 These rights are protected under force of law, meaning that if you are a foreign worker, your employer must adhere to the protections set forth by the TFWP and IMP, or face legal repercussions.
作为临时外籍劳工,我有哪些权利? What are my rights as a temporary foreign worker?
外国工人的权利可以分为: 雇主必须做什么才能遵守计划和法律标准;以及雇主不得做什么,以遵守。 Foreign worker rights can be broken down into: what employers must do to comply to program and legal standards; and what employers must NOT do, to comply.
我的雇主必须根据我的权利做什么? What must my employer do in accordance with my rights?
根据加拿大移民难民和公民部 (IRCC) 的规定,您的雇主必须: According to Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), your employer must:
- 向您提供有关您的权利的信息; - Give you information about your rights;
- 在工作的第一天之前或之时向您提供一份已签署的雇佣协议副本; - Give you a signed copy of your employment agreement before or on the first day of work;
- 按照您的雇佣协议中的规定支付您的工作费用。如果您的协议包括加班,雇主也必须遵守; - Pay for your work as stated in your employment agreement. If your agreement includes overtime, employers must honor this as well;
- 尽合理努力为您提供一个没有虐待(包括报复)的工作场所; - Take reasonable efforts to provide you with a workplace free of abuse, (including reprisals);
- 遵守工作所在省份或地区的就业和招聘标准;和 - Follow the employment and recruitment standards of the province or territory in which you are working; and
- 培训您安全地完成工作,包括如何安全地操作任何设备或机器——包括提供防护设备的供应和培训; - Train you to do your job safely, including how to safely operate any equipment or machinery—including providing supply and training of protective equipment;
- 如果您在工作场所受伤或生病,请采取合理措施让您获得医疗保健服务;和 - Take reasonable action to give you access to healthcare if you are injured, or become ill at the workplace; and
- 如果您在工作场所受伤或生病,请提供合理的医疗保健服务。 - Provide reasonable healthcare services if you are injured or become ill at the workplace.
根据我的权利,我的雇主不得做什么? What must my employer not do, in accordance with my rights?
类似于雇主在 TFWP 和 IMP 下必须做的事情,他们也被要求不能做某些事情;例如,您的雇主不能: Similar to what employers must do under the TFWP and IMP, they are also required not to do certain things; for example, your employer cannot:
- 强迫您从事不安全的工作,或您的雇佣协议未授权您从事的工作; - Force you to perform unsafe work, or work that your employment agreement does not authorize you to do;
- 在您生病或受伤时强迫您工作; - Force you to work if you are sick or injured;
- 向您施加压力或强迫您加班,而加班时间未包含在您的雇佣协议中; - Pressure or force you to work overtime not included in your employment agreement;
- 因举报虐待、工作不安全、住房不足或配合政府雇员进行的检查而受到惩罚; - Punish you for reporting mistreatment, unsafe work, inadequate housing, or for cooperating with an inspection conducted by a government employee;
- 拿走你的护照; - Take your passport away from you;
- 将您驱逐出加拿大或更改您的移民身份;或者 - Deport you from Canada or change your immigration status; or
- 让您偿还他们可能为雇用您而支付的与招聘相关的费用。 - Make you reimburse recruitment-related fees they may have paid to hire you.
如果我的雇主不合规怎么办? What happens if my employer is non-compliant?
如果您的雇主被发现不符合 TFWP 或 IMP 的标准,他们将面临法律后果。如果您的雇主在 2015 年 12 月 1 日之后被发现有违规行为,他们将: If your employer is found non-compliant with the standards of the TFWP or IMP, they will face legal repercussions. If your employer is found guilty of a violation after December 1st, 2015, they will:
- 收到来自 IRCC 的警告; - Be given a warning from IRCC;
- 每次违规最高罚款 100,000 美元,每年最高 100 万美元; - Receive penalties of up to $100,000 per violation, to a maximum of $1 million a year;
- 将其公司名称和地址公布在 IRCC 网站上,并附上违规行为和后果的详细信息; - Have their company name and address published on the IRCC website, with details of the violation and consequences;
- 暂停或撤销之前发布的劳动力市场影响评估 (LMIA)。 LMIA 是加拿大政府的内部评估,以确定雇用外国工人将对加拿大劳动力市场产生什么影响。在加拿大雇用外国工人之前需要;和 - Suspension or revocation of previously issued Labour Market Impact Assessments (LMIAs). An LMIA is the Canadian government’s internal assessment to determine what effect the hiring of a foreign worker will have on the Canadian labour market. It is required before the hiring of a foreign worker in Canada; and
- 因无法重新加入 TFWP 或 IMP 而被除名。 - Be removed with the inability to rejoin the TFWP or IMP.
我如何报告雇主的违规行为? How do I report non-compliance from my employer?
如果发现您的雇主不合规,您应该向有关当局报告。 If your employer is found non-compliant you should report them to the proper authorities.
您可以通过他们的提示热线联系加拿大服务部:+1-866-602-9448。这是一项保密服务,可提供 200 多种语言,专为外国工人提供支持。有一个类似的在线表格可以填写。 You can contact Service Canada through their tip line: +1-866-602-9448. This is a confidential service that can be availed in over 200 languages, made for foreign worker support. There is a similar online form that can be filled out.
此外,加拿大还有各种针对移民工人的支持组织: In addition, there are various support organizations for migrant workers in Canada:
- 不列颠哥伦比亚省的工人可以联系社区机场新移民网络或 MOSAIC; - Workers in British Columbia workers can contact Community Airport Newcomers Network or MOSAIC;
- 艾伯塔省、萨斯喀彻温省和马尼托巴省的工人可以通过他们的 TFW 中心或社区支持服务联系卡尔加里天主教移民协会; - Workers in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba can contact the Calgary Catholic Immigration Society through their TFW Hub or Community Support Services;
- 安大略省、新斯科舍省和爱德华王子岛省的工人可以联系 KAIROS Canada;和 - Workers in Ontario, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island can contact KAIROS Canada; and
- 魁北克的工人可以联系 Travailleurs Etrangers Temporaires。 - Workers in Quebec may contact Travailleurs Etrangers Temporaires.
如果需要,临时外国工人也可以向 IRCC 报告与其雇主有关的其他问题(在 TFWP 或 IMP 的范围之外)。 Temporary foreign workers can also report other problems with their employers to IRCC (outside the scope of the TFWP or IMP), should the need arise.
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