PGWP Extension 2023: New Announcement By The IRCC Minister
17 Mar 2023PGWP 2023 年延期:IRCC 部长的新公告 PGWP Extension 2023: New Announcement By The IRCC Minister
2023 年 3 月 17 日,美国东部时间上午 10:40 Kamal Deep Singh,RCIC PGWP(毕业后工作许可) 17 March 2023, 10:40 AM EDT Kamal Deep Singh, RCIC PGWP (Post-Graduation Work Permit)
!PGWP 延期 2023 IRCC 部长的新公告 !PGWP Extension 2023 New Announcement By IRCC Minister
关于 2023 年 PGWP 延期的新公告:今天,加拿大移民部长 Sean Fraser 阁下宣布延长毕业后工作许可 (PGWP)。 New announcement on PGWP Extension 2023: Today, Canadian minister of immigration the Honourable Sean Fraser makes an announcement to extend post-graduation work permits (PGWPs).
IRCC 将到期或 2023 年到期的毕业后工作许可延长 18 个月。 IRCC extends Post Graduation Work Permits for 18 months that are expired or expiring in 2023 .
那些有资格在 2022 年获得 PGWP 延期的人也将有资格获得这个新的延期。 Those who were eligible for PGWP extension in 2022 will also qualify for this new extension.
从 2023 年 4 月 6 日开始,这些变化将允许想要停留更长时间的 PGWP 持有人参与便利程序以延长他们的工作许可,从而使加拿大能够保留高技能人员。 Beginning April 6, 2023, these changes will allow PGWP holders who want to remain longer to participate in a facilitative procedure to extend their work permit, allowing Canada to retain high-skilled personnel.
从 2023 年 4 月 6 日开始,符合便利程序资格的 PGWP 持有人将很快收到有关登录其在线 IRCC 安全帐户以选择加入和修改重要个人信息的提醒。 PGWP holders who are eligible for the facilitative procedure will shortly get reminders about login onto their online IRCC Secure Account to opt in and amend critical personal information beginning April 6, 2023.
对于申请者,将通过电子邮件收到临时工作授权,他们可以将其贴在过期的 PGWP 上。 For those who apply, will receive by an email, the interim work authorization, which they can affix to their expired PGWPs.
这将使他们能够在加拿大继续工作 18 个月并申请永久居留权。 This will enable them to continue work for 18 months in Canada and apply for permanent residency.
PGWPs 过期的前国际学生也可以申请这个新的开放式工签。 Former international students with expired PGWPs will also be able to apply for this new open work permit.
他们也可以申请恢复,即使他们超过了申请恢复所需的时间(90 天)。 They will also be able to apply for restoration, even if they are beyond the time (90 days) required to apply for restoration.
您可以在下面的视频中观看实时 PGWP Extension 2023 公告。 You can watch live PGWP Extension 2023 announcement in the video below.
INC – 加拿大移民新闻于 2023 年 2 月 12 日报道说,IRCC 部长正在研究 PGWP 到期的解决方案,并可能于 2023 年 3 月宣布。 INC – Immigration News Canada reported on February 12, 2023 that IRCC Minister is working on solution of Expiring PGWPs and announcement could be made in March 2023.
IRCC 部长正在研究即将到期的 PGWP 的新解决方案 > IRCC Minister Working On New Solution For Expiring PGWPs
今天关于 PGWP 扩展公告的重要内容是什么? What is important about PGWP Extension announcement today?
通常,毕业后工作许可 (PGWP) 不允许任何延期,国际学生只能获得一次 PGWP。 Usually, post-graduation work permits (PGWPs) are not allowed any extension and an international student can only have a PGWP once.
然而,IRCC 在 2022 年 8 月实施了一项临时公共政策,允许在 2022 年 12 月 31 日或之前过期的 PGWP 持有人将他们的居留时间延长 18 个月。 However, IRCC implemented a temporary public policy in August 2022 that permitted PGWP holders with expiration status on or before December 31, 2022 to extend their stay for an extra 18 months.
这背后的原因是 2021 年 9 月之后没有任何 CEC 抽签,这是具有 1 年加拿大经验的国际学生申请永久居留权 (PR) 的主要途径。 Reason behind this was absence of any CEC draw after September 2021, which is the major pathway for international students with 1 year of Canadian experience to apply for permanent residency (PR).
这项新政策允许大约 40,000 名 PGWP 持有人继续在加拿大工作。 This new policy permitted approximately 40,000 PGWP holders to continue working in Canada.
但 2023 年 CEC 的抽签干旱仍在继续,PGWP 已经到期,有些将很快到期。 But the drought of CEC draws continued in 2023 and PGWPs are already expiring and some will expire soon.
因此,预计 IRCC 部长今天将再次延长 PGWP。 As a result, IRCC Minister is expected to make another PGWP extension today.
随着加拿大允许 PGWP 延期到 2023 年,它至少将允许 PGWP 持有人继续在加拿大工作和居住。 With Canada allowing PGWP extension 2023, it will at least allow PGWP holders to continue working and stay in Canada.
需要注意的事项 Things to Watch Out For
这将是一个重要的公告,看看部长将允许 PGWP 延期的日期范围是多少。 It will be an important announcement to see what is the range of dates that minister will include to allow PGWP extension.
此外,将发布有关如何申请该政策的详细信息的确切日期。 Moreover, the exact date on which the details on how to apply for the policy will be released.
PGWP 持有人是否必须申请延期,或者它会被自动授予或更新? Will the PGWP holders have to apply for the extension OR it will be automatically granted or updated?
关于 CEC 何时仅抽签将恢复或开始有针对性的 Express Entry 抽签的确切日期的任何提示。 Any hint on when the CEC only draws will resume or exact date of starting targeted Express Entry draws.
题外话,如果部长承认 700 名国际学生被驱逐出境的问题。 Off topic, if minister acknowledges the issue of 700 international students being deported.
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新的 OINP 抽签邀请 615 名法语快速入境档案 New OINP Draws Invite 615 Francophone Express Entry Profiles
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新的 Express Entry 抽签发送记录 7,000 PR 邀请 New Express Entry Draw Sent Record 7,000 PR Invites
今天新的 Express Entry 抽签发送了创纪录的 7,000 份申请邀请 (ITA),适用于 CRS 截止 490 或以上的所有项目。 New Express Entry draw today sent record 7,000 invitations to apply (ITA) for all programs with CRS cut off 490 or above.
截至 3 月 14 日的新更新 IRCC 处理时间 New Updated IRCC Processing Times As Of March 14
查看截至 2023 年 3 月 14 日更新的官方 IRCC 处理时间,以及与前一周处理时间的比较。 Check out the updated official IRCC processing times as of March 14, 2023, along with a comparison to the previous week’s processing times.
BC PNP 抽签发送了超过 230 个新的 PR 邀请 BC PNP Draw Sent More Than 230 New Invites For PR
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曼尼托巴 PNP 配额增加 50%,该省将按照移民咨询委员会的建议举行针对特定行业的抽签。 Manitoba PNP quota increases by 50% and the province will be holding sector-specific draws as recommended by Immigration Advisory Council.
Ontario-OINP 在新抽签中邀请 822 名快速入境档案 Ontario-OINP Invites 822 Express Entry Profiles In A New Draw
OINP 新闻 2023 – 新安大略省 PNP 抽签邀请了人力资本优先 (HCP) 流下的 822 名快速入境档案。里面的细节。 OINP News 2023 – New Ontario PNP draw invites 822 Express Entry profiles under Human Capital Priorities (HCP) stream. Details inside.
Express Entry:IRCC 的员工比需要的多 65% Express Entry: IRCC Has 65% More Staff Than Is Required
新的议会预算官员报告表明,IRCC 的员工数量比 2023 年处理快速通道目标所需的员工数量多 65%。 New Parliamentary Budget Officer report suggests that IRCC has 65% more workers than is required to process Express Entry targets in 2023.
不列颠哥伦比亚省 PNP 邀请 274 名申请人进行新的抽签 British Columbia PNP Invites 274 Applicants In A New Draw
3 月 7 日不列颠哥伦比亚省 PNP 总抽签邀请了 5 个类别的 229 名申请人。切断技术工人和快速入境类别的变化。 March 7 British Columbia PNP general draw invites 229 applicants under 5 streams. Cut off changes for Skilled Workers and Express Entry categories.
这是截至 3 月 7 日新更新的 IRCC 处理时间 Here Are New Updated IRCC Processing Times As Of March 7
以下是截至 2023 年 3 月 7 日的新官方 IRCC 处理时间,以及与前一周处理时间的比较。 Here are the new official IRCC processing times as of March 7, 2023, as well as a comparison to the previous week’s processing times.
欺诈受害者;在加拿大的国际学生面临遣返令 Victim Of Fraud; International Students In Canada Facing Removal Orders
在加拿大完成学业 2-3 年后,一些在加拿大的国际学生已经收到并且更多人正在收到遣返令。 Several international students in Canada have received and more are receiving removal orders, 2-3 years after completing their studies in Canada.
了解没有 LMIA 的工作机会如何为 Express Entry 工作 Know How Job Offers Without LMIA Work For Express Entry
大多数雇主需要一个积极的 LMIA 来支持你的快速通道工作机会,但有些雇主只需要一个工作机会而不需要 LMIA。里面的细节。 Most employers need a positive LMIA to support your job offer for Express Entry, but some only need a job offer without needing LMIA. Details inside.
!PGWP 扩展 2023 新公告 !PGWP Extension 2023 New Announcement
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