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Fun staycation activities for families this spring break

安大略省和不列颠哥伦比亚省等省份迎来 2023 年三月假期! (不同省份的时间确实有所不同——例如,艾伯塔省和马尼托巴省将在本月晚些时候放假)。虽然有些家庭可能会选择旅行,但其他家庭可能会决定在家度假。以下是这段时间父母和孩子可能喜欢一起做的一些有趣的活动。 It’s March Break 2023 in provinces including Ontario and British Columbia! (The timing does vary in different provinces — for instance, Alberta and Manitoba will have their March Break later this month). While some families may choose to travel, others may decide on a staycation.  Here are some enjoyable activities parents and children may like to do together during this time. 

创建你的家谱 Create your family tree  

创建一个个性化的家谱,包括孩子、祖父母、父母、叔叔、阿姨、兄弟、姐妹和堂兄弟姐妹。问这样的问题:父母的眼睛是绿色的,但他们的孩子可能是蓝色的眼睛。这是怎么发生的?或者父母是右撇子,但他们的孩子是左撇子。左撇子从何而来?什么是血型?家人是否有共同的医疗条件? Create a personalized family tree that includes children, grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters and cousins. Ask questions such as: parents have green eyes, but their children may have blue eyes. How does this happen? Or parents are right-handed, but their child is left-handed. Where does left-handedness come from? What is the blood type? Does the family share any medical conditions?  

当您找到问题的答案时,您会发现哪些身体特征会代代相传。既然加拿大是一个移民国家,那么还需要问一个问题:你的家人来自哪里?你的亲戚住在哪里?通过这项活动,您的孩子不仅可以了解基因和遗传,还可以了解他们的遗传。 As you find answers to the questions, you will discover which physical characteristics are passed from one generation to the next. Since Canada is a country of immigrants, one more question needs to be asked: Where is your family from? Where do your relatives live? Through this activity, your children not only get to know genes and heredity, but also learn about their heritage. 

Canva 等各种网站可让您创建家谱的可视化地图。  Various websites like Canva allow you to create a visual map of your family tree.  

通过游戏学习科学 Learn science through play 

您可以在家找到很多有趣的实验。像对待科学实验室一样对待您的厨房。例如,这是一个色彩缤纷的实验:将红甘蓝切成小块。将切碎的卷心菜放入盛有开水的玻璃罐中。让它冷却十分钟。加入冷水,直到液体变成紫色。将卷心菜水倒入六个玻璃罐中。分别加入白醋、小苏打、柠檬汁、肥皂水、牙膏和洗发水。看着眼前的颜色变化!孩子们了解其背后的科学原理:红甘蓝汁中含有花青素,它会根据液体中酸的含量变成不同的颜色。 You can find plenty of fun experiments to do right at home. Treat your kitchen like a science lab. For instance, here’s a colourful experiment: cut a red cabbage into small pieces. Add the chopped cabbage to a glass jar with boiling water. Leave it to cool for ten minutes. Add cold water until the liquid turns purple. Pour the cabbage water into six glass jars. Add white vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, soapy water, toothpaste and shampoo, respectively. Watch the colour change before your eyes! Kids learn the science behind it: the red cabbage juice contains anthocyanin, which turns a different colour depending on the amount of acid in the liquid. 

这是另一个超级有趣的动手科学实验:向六个玻璃罐(60 毫升、120 毫升、180 毫升、240 毫升、300 毫升和 360 毫升)中的每一个添加不同量的水。用金属勺轻敲每个罐子。听起来像音乐吗?要播放不同的曲调,请按不同的顺序轻敲罐子。在每个罐子里多加一点水。会发生什么?这个实验是关于声波和音调的。 Here is another super-fun, hands-on science experiment: add a different amount of water to each of six glass jars (60 ml, 120 ml, 180 ml, 240 ml, 300 ml and 360 ml). Tap each jar with a metal spoon. Does it sound like music? To play a different tune, tap the jars in a different order. Add a little more water to each jar. What is going to happen?  This experiment is about sound waves and pitch.

想做更精彩的科学实验吗?我推荐三本书:史蒂夫·莫尔德的《科学就是魔法》;奥布雷·安德鲁斯 (Aubre Andrus) 与雷切尔·罗斯曼 (Rachel Rothman) 合着的《神奇科学》;和 Liz Lee Heinecke 的_儿童蒸汽实验室_。 Want to do more spectacular science experiments? I suggest three books: Science is Magic by Steve Mould; Amazing Science by Aubre Andrus with Rachel Rothman; and Steam Lab for Kids by Liz Lee Heinecke.

享受一些折纸的乐趣 Have some paper-folding fun 

来点折纸怎么样?这种日本的折纸艺术确实可以放松心灵,滋养灵魂。通过这种方式,您可以通过折叠和雕刻技术将一张扁平的正方形纸变成一个成品雕塑。您只需要一张漂亮的折纸,然后按照说明一步一步地折出令人惊叹的折纸模型,例如起重机、篮子、气球、钢琴和珠宝盒。 How about some origami? This Japanese art of paper folding does relax the the mind and nurture the soul. Through this, you can transform a flat square sheet of paper into a finished sculpture through folding and sculpting techniques. All you need is beautiful folding paper and then follow step-by-step folding instructions for amazing origami models, such as a crane, a basket, a balloon, a piano and a jewelry box. 

我推荐这四本书来学习折纸:Dokuohtei Nakano 的_Easy origami_; Fun and Easy Origami by Deborah Schecter;以及 Margaret Van Sicklen 的《折纸的乐趣》。 I recommend these four books to learn about origami: Easy origami by Dokuohtei Nakano; Fun and Easy Origami by Deborah Schecter; and The Joy of Origami by Margaret Van Sicklen.

继续数学之旅 Go on a journey into mathematics 

说到数学,并不是每个学生都是数学爱好者!但事实是,数学是一门非常酷的学科,有很多方法可以让您的孩子对数学感兴趣。您还可以向他们展示数学在现实生活中的应用——例如,如果杂货店有 20% 的折扣,巧克力盒的价格是多少?您还可以玩基于数学的棋盘游戏或与他们分享有趣的数字技巧。 When it comes to Math, not every student is a fan! But the truth is that math is a really cool subject and there are many ways to make math interesting for your children. You can also show them the real life application of math – for instance, what is the cost of a chocolate box if there is a 20 per cent discount at the grocery store? You can also play math-based board games or share intriguing number tricks with them.

例如,选择任何 4 位数字并将其输入计算器两次。例如,您输入两次 1234 得到一个 8 位数字:12341234。将 8 位数字除以 137,然后将屏幕上的新数字除以原来的 4 位数字。最后的答案总是 73。为什么? (在这里查看答案) For instance, pick any 4-digit number and enter it twice into a calculator.  For example, you punch in 1234 twice to make a 8-digit number: 12341234. Divide the 8-digit number by 137. Then divide the new number on the screen by the original 4-digit number. The final answer always turns out to be 73. Why? (See answer here)

您可以从这三本书中找到更多不可思议的数学,Go Figure!_by Johnny Ball; _1089 和所有这些 大卫·艾奇逊 (David Acheson) 和 MATHEMAGIC! 琳达·科尔根 (Lynda Colgan)。 You can find more incredible math from these three books, Go Figure!_by Johnny Ball; _1089 and all that by David Acheson’ and MATHEMAGIC! by Lynda Colgan.

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