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How to overcome serious criminality to enter Canada

如何克服严重犯罪进入加拿大 如果你有犯罪记录,你可能会以严重犯罪为由被刑事禁止进入加拿大。 How to overcome serious criminality to enter Canada If you have a criminal record, you may be criminally inadmissible to Canada on the grounds of serious criminality.

严重的罪行可能会被视为加拿大不可接纳的人或受到驱逐令的约束。加拿大移民、难民和公民部 (IRCC) 根据加拿大可判处的最高刑罚将犯罪视为严重犯罪。 Serious offences may deem someone inadmissible to Canada or subject to a removal order. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) deem offences as serious criminality based on maximum imposable sentences in Canada.

对于在加拿大境内的定罪,严重的犯罪行为可能源于: For convictions within Canada, serious criminality may stem from:

  • 在加拿大被判可起诉的罪行,最高可判处至少十年徒刑;或者 - A conviction in Canada of an indictable offence punishable by a maximum sentence of at least ten years; or
  • 在加拿大被定罪并被判处至少六个月的监禁。 - A conviction in Canada and received a prison term of at least six months.

对于加拿大境外的定罪, For convictions outside Canada,

  • 在加拿大境外定罪的行为,如果在加拿大境内实施,将相当于可起诉的罪行,最高可判处至少十年徒刑;或者 - A conviction outside Canada of an act that, if committed in Canada, would be equivalent to a indictable offence punishable by a maximum sentence of at least ten years; or
  • 在加拿大境外定罪的行为,如果在加拿大境内实施,将相当于混合犯罪,最高可判处至少十年徒刑。 - A conviction outside Canada of an act that, if committed in Canada, would be equivalent to a hybrid offence punishable by a maximum sentence of at least ten years.

对于在加拿大境外实施的犯罪行为, For criminal acts committed outside Canada,

  • 在加拿大境外实施的行为,如果在加拿大境内实施,将等同于可起诉的罪行,最高可判处至少十年徒刑。 - Committing of an act outside Canada that, if committed in Canada, would be equivalent to an indictable offence punishable by a maximum sentence of at least ten years.

战胜犯罪 Overcoming Criminality

为了克服严重的犯罪行为,您必须申请临时居留许可 (TRP) 或进行刑事改造。时间的流逝并不认为外国人可以平反。 In order to overcome serious criminality, you must either apply for a Temporary Resident Permit (TRP) or for criminal rehabilitation. The passage of time does not deem a foreign national to be rehabilitated.

当个人因健康或犯罪问题而不能进入加拿大时,将使用临时居留许可 (TRP)。它允许在一段时间内临时访问加拿大。 TRP 最长可授予三年,具体取决于您的旅行目的,并且不需要完成刑事判决。 TRP 是在您可能有正当理由进入加拿大并且您进入加拿大的好处超过对加拿大社会的任何风险的情况下颁发的。 A Temporary Resident Permit (TRP) is used when an individual is inadmissible to Canada because of health or criminality issues. It grants temporary access to Canada for a certain period of time. A TRP can be granted for up to three years, depending on the purpose of your travel, and does not require the completion of a criminal sentence. A TRP is given in situations where you may have a valid reason for entering Canada and the benefit of your entrance into the country outweighs any risk to Canada society.

对于那些有严重犯罪行为的人来说,另一种选择是申请刑事康复,这将永久清除您进入加拿大的记录。为了符合资格,您的刑期必须超过五年。一旦您获得刑事康复批准,您将不再被视为不可进入加拿大。 Another option for those with serious criminality is an application for criminal rehabilitation, which permanently clears your record for the purpose of entering Canada. In order to be eligible, it must be over five years since the completion of your sentence. Once you have received approval for criminal rehabilitation, you will no longer be considered inadmissible to Canada.

为了有资格获得刑事康复,您必须满足以下条件: In order be eligible for criminal rehabilitation, you must meet the following criteria:

  • 你的刑期必须已经过去五年了。这包括入狱、罚款、社区服务或缓刑。 - Five years must have passed since your sentence has been completed. This includes jail time, fines, community service or probation.
  • 您必须在加拿大境外实施相当于加拿大刑法规定的犯罪行为。 - You must have committed an act outside of Canada that would be equivalent to an offence under the Canadian Criminal Code.
  • 您必须已被定罪或被承认犯有该行为。 - You must have been convicted of or admitted to committing the act.

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