How to get Labour Market Impact Assessments (LMIAs) in Canada
12 Feb 2023
如何在加拿大获得劳动力市场影响评估 (LMIA) How to get Labour Market Impact Assessments (LMIAs) in Canada
- 2023 年 2 月 12 日 February 12, 2023
根据临时外国工人计划,雇主在雇用外国公民之前必须先获得加拿大政府的批准。这以劳动力市场影响评估的形式出现。 Under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, an employer must first receive approval from the Canadian government before hiring a foreign national. This comes in the form of the Labour Market Impact Assessment.
LMIA 的目的是确保外国工人的到来不会伤害加拿大的工人。这个全面的 CanadaVisa 页面提供了 LMIA 流程的概述。 The purpose of the LMIA is to ensure the arrival of the foreign worker will not hurt workers in Canada. This comprehensive CanadaVisa page provides an overview of the LMIA process.
概述 Overview
加拿大实施临时外国工人计划 (TFWP),作为在加拿大没有合格工人从事工作时补充其劳动力的一种手段。希望在加拿大雇用外国工人的雇主通常需要向加拿大政府提交劳动力市场影响评估 (LMIA) 申请。审查申请的加拿大政府雇员必须确定雇用外国工人将对加拿大劳动力市场产生积极或中立的影响。除其他因素外,必须明确的是,没有合格的加拿大人因有利于外国工人而被放弃,并且外国工人将获得符合联邦和省级标准的工资和福利。 Canada operates the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) as a means to supplement its work force when there is no qualified worker in Canada to do a job. An employer looking to hire a foreign worker in Canada often needs to submit a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) application to the Canadian government. The Canadian government employee reviewing the application must determine that the hiring of the foreign worker will have a positive or neutral effect on the Canadian labour market. Among other factors, it must be clear that no qualified Canadians were passed up in favour of the foreign worker, and that the foreign worker will be given a salary and benefits that meet federal and provincial standards.
LMIA 流程因目标员工属于“高薪”还是“低薪”而有所不同。工资低于省/地区工资中位数的临时外籍工人被视为低工资,而工资等于或高于工资中位数的临时外国工人被视为高工资。 The LMIA process is different depending on whether the targeted employee is classified as “high-wage” or “low-wage”. Temporary foreign workers being paid under the provincial/territorial median wage are considered low-wage, while those being paid at or above the median wage are considered high-wage.
一般来说,所有雇主都必须提供证据证明他们在转向外国工人之前曾试图寻找合格的加拿大公民或永久居民来填补工作职位。此外,在雇员开始在加拿大工作后,可能会检查雇主是否遵守政府法规。 Generally speaking, all employers must provide evidence that they have attempted to find qualified Canadian citizens or permanent residents to fill job positions before turning to foreign workers. In addition, employers may be inspected for compliance with government regulations after their employee has begun working in Canada.
高薪工人 High-Wage Workers
寻求雇用高薪工人的雇主必须在提交 LMIA 申请的同时提交过渡计划,以确保他们正在采取措施逐渐减少对临时外国工人的依赖。技能培训或雇用加拿大学徒的投资证明是雇主如何证明这一点的例子。或者,雇主可以证明他们如何协助他们的高技能临时外国工人成为加拿大永久居民。如果雇主被选中进行检查,或者如果他们申请更新 LMIA,他们将被要求报告他们提交的过渡计划的进展情况。 Employers seeking to hire high-wage workers must submit transition plans along with their LMIA application to ensure that they are taking steps to reduce their reliance on temporary foreign workers over time. Proof of investment in skills training or hiring Canadian apprentices are examples of how employers can prove this. Alternatively, employers can demonstrate how they are assisting their high-skilled temporary foreign worker(s) in becoming Canadian permanent residents. If the employer is chosen for an inspection, or if they apply to renew their LMIA, they will be required to report on the progress of the transition plan that they have submitted.
过渡计划旨在确保寻找外国工人的雇主能够实现临时外国工人计划 (TFWP) 的目的。这意味着他们将使用 TFWP 作为最后和有限的手段,在没有合格的加拿大人可用时临时解决即时的劳动力需求,确保加拿大人首先有机会获得可用的工作。 The transition plans are designed to ensure that employers seeking foreign workers are fulfilling the purpose of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP). This entails that they are using the TFWP as a last and limited resort to address immediate labour needs on a temporary basis when qualified Canadians are not available, ensuring that Canadians are given the first chance at available jobs.
按省/地区划分的时薪中位数 Median Hourly Wages by Province/Territory
省/地区 |
时薪中位数 自 2022 年 4 月 30 日起生效(2019 年工资) Province/Territory |
艾伯塔省 Alberta |
$28.85 |
不列颠哥伦比亚省 British Columbia |
$26.44 |
马尼托巴省 Manitoba |
$23.00 |
新不伦瑞克省 New Brunswick |
$21.79 |
纽芬兰和拉布拉多 Newfoundland and Labrador |
$24.29 |
西北地区 Northwest Territories |
$37.30 |
新斯科舍省 Nova Scotia |
$22.00 |
努纳武特 Nunavut |
$36.00 |
安大略省 Ontario |
$26.06 |
爱德华王子岛 Prince Edward Island |
$21.63 |
魁北克 Quebec |
$25.00 |
萨斯喀彻温省 Saskatchewan |
$25.96 |
育空地区 Yukon |
$32.00 |
资料来源:加拿大统计局,2019 年劳动力调查 Source: Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey 2019
低薪工人 Low-Wage Workers
寻求雇用低薪工人的雇主无需在其劳动力市场影响评估 (LMIA) 申请中提交过渡计划。然而,他们必须遵循一套不同的指导方针。 Employers seeking to hire low-wage workers do not need to submit transition plans with their Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) application. They must, however, follow a different set of guidelines.
为了限制获得临时外国工人计划 (TFWP) 的机会,同时确保始终首先考虑加拿大人获得可用工作,加拿大政府引入了一个上限,以限制企业可以雇用的低薪临时外国工人的数量。此外,某些低薪职业可能会被 LMIA 处理拒绝。拥有 10 名或更多雇员的雇主申请新的 LMIA 时,其劳动力中可以由低薪临时外国工人组成的比例上限为 20%。 To restrict access to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP), while ensuring that Canadians are always considered first for available jobs, the Government of Canada has introduced a cap to limit the number of low-wage temporary foreign workers that a business can employ. Furthermore, certain low-wage occupations may be refused for LMIA processing. Employers with 10 or more employees applying for a new LMIA are subject to a cap of 20 percent on the proportion of their workforce that can consist of low-wage temporary foreign workers.
提供低于省/地区每小时工资中位数的工资的雇主必须: Employers offering a wage that is below the provincial/territorial median hourly wage must:
- 支付临时外劳的往返交通费; pay for round-trip transportation for the temporary foreign worker;
- 确保提供负担得起的住房; ensure affordable housing is available;
- 支付私人医疗保险,直到工人有资格享受省级医疗保险; pay for private health insurance until workers are eligible for provincial health coverage;
- 向省/地区工作场所安全委员会登记临时外籍工人;和 register the temporary foreign worker with the provincial/territorial workplace safety board; and
- 提供雇主-雇员合同。 provide an employer-employee contract.
TFWP 使用最新的劳动力调查结果来计算加拿大各地区的失业率。这些比率决定哪些地区有资格让雇主为住宿和食品服务部门以及零售贸易部门的低工资/低技能职业提交劳动力市场影响评估 (LMIA)。 The TFWP uses the latest Labour Force Survey results for the unemployment rates in regions across Canada. These rates determine which regions are eligible for employers to submit Labour Market Impact Assessments (LMIAs) for low-wage/lower skilled occupations in the Accommodation and Food Services sector and the Retail Trade sector.
这些行业的 LMIA 申请将不会在失业率为 6% 或更高的经济区域处理。 LMIA applications for these sectors will not be processed in economic regions where the unemployment rate is 6 percent or higher.
鉴于其独特的劳动力市场条件,并应西北地区政府的要求,这些部门对位于耶洛奈夫的职位的申请将被接受处理。 Given its unique labour market conditions, and as requested by the Government of the Northwest Territories, applications in these sectors for positions located in Yellowknife will be accepted for processing.
加快 LMIA Expediting an LMIA
根据 IRCC 网站,LMIA 将在 10 个工作日的服务标准内为以下职业类别的工人提供: According to the IRCC website, LMIAs will be provided within a 10-business-day service standard for workers in the following occupational categories:
需求最高的职业 Highest-demand occupations
此类别的 10 天服务标准仅限于所提供工资等于或高于省/地区工资中位数的技术行业职位。这些职位对于大型基础设施和自然资源开采项目的发展至关重要,因此被认为对加拿大经济增长至关重要。 The 10-day service standard for this category is limited to skilled trades positions where the wage offered is at or above the provincial/territorial median wage. These positions are essential to the development of major infrastructure and natural resource extraction projects, and are therefore considered vital to Canadian economic growth.
国家奥委会 2021 |
职业名称 NOC 2021 |
72011 |
承包商和主管、电气行业和电信职业 72011 |
Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations |
72013 |
承包商和主管,木工行业 72013 |
Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades |
72014 |
72014 |
承包商和主管、其他建筑行业、安装人员、维修人员和服务人员 |
Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers |
72310 |
72310 |
木匠 |
Carpenters |
72020 |
72020 |
承包商和主管,机械行业 |
Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades |
72021 |
72021 |
承包商和主管,重型设备操作人员 |
Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews |
82010 |
82010 |
主管,伐木和林业 |
Supervisors, logging and forestry |
82020 |
82020 |
监事,采矿和采石 |
Supervisors, mining and quarrying |
82021 |
承包商和主管,石油和天然气钻井服务 |
82021 |
Contractors and supervisors, oil and gas drilling services |
83110 |
83110 |
伐木机械操作员 |
Logging machinery operators |
82030 |
82030 |
农业服务承包商、农场主管和专业畜牧工人 |
Agricultural service contractors, farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers |
92010 |
92010 |
主管,矿物和金属加工 |
Supervisors, mineral and metal processing |
92011 |
92011 |
主管,石油、天然气和化学加工和公用事业 |
Supervisors, petroleum, gas and chemical processing and utilities |
92013 |
92013 |
主管,塑料和橡胶制品制造 |
Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing |
93100 |
93100 |
中央控制和过程操作员,矿物和金属加工 |
Central control and process operators, mineral and metal processing |
92100 |
92100 |
电力工程师和电力系统操作员 |
Power engineers and power systems operators |
92101 |
92101 |
水和废物处理厂运营商 |
Water and waste treatment plant operators |
72100 |
72100 |
机械师和机械加工和工具检查员 |
Machinists and machining and tooling inspectors |
72102 |
72102 |
钣金工 |
Sheet metal workers |
72104 |
72104 |
结构金属和板材制造商和装配工 |
Structural metal and plate work fabricators and fitters |
72105 |
72105 |
铁工 |
Ironworkers |
72106 |
72106 |
焊工和相关机器操作员 |
Welders and related machine operators |
72200 |
72200 |
电工(工业和电力系统除外) |
Electricians (except industrial and power systems) |
72201 |
72201 |
工业电工 |
Industrial electricians |
72202 |
72202 |
电力系统电工 |
Power system electricians |
72203 |
72203 |
电力线和电缆工人 |
Electrical power line and cable workers |
72204 |
72204 |
电信线路和电缆工人 |
Telecommunications line and cable workers |
72205 |
72205 |
电讯安装维修工 |
Telecommunications installation and repair workers |
72301 |
72301 |
蒸汽装配工、管道装配工和喷水灭火系统安装工 |
Steamfitters, pipefitters and sprinkler system installers |
72302 |
72302 |
煤气安装工 |
Gas fitters |
72400 |
72400 |
建筑技工和工业机械师 |
Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics |
72401 |
72401 |
重型设备机械师 |
Heavy-duty equipment mechanics |
72402 |
72402 |
供暖、制冷和空调机械师 |
Heating, refrigeration, and air conditioning mechanics |
72403 |
72403 |
铁路车夫/妇女 |
Railway carmen/women |
72404 |
72404 |
飞机机械师和飞机检查员 |
Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors |
72406 |
72406 |
电梯制造商和机械师 |
Elevator constructors and mechanics |
72500 |
72500 |
起重机操作员 |
Crane operators |
73402 |
73402 |
钻孔机和爆破机 - 地面、采矿、采石和建筑 |
Drillers and blasters - surface, mining, quarrying and construction |
73402 |
73402 |
水井钻工 |
Water well drillers |
83100 |
地下生产开发矿工 |
83100 |
Underground production and development miners |
83101 |
83101 |
油气井钻工、服务人员、测试人员和相关人员 |
Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers |
93101 |
石油、天然气和化工过程操作员 |
93101 |
Petroleum, gas and chemical process operators |
收入最高的职业 Highest-paid occupations
此类别的 10 天服务标准仅限于雇佣临时外国工人从事最高薪职业的雇主,这些职业提供的工资是工作所在省份或地区加拿大人所赚工资的前 10%。这一工资水平表明临时外籍工人是其职业中技能最高的,而这些技能在加拿大劳动力市场上很难找到。 The 10-day service standard for this category is limited to employers hiring temporary foreign workers in the highest-paid occupations that offer wages in the top 10 percent of wages earned by Canadians in a given province or territory where the job is located. This wage level indicates that a temporary foreign worker is the highest-skilled in their occupation, and that those skills are difficult to find in the Canadian labour market.
省/地区 |
Province/Territory |
2020 年 5 月 11 日生效的时薪中位数(2019 年工资) |
Median hourly wages effective May 11, 2020 (2019 Wage) |
艾伯塔省 |
Alberta |
52.20 美元 |
$52.20 |
不列颠哥伦比亚省 |
British Columbia |
45.00 美元 |
$45.00 |
马尼托巴省 |
Manitoba |
43.27 美元 |
$43.27 |
新不伦瑞克省 |
New Brunswick |
39.90 美元 |
$39.90 |
纽芬兰和拉布拉多 |
Newfoundland and Labrador |
45.00 美元 |
$45.00 |
西北地区 |
Northwest Territories |
59.52 美元 |
$59.52 |
新斯科舍省 |
Nova Scotia |
40.87 美元 |
$40.87 |
努纳武特 |
Nunavut |
$58.00 |
$58.00 |
安大略省 |
Ontario |
48.08 美元 |
$48.08 |
爱德华王子岛 |
Prince Edward Island |
38.46 美元 |
$38.46 |
魁北克 |
Quebec |
44.23 美元 |
$44.23 |
萨斯喀彻温省 |
Saskatchewan |
46.15 美元 |
$46.15 |
育空地区 |
Yukon |
48.08 美元 |
$48.08 |
资料来源:加拿大统计局,劳动力调查,2018 年和 2019 年 Source: Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey, 2018 and 2019
广告要求(包括豁免) Advertising Requirements (Including Exemptions)
希望雇用临时外国工人到加拿大的雇主必须为每次劳动力市场影响评估请求支付 1,000 加元的处理费。 Employers wishing to hire a temporary foreign worker to Canada must pay a processing fee of CDN $1,000 for each request for a Labour Market Impact Assessment.
对于 LMIA 和职位空缺广告,英语和法语是唯一可以作为工作要求提出的语言,除非雇主可以证明该职位还需要另一种语言。 English and French are the only languages that can be put forth as job requirements, both for LMIAs and for job vacancy advertisements, unless the employer can prove that another language is otherwise required for the position.
此外,在申请 LMIA 之前,雇主必须在加拿大就业市场上发布所有职位空缺至少 4 周。为此,雇主必须证明,除了在加拿大就业银行发布广告外,他们还使用了至少两种其他招聘方式。雇主必须将广告工作的重点放在代表性不足的加拿大人群体上,例如原住民或残疾人。 In addition, employers must advertise all job vacancies across the Canadian job market for at least four weeks before applying for a LMIA. To this end, employers are required to prove that they have used at least two other recruitment methods in addition to having posted an advertisement on the Canada Job Bank. Employers must focus advertising efforts on groups of Canadians who are under-represented, such as First Nations or persons with disabilities.
雇主必须证明他们知道他们被禁止解雇或缩短与在公司工作的临时外国工人相同职位的加拿大工人的工作时间。 Employers are required to attest to their awareness that they are prohibited from laying off or cutting the hours of Canadian workers working in the same position(s) as the temporary foreign worker(s) working at the company.
上述广告要求有多种变体。 There are a number of variations to the aforementioned advertising requirements.
魁北克特定的豁免和变化 Quebec-specific Exemptions and Variations
本节将探讨特定于魁北克省的 LMIA 流程的豁免和变更。 This section will look at exemptions and variations to the LMIA process that are specific to the province of Quebec.
向魁北克甄选证书 (CSQ) 持有人颁发工作许可证 Work permits issued to holders of a Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ)
魁北克选择证书/魁北克选择证书 (CSQ) 是魁北克政府向已获准移民到该省的个人颁发的文件。 CSQ 的持有人可以在魁北克工作,而他们的雇主不需要获得 LMIA。 A Quebec Selection Certificate/certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ) is a document issued by the government of Quebec to individuals who have been approved for immigration to that province. Holders of a CSQ may work in Quebec without their employer needing to secure a LMIA.
方便的职业列表 Facilitated list of occupations
对劳动力需求高的工业部门被列入所谓的魁北克 LMIA 职业清单。根据便利的 LMIA 程序申请的魁北克雇主无需提供招聘工作的证明。 Industry sectors experiencing high demand for labour are included on what is known as the list of facilitated LMIA occupations for Quebec. Employers in Quebec applying under the facilitated LMIA process are not required to provide proof of recruitment efforts.
其他工人 Other workers
不属于上述任一类别的外国工人在开始在魁北克工作之前,可能必须申请并获得魁北克接受证书(Certificate of Acceptance to Quebec, CAQ)和临时工作许可。 Foreign workers who do not fall into either of the above categories may have to apply for and obtain a Certificat d’Acceptation du Quebec (Certificate of Acceptance to Quebec, CAQ) and a temporary work permit before beginning their employment in Quebec.
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