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Age of most recent immigrants signals hopeful future for Canada’s workforce

大多数新移民的年龄预示着加拿大劳动力充满希望的未来 大多数加拿大新移民的年龄都在 25 到 54 岁之间。阅读更多内容以了解为什么这会对加拿大的全国劳动力产生重大好处。 Age of most recent immigrants signals hopeful future for Canada’s workforce Most of Canada’s recent immigrants are between the ages of 25 and 54. Read more to find out why this could have a significant benefit on the national workforce across Canada.

根据加拿大统计局的数据,“工作年龄人口[在加拿大] - 15 至 64 岁的人 - 从未如此老”。 According to Statistics Canada, “the working-age population [in Canada] — persons aged 15 to 64 — has never been older”.

加拿大的劳动人口发生了什么? What’s happening with Canada’s working population?

事实上,在加拿大归类为工作年龄的人中,超过 20% 的人年龄在 55 至 64 岁之间,这表明他们已接近退休。谈到加拿大人口的普遍老龄化,重要的是要认识到,从 2016 年到 2021 年,15 岁以下儿童人数的增长速度比 65 岁及以上人口的增长速度慢六倍(总计600 万)。这一现实,以及 55 至 64 岁的工作人口比例(超过五分之一)代表了加拿大人口普查历史上的历史新高,表明加拿大的劳动力显然是老化。 In fact, more than 20% of people that Canada categorizes as being of working age are between the ages of 55 and 64, which suggests that they are close to retirement. To speak to the general aging of Canada’s population, it is important to realize that, from 2016 to 2021, the number of children under the age of 15 grew at a pace six times slower than the number of people aged 65 and older (total of 6.0 million). This reality, along with the fact that this 55-to-64-year-old proportion of the working population (over 1 in 5) represents an all-time high in the recorded history of the Canadian census, signals that Canada’s workforce is clearly aging.

更令人担忧的是,加拿大的生育率低于人口更替水平。目前全球人口更替水平为每名妇女生育 2.1 个孩子。继 2009 年以来持续的趋势之后,加拿大的生育率随着时间的推移稳步下降,在 2020 年创下了每名妇女生育 1.4 个孩子的历史新低。2020 年,加拿大也经历了自 2007 年以来最低的出生人数,并且同比增长最多自 1997 年以来,出生率逐年下降 (-3.6%)。随着分娩率的下降,普遍认为加拿大正趋向于加入生育率“最低”的国家行列(每位妇女生育 1.3 个或更少的孩子)。 Adding to this concern is the reality that Canada’s fertility rate is below the population replacement level. The current global population replacement level stands at 2.1 children per woman. Following a trend that has continued since 2009, Canada’s fertility rate has steadily declined over time, reaching a record low of 1.4 children per woman in 2020. In 2020, Canada also experienced the lowest number of births since 2007 and the greatest year-over-year decrease in births (-3.6%) since 1997. The prevailing idea that comes with this downward turn in childbirth is that Canada is trending towards joining the countries with the “lowest-low” fertility rates (1.3 or fewer children per woman).

总之,这些数据表明加拿大自然劳动力的未来可能会朝着次优的方向发展。加拿大统计局认为,这些现实可能会给劳动力市场带来更大的压力,并给全国的公共医疗保健和养老金体系带来更大的压力。因此,如果加拿大想要继续维持和发展其劳动力,现在就必须将目光投向其他地方。 Together, this data suggests that the future of Canada’s natural workforce could be headed in a suboptimal direction. Statistics Canada believes that these realities may put increased stress on the labour market as well as apply added pressure on public healthcare and pension systems across the country. Accordingly, Canada must now look to other places if the country wants to continue sustaining and growing its workforce.

值得庆幸的是,移民应该有助于实现这一目标,特别是由于加拿大最近的人口普查显示的趋势。 Thankfully, immigration should help with this goal, especially thanks to the trends revealed by Canada’s most recent census.

最近的移民如何帮助加拿大的劳动力? How can recent immigration help Canada’s workforce?

根据 2021 年的人口普查数据,2016 年至 2021 年间,近三分之二的加拿大移民 (64.2%) 属于该国定义的核心工作年龄段(25 至 54 岁)。 According to 2021 census data, nearly two-thirds of Canada’s immigrants (64.2%) between 2016 and 2021 fell into the age range that this country defines as being of core working age (25 to 54 years old).

要了解加拿大对来到这个国家的技术工人年龄的重视,我们可以简单地看一下用于在快速入境移民系统中对申请人进行评分的综合排名系统(CRS)。 To understand the value that Canada places on the age of skilled workers coming to this country, we can simply take a look at the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) used to score applicants within the Express Entry immigration system.

CRS系统根据申请时的年龄为申请人提供不同的分数。 20-29 岁 (100) 岁的快速通道申请人可以获得最多的年龄分数。 The CRS system provides applicants with a different number of points depending on their age at the time of application. The most available points for age are given to Express Entry applicants aged 20-29 (100).

在 20 岁之前,17 岁或以下的候选人将获得 0 分,18 岁的候选人将获得 90 分,19 岁的候选人将获得 95 分。对于 30 岁或以上的候选人,年龄类别中的可用积分将逐步增加每年从给予 20-29 岁个人的 100 分开始减少。 30 岁时,候选人可获得 CRS 95 分。对于超过 30 岁的大多数额外年份,候选人每年会额外失去 5 分——31 岁时获得 90 分,32 岁时获得 85 分,33 岁时获得 80 分,依此类推。这在 40 岁(45 分)之后略有变化,每年总共减少 10 分——41 岁时获得 35 分,42 岁时获得 25 分,43 岁时获得 15 分——直到候选人 44 岁(5 分)。 45 岁或以上的候选人在年龄类别下获得 0 CRS 积分。 Prior to the age of 20, candidates receive 0 points if they are 17 or younger, 90 points if they are 18 years old and 95 points if they are 19. For candidates aged 30 or older, the points available in the age category will progressively decrease every year from the 100 points given out to individuals aged 20-29. At 30 years of age, candidates receive CRS 95 points. For most additional years past 30, candidates lose an extra five points per year — receiving 90 points at 31 years old, 85 points at 32, 80 points at 33 and so on. This slightly changes after the age of 40 (45 points), where there is a total 10-point decrease each year — receiving 35 points at 41 years old, 25 points at 42 and 15 points at 43 — until a candidate is 44 years old (5 points). Candidates aged 45 or older receive 0 CRS points under the age category.

考虑到现在有越来越多的移民在加拿大工作,尤其是与大流行前的水平相比,大多数新移民都处于核心工作年龄这一现实意味着他们可能成为加拿大未来劳动力发展的更大组成部分。移民已经成为加拿大劳动力增长的重要贡献者——占 2016 年至 2021 年劳动力增长的 79.9%——移民应该继续在加拿大作为一个国家的繁荣中发挥重要作用。 Considering that an increasing number of immigrants are now working in Canada, especially compared to pre-pandemic levels, the reality that most recent immigrants are of core working age means that they could be an even bigger part of Canada’s workforce development going forward. Having already been a strong contributor to the growth of Canada’s labour force — accounting for 79.9% of workforce growth between 2016 and 2021 — immigration should continue to play a large role in Canada’s prosperity as a nation.

处于核心工作年龄的新移民将能够在加拿大长期工作,从而为该国的劳动力和经济增长做出多年贡献。到 2021 年,加拿大的平均退休年龄将达到 64.4 岁,而且超过 20% 的加拿大新移民来到这个国家的年龄在 30 至 34 岁之间,因此可以合理地预计,他们将在近未来的时间里为加拿大的劳动力做出贡献三个十年。 Recent immigrants of core working age will be able to work in Canada for a long time, contributing to the country’s workforce and economic growth for many years as a result. With the average retirement age in Canada coming in at 64.4 years in 2021, and over 20% of Canada’s recent immigrants coming to this country between 30 and 34 years old, it can be reasonably expected that they will contribute to Canada’s workforce over nearly the next three decades.

因此,尽管自然人口老龄化和低出生率等全国趋势令人担忧,但由于移民和新移民来到加拿大的年龄,该国的劳动力似乎正走向更光明的未来。 Accordingly, despite worrisome national trends including an aging natural population and a low birthrate, this country’s workforce seems to be headed for a brighter future thanks to immigration and the age at which recent immigrants are coming to Canada.

FCGvisa translated, © CIC News All Rights Reserved.

The Beginner’s Guide to Canadian Study Permits

学习许可 Study Permit

  • 加拿大学习许可初学者指南 The Beginner’s Guide to Canadian Study Permits

加拿大加拿大移民Canada Study Visa加拿大工签指定学习机构Federal Skilled Worker International Students研究生工签study permit CanadaCanada immigrationCanada Study Visacanada work permitdesignated learning institutionFederal Skilled WorkerInternational Studentspost-graduate work permitstudy permit

加拿大学习许可新手指南 The Beginner’s Guide to Canadian Study Permits

发表于:2023 年 1 月 18 日 Published on: January 18th, 2023

最后更新:2023 年 1 月 20 日 Last updated: January 20th, 2023

!作者:丽贝卡·梅杰 ! By: Rebecca Major

如果您想作为外国学生来加拿大学习,首先您必须获得学习许可。学习许可赋予外国学生在加拿大认可的机构学习期间居住的合法身份。继续阅读以了解您需要了解的有关加拿大学习许可的所有信息! If you want to come to Canada and study as a foreign student, first you must obtain a study permit. A study permit gives foreign students the legal status to live in Canada while studying at an approved institution. Read on to learn all you need to know about Canadian study permits!

什么是加拿大学习许可? What is a Canadian Study Permit?

加拿大学习许可是允许外国公民在加拿大的学校学习的文件。除了极少数例外情况(见下文),所有外籍人士都需要加拿大学习许可才能在加拿大合法学习,无论他们是就读小学、中学、学院、大学还是其他课程。加拿大学习许可只会发给能够证明他们将在指定学习机构 (DLI) 学习的外国公民。 A Canadian study permit is a document allowing a foreign national to study at a school in Canada. With very few exceptions (see below) the Canadian study permit is required for all foreign nationals to legally study in Canada, whether they are attending primary school, secondary school, college, university, or another program. Canadian study permits will only be issued to foreign nationals who can prove they will be studying at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI).

什么是指定学习机构? What is a designated learning institution?

DLI(指定学习机构)是一所教育机构,已获得加拿大政府的批准,可以接纳外国公民进入其学习计划。加拿大所有的中小学都是DLI,可以招收外国学生。但是,并非所有专上教育机构都是 DLI,因此您必须在申请前查阅加拿大政府的 DLI 列表。 A DLI (Designated Learning Institution) is an educational institution which has received approval from the Canadian government to admit foreign nationals into their programs of study. All primary and secondary schools in Canada are DLIs and can admit students from foreign countries. However, not all post-secondary educational institutions are DLIs, so you must consult the Canadian government’s list of DLIs prior to applying.

学习许可的有效期是多长时间? For how long is a study permit valid?

学习许可在申请时的学习计划期限内有效。如果课程发生变化,或者学生将课程更改为持续时间更长的课程,则学生必须申请延长学习许可。当学生完成学业后,学习许可将在 90 天后失效,无论许可上注明的日期是什么。在学习许可到期之前,外国公民必须离开加拿大或申请延长在加拿大的逗留时间。许多学生选择申请研究生工作许可,如果获得批准,该许可将授权应届毕业生留在加拿大工作。 A study permit will be valid for the length of the program of study at the time of application. If the program changes, or the student changes programs to one with a longer duration, the student must apply for an extension of the study permit. When a student completes their studies, the study permit will stop being valid 90 days later, regardless of the date indicated on the permit. Before the study permit expires, the foreign national must exit Canada or apply to extend their stay in Canada. Many students choose to apply for a Post-Graduate Work Permit, if approved, this permit authorizes recent graduates to stay in Canada and work.

外国学生在加拿大有什么要求? What are the requirements for a foreign student once in Canada?

持有学习许可在加拿大学习的外国人必须满足以下条件: A foreign national studying in Canada with a study permit must meet the following criteria:

  • 始终注册 DLI always be enrolled in a DLI
  • 在完成课程方面取得进展 make progress towards completing a program *尊重学习许可上列出的条件 respect conditions listed on the study permit
  • 如果不再符合要求则停止学习 stop studying if they no longer meet the requirements
  • 许可证到期后离开加拿大 leave Canada when the permit expires

注意:违反任何允许外国人在加拿大居留的许可条款可能会危及未来申请加拿大移民。 Note: Violating the terms of any permit authorizing a foreign national to be in Canada may jeopardize future applications for immigration to Canada.

我如何获得学习许可?有资格规则吗? How do I get a study permit? Are there eligibility rules?

在成功获得加拿大学习许可之前,您需要持有加拿大 DLI 签发的有效录取通知书。您还需要满足其他一些资格要求,包括: Before you are successfully granted a Canadian study permit, you need to have a valid acceptance letter issued by a DLI in Canada. You also need to meet a few other eligibility requirements including:

  1. 旅行证件:持有有效护照(或其他合法旅行证件) 1. Travel Document: Have a valid passport (or other lawful travel document)
  2. 充足的资金:证明有足够的资金满足以下要求: 2. Sufficient Funds: Demonstrate sufficient funds to meet the following requirements:
  3. 按照 DLI 的规定支付第一年的学费。 1. Pay the student fees for your first year of study as outlined by the DLI.
  4. 负担学生及随行家属在加第一年的所有费用。 2. Meet all expenses for the first year of stay in Canada for the student and accompanying family member(s) in Canada.
  5. 负担学生和随行家庭成员从加拿大到他们祖国的交通费用。 3. Afford transportation for the student and accompanying family member(s) from Canada to their home country.
  6. 资金需以流动形式证明在主申请人、配偶申请人、家庭亲属或密友名下的账户中。 4. Funds should be demonstrated in liquid form, in the account under the name of the principal applicant, spousal applicant, a family relative, or a close friend.
  7. 体检:在大多数情况下,签证官收到学习许可申请后,他们会要求学生和随行的家庭成员完成体检。 3. Medical Exam: In most cases, after a visa officer receives an application for a study permit they will request that the student and accompanying family member(s) complete a medical exam.
  8. 犯罪记录:在某些情况下,签证官收到学习许可申请后,他们会要求提供无犯罪记录证明,以确保此人不会对加拿大安全构成威胁。 4. Criminal Record: In some cases, after a visa officer receives an application for a study permit they will request police clearance certificates to ensure a person is not a risk to Canadian security.

例外情况:在没有学习许可的情况下在加拿大学习 Exceptions: Studying in Canada without a Study Permit

在许多常见情况下,外国人在加拿大学习不需要学习许可。 There are a number of common situations in which a foreign national does not require a study permit to study in Canada.

首先,如果学习计划的持续时间为 6 个月或更短。在这种情况下,一个人可以完成课程,前提是他们具有进入加拿大的合法身份,通常是通过访客或旅游签证获得的。但是,如果该课程是一个较长课程的一部分,或者如果学生需要超过 6 个月的时间来完成该课程,则他们必须申请延长在加拿大的逗留时间。 First, if the program of study is a duration of 6 months or less. In this case, a person can complete the course provided they have legal status to enter Canada, usually obtained through a visitor or tourist visa. However, if the course is part of a longer program, or if the student will take longer than 6 months to complete the program they must apply to extend their stay in Canada.

其次,作为难民或难民申请人在加拿大的未成年子女,或者其父母是难民或难民申请人的未成年子女在加拿大学习不需要许可证。同样,如果父母有在加拿大工作或学习的合法授权,他们的未成年子女可以在没有学习许可的情况下上学前班、小学或中学。 Second, minor children who are in Canada as refugees or refugee claimants, or have parents who are refugees or refugee claimants, do not require a permit to study in Canada. As well, if a parent has the legal authorization to work or study in Canada, their minor children can attend pre-school, primary school, or secondary school without a study permit.

我可以在学习期间在加拿大工作吗? Can I work in Canada while I’m studying?

如果您持有学习许可,则可以兼职工作,无需单独申请工作许可。为了找到兼职工作,您还必须确保您拥有有效的社会保险号 (SIN)。但是,一旦您停止参加全日制课程或学习许可到期,您的工作权利也将停止。 You are allowed to work on a part-time basis if you hold a study permit and are not required to apply for a work permit separately. In order to find part time work, you must also ensure that you have a valid Social Insurance Number (SIN). However, once you stop attending the full-time course or the study permit expires, your right to work also stops.

我可以在我的学习许可上转换机构或课程吗? Can I switch institutions or programs on my study permit?

如果学生在加拿大境内改变学习领域或更换教育机构,只要他们的学习许可没有指定此信息,则不需要申请新的学习许可。如果学习许可指定了学习机构或学习领域,则必须在学生加入新课程或学校之前在许可上更新此信息。在魁北克,任何希望转换院校的外国公民都必须首先申请新的 CAQ。 Students are not required to apply for a new study permit if they change their field of study or switch educational institutions within Canada as long as their study permit does not specify this information. If the study permit specifies the institution or field of study then this information must be updated on the permit before the student can join a new course or school. In Quebec, any foreign national wishing to switch institutions must first apply for a new CAQ.

如果学生改变了他们的教育水平,例如从小学转到高中,或者从高中转到大学,那么这将需要修改学习许可。 If a student changes their level of education, for example moving from primary school to high school, or from high school to university, then this would require modification of the study permit.

我的家人可以和我一起去吗? Can my family come with me?

持有有效学习许可的全日制学生可以由他/她的配偶和子女陪同到加拿大。如果配偶获得学习许可或配偶开放式工作许可,则允许其学习或工作。虽然随行的未成年子女上学前班、小学或中学不需要学习许可,但任何在高等教育机构上学的孩子都必须申请学习许可。 A full-time student with a valid study permit can be accompanied by his/her spouse and children to Canada. The spouse is allowed to study or work if he/she obtains a study permit or spousal open work permit. While accompanying minor children do not require a study permit to attend pre-school, primary school, or secondary school, any children attending a post-secondary educational institution must apply for a study permit.

当签证官评估学习许可申请时,他们会考虑申请人是否证明他们打算在许可到期时离开加拿大。如果官员对满足此要求不满意,他们将拒绝学习许可。有时,与一个人的配偶和孩子一起申请,可能会向官员暗示申请人打算永久移居加拿大,因此不打算在许可证到期时离开加拿大。 When a visa officer assesses a study permit application, they will consider whether or not the applicant demonstrates they intend to leave Canada when their permit expires. If the officer is not satisfied that this requirement is met, they will refuse the study permit. Sometimes, applying with a person’s spouse and children, may suggest to the officer that the applicant intends to move permanently to Canada and therefore does not intend to leave Canada when the permit expires.

我可以在加拿大境内申请学习许可吗? Can I apply for a study permit from inside of Canada?

所有外国公民在进入加拿大之前必须获得学习许可,但下列人员除外,他们有资格在加拿大境内申请许可: All foreign nationals must obtain the study permit before entering Canada with the exception of those listed below, who are eligible to apply for a permit from within Canada:

  • 未成年子女 Minor children
  • 交换生 Exchange students
  • 持有有效期至少六个月的临时居留许可 Holder of a temporary resident permit valid for at least six months
  • 居住在加拿大并已根据家庭团聚申请永久居留权的配偶或同居伴侣 Spouse or common law partner residing in Canada and who have applied for PR under Family Class Sponsorship
  • 寻求延期的有效学习许可持有人或此类学习许可持有人的家庭成员 Holder of a valid study permit seeking extension or family member of such study permit holder
  • 经认可的外国代表的家庭成员/私人员工 Family members/private staff of accredited foreign representatives

放假可以回国吗? Can I go to my home country during holidays?

绝对地!许可证持有人必须出示有效护照、有效学习许可证和授权重新进入加拿大的旅行证件(旅行签证或 eTA,具体取决于公民所在国家/地区)。如果不满足这些要求中的任何一项,可能会拒绝重新进入的许可。 Absolutely! The permit holder must show a valid passport, a valid study permit, and a travel document authorizing re-entry to Canada (either a travel visa or an eTA depending on the country of citizenship). If any of these requirements are not met, permission to re-enter may be refused.

完成学业后如何留在加拿大? How can I stay in Canada after I finished my studies?

来自加拿大任何指定学习机构的大多数外国毕业生(国际学生)都有资格根据研究生工作许可计划申请开放式工作许可。但是,并非 DLI 提供的每个项目都使毕业生有资格申请研究生工作许可。请务必检查您正在学习的课程是否符合条件。随着外籍人士获得加拿大工作经验,他们将有更多资格通过“快速通道-加拿大经验类”计划获得加拿大永久居留权。 Most foreign graduates (international students) from any of Canada’s Designated Learning Institutions are eligible to apply for an open work permit under the Post-Graduate Work Permit program. However, not every program offered by DLIs make graduates eligible to apply for a Post-Graduate Work Permit. Be sure to check whether the program you’re studying will make you eligible. As a foreign national gains Canadian work experience, it will increase their eligibility to obtain Canadian permanent residency through the Express Entry – Canadian Experience Class program.

任何从一个教育级别毕业的学生都可以申请另一个教育级别的课程和学习许可。例如,一个申请大学的高中生。 Any students graduating from one level of education may apply for a program and a study permit for another level of education. For example, a high school student applying to university.

根据个人的资历,他们可以选择通过快速通道 - 联邦技术工人计划、省提名计划或其他有效的移民计划直接申请永久居留权。 Depending on a person’s credentials, they may have the option of applying directly for permanent residence through the Express Entry – Federal Skilled Worker program, Provincial Nomination Programs, or another valid immigration program.

FCGvisa translated, © canadim All Rights Reserved.

Canada’s Labour Survey Shows An Increase in Job Availability

加拿大的劳动力调查显示工作机会增加 Canada’s Labour Survey Shows An Increase in Job Availability

凯莉亚·洛萨 (Kelia Losa) 着。更新时间:2023 年 1 月 18 日 by Kelia Losa. Updated: January 18th, 2023

2分钟阅读 2 min read

!加拿大的劳动力调查显示就业机会增加 !Canada’s Labour Survey Shows An Increase in Job Availability

根据加拿大统计局周五发布的最新劳动力调查报告,加拿大经济在年底前创造了新的就业机会。该国上个月还增加了 104,000 个工作岗位,将当月的失业率降至 5.0%。这低于 11 月份的 5.1%,仅略高于 6 月份 4.9% 的历史低点。 According to Statistics Canada’s latest labour force survey report released on Friday, the Canadian economy experienced a jump in new job creation by the end of the year. The country also gained 104,000 jobs last month, lowering the unemployment rate to 5.0% for the month. This is down from 5.1% in November and barely above the June record low of 4.9%.

加拿大的就业增长 Employment Growth in Canada

15 至 24 岁的青年就业人数增幅最大,抵消了该群体 7 月至 9 月的整体损失。 Youth between the ages of 15 and 24 saw the largest rise in employment, offsetting the group’s overall losses from July to September.

虽然公共部门的雇员人数保持不变,但私营部门的雇员人数有所增加。包括运输和仓储以及建筑在内的一些行业的就业人数普遍增加。 While it remained constant in the public sector, the number of employees rose in the private sector. Several businesses, including transportation and warehousing, as well as construction, had widespread increases in employment.

2022 年 12 月,萨斯喀彻温省、安大略省、阿尔伯塔省、不列颠哥伦比亚省、马尼托巴省以及纽芬兰和拉布拉多省的就业人数有所增长。然而,其他省份的变化很小。 In December 2022, employment grew in Saskatchewan, Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, and Newfoundland and Labrador. However, the other provinces saw minimal change.

人口结构方面,12月青年男性就业率达到57.8%,为2019年4月以来的最高水平。同时,12月青年女性就业率上升。 Regarding demographics, young men’s employment rate reached 57.8% in December, the highest level since April 2019. At the same time, employment among young women rose in December.

全职就业人数在 12 月份连续第三个月增加,是就业增长的主要因素。对于截至 2022 年 12 月的年度,就业增长同样主要由全职工作推动。 Full-time employment, which increased for a third consecutive month in December, was the primary factor in the employment growth. For the year ending in December 2022, employment growth was similarly driven mainly through full-time work.

此外,尽管整体就业人数增加,但每月总工作时数同比增长 1.4%。 Additionally, the total monthly hours worked increased by 1.4% year on year despite the increase in overall employment.

混合工作 Hybrid Work

有趣的是,大约 10% 的员工有混合工作安排。 9.6% 的员工在 12 月有混合时间表,因此他们经常在家里和其他地方工作之间分配时间。这比 2022 年 1 月上升了 6.0 个百分点,但与 11 月报告的水平几乎没有变化。经常在家工作的员工比例在 12 月份为 15.8%,没有变化 Interestingly, about 10% of workers had a hybrid work arrangement. 9.6% of employees had a hybrid schedule in December, so they often split their time between working from home and elsewhere. This was up 6.0 percentage points from January 2022 but barely changed from the level reported in November. At 15.8% in December, the percentage of workers who often work just from home showed no change

因病缺勤增加 Increase of Absenteeism due to Illness

限制工作时间的原因之一是,在该机构截至 12 月中旬的参考期内,8.1% 的员工因病或残疾缺勤。这一发现发生在加拿大各地的呼吸系统疾病浪潮中,COVID-19、RSV 和流感使该国的医疗保健系统不堪重负。 One reason restricting working hours was that 8.1% of employees were absent from work owing to illness or disability during the agency’s reference period, which ended in mid-December. The findings occurred amid a wave of respiratory sickness across Canada, with COVID-19, RSV, and flu straining the country’s health-care system.

因病缺勤的发生率已从 11 月的 6.8% 增加到 2017-2019 年 12 月记录的大流行前平均水平 6.9%,但仍低于 2022 年 1 月因 Omicron 变体肆虐而创下的 10.0% 的历史新高加拿大劳动力。 The incidence of illness-related absences has increased from 6.8% in November to the pre-pandemic average of 6.9% recorded in December 2017-2019, although it remains below the record-high of 10.0% seen in January 2022 as the Omicron variant ravaged the Canadian labor force.

失业率下降 Unemployment Rate Decreases

12 月失业率降至 5.0%。这是四个月内的第三次下降,目前略高于 6 月和 7 月创下的 4.9% 的历史低点。 The unemployment rate fell to 5.0% in December. This was the third drop in four months, and the rate is now slightly above the record low of 4.9% set in June and July.

平均时薪同比增长 5.1%,连续第 8 个月涨幅超过 5%,但低于通胀水平。 Average hourly salaries increased by 5.1% year on year, marking the eighth consecutive month wage growth over 5% but falling short of inflation.

按行业和省份分列的就业增长 Employment Increase by Industry and Province

12月建筑业从业人员增加3.5万人。四个省份出现增长,其中安大略省(增长 2.7%)和艾伯塔省(增长 5.8%)居首。根据加拿大统计局最新的统计数据,10 月份全国新建筑投资增长了 0.2%,其中安大略省几乎占了所有的增长。 In December, the number of construction workers increased by 35,000. Increases were seen in four provinces, headed by Ontario (up 2.7%), and Alberta (up 5.8%). According to the most recent Statistics Canada statistics, national investment in new construction increased by 0.2% in October, with Ontario accounting for virtually all of the gains.

此外: Additionally:

  • 运输和仓储业就业人数增加 29,000 Transportation and warehousing, employment rose by 29,000
  • 信息、文化和娱乐领域的就业人数增加了 25,000 Employment in information, culture and recreation was up by 25,000
  • 专业、科学和技术服务增加了 23,000 Professional, scientific and technical services rose by 23,000
  • 住宿和餐饮服务 13,000 Accommodation and food services 13,000

几个省份也有显着增加: There were also significant increases in several provinces:

  • 在安大略省,就业人数增加了 42,000 In Ontario, employment rose by 42,000
  • 在艾伯塔省,就业人数增加了 25,000 In Alberta, employment increased by 25,000
  • 在不列颠哥伦比亚省,就业人数增加了 17,000 In British Columbia, employment increased by 17,000
  • 在马尼托巴省,就业人数增加了 7,000 In Manitoba, employment was up 7,000
  • 在萨斯喀彻温省,就业人数增加 4,200 In Saskatchewan, employment increased 4,200
  • 在纽芬兰和拉布拉多,就业人数增加了 6,700 In Newfoundland and Labrador, employment rose by 6,700

随着越来越多的员工找到工作,加拿大的经济持续繁荣。加拿大以其宽松的移民政策而闻名,许多外国人可以在这里找到工作并为劳动力做出贡献。 Canada’s economic prosperity continues as more and more employees find employment. Canada is known for its liberal immigration policies, where many foreigners can find work and contribute to the labour force.

有关加拿大移民的更多新闻,请订阅我们的 YouTube 频道并在下面的社交媒体上关注我们。 For more Canadian immigration news subscribe to our YouTube Channel and follow us on social media below.

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Alberta Express Entry Selections Based on High Demand Occupations and Family Relatives

2023 年 1 月 18 日:基于高需求职业和家庭亲属的艾伯塔省快速通道选择 January 18, 2023: Alberta Express Entry Selections Based on High Demand Occupations and Family Relatives

艾伯塔省优势移民计划继续帮助雇主满足他们的劳动力需求,提名职业需求量大且父母、子女或兄弟姐妹是加拿大公民或居住在艾伯塔省的永久居民的个人。在艾伯塔省拥有直系亲属为这些新移民提供了现成的支持系统的额外好处,这为他们在艾伯塔省的就业和生活取得成功奠定了基础。 The Alberta Advantage Immigration Program continues to help employers meet their workforce needs by nominating individuals whose occupation is in high demand and who have a parent, child or sibling who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident living in Alberta. Having immediate relatives in Alberta provides these newcomers with the added benefit of a ready-made support system, which sets them up for success in their employment and lives in Alberta.

加拿大移民、难民和公民部 (IRCC) 规定了艾伯塔优势移民计划每年可以签发的提名限额。 IRCC 向艾伯塔省提供了 6,500 份 2022 年的提名证书,并全部颁发。每年分配的提名证书的一部分可供艾伯塔省专门用于艾伯塔省快速通道流,其中包括加速技术途径。艾伯塔省快速通道流基于联邦快速通道门户中可用的个人资料信息进行操作。 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) sets the limits for nominations the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program can issue each year. IRCC provided 6,500 nomination certificates to Alberta for 2022, all of which were issued. A portion of the annually allocated nomination certificates are available to Alberta to use specifically for the Alberta Express Entry Stream, which includes the Accelerated Tech Pathway. The Alberta Express Entry Stream operates based on available profile information in the federal Express Entry portal.

今年,艾伯塔省快速通道流抽签的一部分将结合高需求职业和直系亲属关系作为选择因素,从联邦快速通道池中完成抽签并邀请他们提交完整的申请。根据候选人的主要职业和与艾伯塔省的家庭关系,这一变化可能会增加在艾伯塔省快速通道类别下选择和收到意向通知书的可能性。如果没有收到来自该项目的意向通知信,候选人不能申请艾伯塔省快速通道流。 This year, a portion of Alberta Express Entry Stream draws will use the combination of high-demand occupations and immediate family ties as selection factors when completing draws from the federal Express Entry pool and inviting them to submit a completed application. This change may increase the likelihood for selection and receipt of a Notification of Interest letter under the Alberta Express Entry Stream, depending on a candidate’s primary occupation and family connection to Alberta. Candidates cannot apply to the Alberta Express Entry Stream without receiving a Notification of Interest letter from the program.

艾伯塔省优势移民计划的任何类别的资格标准都没有变化。这只是对该计划使用的基于类别的选择因素的调整,这些因素增加了候选人在艾伯塔省快速通道流下收到意向通知书的机会。 There is no change to eligibility criteria in any stream of the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program. This is solely an adjustment to the category-based selection factors used by the program that increase a candidate’s chances of receiving a Notification of Interest letter under the Alberta Express Entry Stream.

如果满足选择因素,则无法保证会发出意向书通知。意向通知书和申请请求受满足这些要求的潜在候选人数量、处理队列中提交的类型(职业或部门)、省经济移民优先级和可用提名数量的影响。 There is no guarantee a Notification of Interest letter will be issued if selection factors are met. Notification of Interest letters and requests to apply are affected by the volume of potential candidates meeting these requirements, the type (occupation or sector) of submissions in processing queues, provincial economic immigration priorities and the number of available nominations.

有关艾伯塔省快速通道意向通知选择因素的信息包含在“资格”页面上。 Information on Alberta Express Entry Stream Notification of Interest selection factors is included on the Eligibility page.

FCGvisa translated, alberta.ca All Rights Reserved.

Scam or Real? How to Avoid Canada Immigration Fraud

骗局还是真实的?如何避免加拿大移民欺诈 Scam or Real? How to Avoid Canada Immigration Fraud

由 Themba Phongolo 创作。更新时间:2023 年 1 月 18 日 by Themba Phongolo. Updated: January 18th, 2023

!骗局还是真的?如何避免加拿大移民欺诈 !Scam or Real? How to Avoid Canada Immigration Fraud

移民到加拿大的过程是一个艰难的过程,最近由于加拿大移民欺诈率的增加而变得更具挑战性。移民诈骗的高发率已经损害了移民咨询行业的声誉。 The process of immigrating to Canada is a difficult process made even more challenging in recent times by the increased rates of Canada immigration fraud. The high incident rate of immigration scams has damaged the reputation of the immigration consultancy industry.

通过所有相关利益相关者(RCIC、CICC、IRCC)进行的深入调查,加拿大移民欺诈者活动的一系列共同趋势导致汇编了相关指标和警告标志,可以帮助潜在移民区分真假移民咨询公司。 Through intensive investigations conducted by all relevant stakeholders (RCIC, CICC, IRCC) a set of common trends in the activities of Canada immigration fraudsters has led to the compilation of relevant indicators and warning signs that can assist potential immigrants distinguish between real and fake immigration consultancy companies.

这样做是为了重新获得信任并恢复潜在移民与移民咨询公司之间的友好关系。 This is done as a measure to regain the trust and resumption of amicable relations between the potential immigrants and immigration consultancy companies.

如何判断您的移民局是真是假(骗局)? How To Tell If Your Immigration Agency Is Real or Fake (Scam)?

移民咨询公司受制于适用于所有其他企业的相同公司法和法规。这些法律法规制定的准则为所有移民咨询公司提供了一套他们必须遵守的共同职责和操作。 Immigration consultancy companies are subject to the same incorporation laws and regulations that govern all other businesses. The guidelines set by these laws and regulations gives all immigration consultancy companies a common set of duties and operations that they have to adhere to. 

如果任何移民咨询公司不遵守这些统一的监管特征,他们很可能会受到怀疑。 Should any immigration consultancy not adhere to these unifying regulatory characteristics, they are liable to be put under suspicion.

以下信息提供了所有移民代表及其附属或直接代表的咨询公司的合法性、真实性和权威性的三个特征。 The following information provides three characteristics that infers legitimacy, authenticity and authority to all immigration representatives and the consultancy companies that they are either affiliated with or directly represent.

  • 属于移民和公民顾问学院 (CCIC) 成员的公民身份或移民顾问 Citizenship or immigration consultants that are members of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CCIC)
  • 加拿大省或地区法律协会成员的律师或公证人 Lawyers or notaries that are members of the Canadian provincial or territorial law society
  • 上加拿大律师协会信誉良好的律师助理 Paralegals that are members in good standing of the law society of upper Canada

在此处检查您的移民代表是否是移民和公民顾问学院 (CCIC) 的成员。 Check if your immigration representative is a member of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CCIC) here.

如果您咨询的移民代表不具备任何这些特征,那么我们建议您立即停止咨询。假冒移民咨询公司往往试图通过使用合法公司的私人详细信息和独特的识别商标来假装他们的服务是合法的。 Should you come into consultation with an immigration representative who doesn’t possess any one of these characteristics then we recommend that you immediately stop your consultative sessions. Fake Immigration consultancy companies tend to try to pass off their services as legitimate through using the private details and unique identifying trademarks of legitimate companies. 

然而,假冒移民顾问的运作方式有一些共同特征,这些特征可以被确定为合法和欺诈活动的可能证据。 However, there are some common traits in how fake immigration consultancies operate that can be identified as possible evidence of illegitimate and fraudulent activity.

加拿大移民欺诈最常见的类型是什么? What Are The Most Common Types Of Canada Immigration Fraud?

了解假冒或真实的移民代表和移民咨询公司的区别后,了解加拿大移民欺诈的常见类型就变得很重要。以下是加拿大潜在移民应注意的最常见的移民骗局清单: With an understanding of what distinguishes fake or real immigration representatives and immigration consultancy companies, it becomes important to know what the common types of Canada immigration fraud are. Here’s a list of the most common immigration scams that potential immigrants to Canada should look out for:

就业诈骗 Employment Scams

如果移民顾问或代表为您提供一份在加拿大的工作以换取金钱,您应该立即提出怀疑。合法的移民顾问和代表绝不会谈论工作机会。作为您、申请人和 IRCC 之间的授权代理人/联络人,为您提供便利的移民程序的唯一提议。 If the immigration consultancy or representative offers you a job in Canada in exchange for money, your suspicions should be immediately raised. Legitimate immigration consultants and representatives will never speak of job offers. The only offer to facilitate the immigration process for you as authorized agents/liaisons between you, the applicant, and the IRCC.

签证诈骗 Visa Scams

如果移民代表或咨询公司为您提供工作签证以换取金钱,我们建议您保持警惕。移民机构和顾问无权授予您工作签证。这项权力完全属于 IRCC,并且基于通过检查您是否有资格移民加拿大的评估过程获得的成绩。 Should you be offered a work visa by an immigration representative or consultancy company in exchange for money, we advise that you be wary. Immigration agencies and consultants don’t have the power to grant you work visas .This power is solely vested in the IRCC and is based on merit earned via the evaluation process that checks your eligibility to immigrate to Canada.

移民顾问诈骗 Immigration Consultant Scams

移民顾问诈骗是最难识别的诈骗类型,因为它们与提供服务(促进客户移民到另一个国家)以换取金钱的移民咨询行业最常见。 Immigration consultant scams are the most difficult type of scam to identify since they are mostly in common with the immigration consultancy trade of offering a service (facilitate immigration of clients to another country) in exchange for money. 

然而,假移民机构和代表会伪装成合法移民机构或代表的形象,同时要求他们为这些服务预先付款。 However, fake immigration agencies and representatives will cloak themselves behind the image of a legitimate immigration agency or representative while dictating that they pay money upfront for those services.

我们如何帮助您避免加拿大移民欺诈? How We Can Help You Avoid Canada Immigration Fraud?

能够避免成为加拿大移民欺诈的受害者是了解移民过程的一种宝贵形式,可以为您节省金钱和时间。但是,如果没有合格的 RCIC 或附属移民咨询公司的帮助,很难获得这种见解。 Being able to avoid falling victim to Canada immigration fraud is a valuable form of insight into the immigration process that can save you both money and time. However, this insight is very difficult to get without the help of either a qualified RCIC or affiliated immigration consultancy company. 

在 CanadianVisa,我们提供基于信息和知识的咨询服务,其中包括有关如何避免成为加拿大移民欺诈受害者的会议。 Here at CanadianVisa we offer consultancy services that are informative and knowledge-based which includes sessions on how you can avoid becoming a victim of Canada immigration fraud.

为确保您只与 CanadianVisa.org RCIC 或代表打交道,您可以与我们联系或仅回复我们从社交媒体帐户发送的一条直接消息。您还可以查看我们的 RCIC,他们都是合法授权的 ICCRC 成员。 To ensure that you only deal with a CanadianVisa.org RCIC or representative, you can get in touch with us or only respond to one of our direct messages that get sent from our social media accounts. You can also review our RCICs, all of whom are legally authorized as members of the ICCRC.

我有资格吗?现在检查 Am I Eligible? Check Now

常见问题 FAQs

如何举报移民欺诈? How To Report Immigration Fraud?

IRCC 和加拿大政府提供一系列服务供您举报移民欺诈。其中最突出的是加拿大反欺诈中心。 The IRCC and Canadian government has a range of services that you can use to report immigration fraud. The most prominent of these is the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.

您可以使用哪些资源来了解有关移民欺诈的更多信息? What Resources Can You Use To Learn More About Immigration Fraud?

您可以用来了解有关加拿大移民欺诈的更多信息的最直接和合法的机构是 IRCC 本身或精通其行业流程的合法移民机构或代表。 The most immediately available and legitimate institutions you can use to learn more about Canada immigration fraud is the IRCC itself or legitimate immigration agencies or representatives who are well-versed in the processes of their industry.

移民欺诈的后果是什么? What Are The Repercussions For Committing Immigration Fraud?

实施加拿大移民欺诈的后果取决于所实施欺诈的严重程度。罚款通常是最常用的惩罚形式,但如果造成大量物质和经济损失,违法者可能会被监禁。 The repercussions for committing Canada immigration fraud is dependent on the severity of the fraud committed. Fines are usually the form of punishment most used but if a lot of material and financial damage has been committed the offenders could possibly be imprisoned.

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