飞出国签证申请中心 fcgvisa application center

Affordability payment portal opens January 18 | Lancement du portail des versements visant à rendre la vie plus abordable le 18 janvier

  • 在线申请既快速又安全 Applying online is fast and secure
  • 弱势艾伯塔人将自动收到付款 Vulnerable Albertans will receive payments automatically
  • 要闻速览 Quick facts
  • 相关信息 Related information
  • 多媒体 Multimedia
  • 翻译 Translations
  • 在线申请既快速又安全 Présenter une demande en ligne est rapide et sûr
  • 弱势艾伯塔人将自动收到付款 Les Albertaines et les Albertains vulnérables recevront des versements automatiquement
  • 要闻速览 Faits en bref *相关信息只有英文) Renseignements connexes en anglais seulement)
  • 多媒体 Multimédia (en anglais seulement)

阿尔伯塔省的经济已经强劲复苏,但许多人都在为家庭取暖和养家糊口而苦苦挣扎,政府希望提供帮助。除了为所有艾伯塔人提供广泛的广泛支持外,艾伯塔省政府还为家庭、老年人和最弱势群体提供有针对性的救济。Alberta’s economy has recovered strongly, but many people are struggling to heat their homes and feed their families and the government wants to help. Along with significant broad-based supports to help all Albertans, Alberta’s government is delivering targeted relief for families, seniors and the most vulnerable.

“从明天开始,符合条件的老年人和父母可以在六个月内申请 600 美元的负担能力付款,以帮助抵消通货膨胀压力。符合条件的家庭可以为每个 18 岁以下的儿童和每个 65 岁及以上的老年人申请负担能力付款,这将有助于保持艾伯塔省的负担能力。”“Starting tomorrow, eligible seniors and parents can apply for $600 in affordability payments over six months to help offset inflationary pressures. Eligible households can apply for affordability payments for each child under 18 and each senior 65 and up which will help to keep Alberta affordable.”

_ Matt Jones,负担能力和公用事业部长 _Matt Jones, Minister of Affordability and Utilities

安全的在线申请门户网站将于 1 月 18 日上午 9 点启动。家庭收入低于 180,000 美元的家庭有资格为每个 18 岁以下的受抚养子女每月领取 100 美元,为期六个月。家庭收入低于 180,000 美元且不领取的 65 岁或以上的老年人Alberta Seniors Benefit 也可以申请按月付款。The secure online application portal will launch on January 18 at 9 a.m. Families with household incomes below $180,000 are eligible to receive $100 per month for six months for each dependent child under 18. Seniors 65 or older who have household incomes below $180,000 and do not receive the Alberta Seniors Benefit can also apply for monthly payments.

任何无法轻松上网的人都可以通过任何注册代理或 Alberta Supports 亲自申请,以便在正常工作时间内获得 50 个地点和 100 多种语言的支持。Anyone who cannot easily go online can apply in person through any registry agent or Alberta Supports to receive support in 50 locations and over 100 languages during regular business hours.

申请将在 2023 年 1 月 18 日至 6 月 30 日之间的任何时间接受。申请流程完成后,大多数艾伯塔人将在该月底收到付款。确切的时间会有所不同。Applications will be accepted any time between January 18 and June 30, 2023. Once the application process is completed, most Albertans will receive payments at the end of that month. The exact timing will vary.

“在过去的两个月里,我们一直在努力实施加拿大最大的负担能力支持措施。我们开发的在线门户易于使用、快速、安全且可靠。我对这个系统充满信心。这是帮助艾伯塔人获得所需支持并迅速获得支持的正确方法。”“Over the last two months we have been hard at work implementing the largest affordability support measures in Canada. The online portal that we have developed is easy-to-use, fast, safe, and secure. I have every confidence in this system. It is the right approach to help Albertans get the support they need and get it quickly.”

_ Nate Glubish,技术和创新部长 _Nate Glubish, Minister of Technology and Innovation

“我们知道不断上升的通货膨胀迫使家庭做出他们不应该做出的选择,孩子们正在感受到家庭经济压力的影响。这些负担能力付款将对艾伯塔省各地努力跟上不断上涨的成本的父母和看护人产生影响。我希望通过减轻父母和照顾者的一些经济压力,我们最年轻的艾伯塔人可以专注于孩子的东西,而不是父母的账单。”“We know rising inflation is forcing families to make choices they should not have to make, and kids are feeling the impacts of the financial stress at home. These affordability payments will make a difference for parents and caregivers across Alberta who are struggling to keep up with rising costs. My hope is that by reducing some of the financial pressure on parents and caregivers, our youngest Albertans can focus on kid’s stuff, not their parents’ bills.”

_ Mickey Amery,儿童服务部长 _Mickey Amery, Minister of Children’s Services

在线申请既快速又安全Applying online is fast and secure

直接支持的应用程序门户在设计时考虑了个人隐私和安全。要申请,符合条件的父母和老年人必须拥有一个已确认或待验证的已验证帐户,这使艾伯塔人无需纸质文件或面对面访问即可证明他们是谁。The application portal for direct supports was designed with personal privacy and security in mind. To apply, eligible parents and seniors must have a confirmed or pending Verified Account, which allows Albertans to prove who they are online without paper documents or face-to-face visits.

艾伯塔人将使用其已验证帐户中的登录信息登录并完成在线申请。申请人将被问到一系列问题以验证他们的资格,以及银行信息,以便付款可以直接存入他们的银行账户。没有银行账户的申请人也可以选择通过邮寄支票接收付款。Albertans will use the log-in information from their Verified Account to sign in and complete their online application. Applicants will be asked a series of questions to verify their eligibility, as well as banking information so that payments can be deposited directly into their bank account. Applicants without bank accounts can also select to receive their payments by mailed cheques.

对于在线申请有困难或需要额外帮助的人,也可以提供面对面、在线和电话支持。In-person, online and call-in supports are also available for those who have difficulty applying online or need extra assistance.

“负担能力是艾伯塔省家庭和个人的头等大事,尤其是那些靠固定收入生活的人。今天的通货膨胀给老年人和残疾人带来了不确定性。对于这些艾伯塔人来说,额外的 600 加元可以让他们的餐桌上有更多的食物,并且可以更有把握地知道他们将能够满足他们的基本需求。”“Affordability is a top-of-mind issue for Alberta families and individuals, especially those living on fixed incomes. Today’s inflation has brought uncertainty to seniors and those living with disabilities. For these Albertans, an additional $600 is more food on the table and more assurance to know that they will be able to meet their basic needs.”

Jeremy Nixon,老年人、社区和社会服务部部长_Jeremy Nixon, Minister of Seniors, Community and Social Services_

弱势艾伯塔人将自动收到付款Vulnerable Albertans will receive payments automatically

许多有资格获得通货膨胀救济直接付款的艾伯塔人会自动加入,无需通过门户网站或亲自申请。通过严重残障人士保障收入 (AISH)、收入支持或阿尔伯塔老年人福利或通过发育障碍人士 (PDD) 计划获得服务的每个人都已经注册,并且将从 1 月 31 日开始自动收到 100 美元的付款。如果如果您是其中一项计划的接受者,并且您还有 18 岁以下的受抚养子女,则您需要通过门户网站为您的孩子申请接收付款。Many Albertans who qualify for the inflation relief direct payments are automatically enrolled and do not need to apply through the portal or in person. Everyone who receives benefits through Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH), Income Support or the Alberta Seniors Benefit, or services through the Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) program are already registered and will automatically receive their $100 payments starting January 31. If you are a recipient of one of these programs and you also have dependent children under age 18, you will need to apply to receive payments for your children through the portal.

寄养和亲属照顾者也自动注册,不需要为他们照顾的孩子申请。Foster and kinship caregivers are also automatically registered and do not need to apply for children in their care.

除了 600 美元的负担能力付款外,负担能力行动计划还提供 500 美元的总电费回扣和数百美元的估计燃油税减免,以及天然气价格保护和所得税变化,以帮助应对不断上涨的生活成本。为了进一步支持弱势的艾伯塔省人,艾伯塔省政府增加了核心支持计划和额外的食品银行资金。Along with $600 in affordability payments, the Affordability Action Plan is also providing $500 in total electricity rebates and hundreds of dollars in estimated fuel tax relief, as well as natural gas price protection and income tax changes to help with the rising cost of living. To further support vulnerable Albertans, Alberta’s government has provided an increase to core support programs and additional foodbank funding.

要闻速览Quick facts

  • 申请可以在 6 月 30 日之前提交,付款具有追溯力,包括之前符合条件的月份。 Applications can be submitted until June 30, with payments being retroactive to include previous months when a person was eligible.
  • 无法立即提供所有必需信息的申请人将有机会保存他们的申请,直到他们可以返回申请以添加剩余的详细信息。他们的付款可能会延迟,直到他们能够提供相关信息。 Applicants who are not able to provide all of the required information immediately will have an opportunity to save their application until they can return to the application to add the remaining details. Their payments may be delayed until they can provide the relevant information.
  • 艾伯塔省政府将使用来自加拿大税务局 (CRA) 的 2021 年税收数据来验证基于收入的资格。 Alberta’s government will use 2021 tax data from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to verify eligibility based on income.
  • 为获得申请方面的帮助,艾伯塔人可以: For help with their applications, Albertans can:
  • 拨打验证账户支持热线 1-844-643-2789 * call the Verified Account support line at 1-844-643-2789
  • 拨打负担能力行动计划信息热线 1-844-644-9955。 * call the Affordability Action Plan Information Line at 1-844-644-9955.
  • 亲自访问任何注册代理或艾伯塔省支持中心,免费获得 50 个地点和 100 多种语言的支持。在申请期间,Alberta Supports 提供延长的服务时间: * visit any registry agent or Alberta Supports centre in person to receive support in 50 locations and more than 100 languages at no charge. During the application period, Alberta Supports is providing extended hours from:
  • 下午 4:30到晚上 8 点周一至周五,以及 * 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday, and
  • 上午 9 点至下午 3 点在星期六。 * 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays.
  • 与所有在线帐户一样,艾伯塔人应使用强密码,不要与其他任何人分享密码。申请网站上提供了有关如何创建强密码的提示。 As with all online accounts, Albertans should use strong passwords and not share their password with anyone else. Tips on how to create a strong password are available on the application site.
  • 艾伯塔省政府不会发送短信或电子邮件要求艾伯塔人提交个人或银行信息以接收付款。 Alberta’s government will not send texts or emails asking Albertans to submit personal or banking information to receive payments.
  • 在线提供其他信息,包括操作视频和问题解答。 Additional information, including a how-to video and answers to questions, is available online.

相关信息Related information

  • 申请负担能力付款 Apply for affordability payments
  • 负担能力行动计划 Affordability Action Plan
  • 查找注册代理 Find a registry agent
  • 阿尔伯塔支持 Alberta Supports


  • 视频:如何申请负担能力福利 Video: How to apply for affordability benefits


  • 阿拉伯语 Arabic
  • 印地语 Hindi
  • 韩国人 Korean
  • 波斯语 Persian
  • 旁遮普语 Punjabi
  • 简体中文 Simplified Chinese
  • 索马里语 Somali
  • 西班牙语 Spanish
  • 他加禄语 Tagalog
  • 繁体中文 Traditional Chinese
  • 乌克兰语 Ukrainian *乌尔都语 Urdu
  • 越南语 Vietnamese

从 1 月 18 日上午 9 点开始,艾伯塔省的父母和符合条件的老年人将能够在六个月内申请 600 加元的“让生活更实惠”。À compter du 18 janvier à 9 h, les parents et les personnes âgées admissibles de l’Alberta pourront demander des versements visant à rendre la vie plus abordable de 600 $ sur six mois.

艾伯塔省的经济已经强劲复苏,但许多人都在为家庭取暖和养家糊口而苦苦挣扎;政府想帮助他们。除了为所有阿尔伯塔人提供重要的一般支持外,阿尔伯塔政府还为家庭、老年人和最弱势群体提供有针对性的援助。L’économie de l’Alberta a connu une forte reprise, mais de nombreuses personnes ont du mal à chauffer leur maison et à nourrir leur famille; le gouvernement veut ainsi les aider. En plus d’un soutien général important pour aider toutes les Albertaines et tous les Albertains, le gouvernement de l’Alberta offre une aide ciblée aux familles, aux personnes âgées et aux personnes les plus vulnérables.

“明天,符合条件的老年人和父母将能够在六个月内申请 600 美元的生活负担得起的付款,以帮助抵消通货膨胀压力。因此,符合条件的家庭将能够为每个 18 岁以下的儿童和每个 65 岁及以上的人申请这些付款,从而帮助艾伯塔省负担得起。 »« Demain, les personnes âgées et les parents admissibles pourront demander des versements visant à rendre la vie plus abordable de 600 $ sur six mois pour aider à compenser les pressions inflationnistes. Les ménages admissibles pourront donc demander ces versements pour chaque enfant de moins de 18 ans et chaque personne âgée de 65 ans et plus, ce qui contribuera à garder l’Alberta abordable. »

Matt Jones,负担能力和公共服务部长_Matt Jones, ministre de l’Abordabilité et des Services publics_

安全在线申请门户网站将于 1 月 18 日上午 9 点启动。家庭收入低于 180,000 美元的家庭将有资格为每个 18 岁以下的受抚养子女每月领取 100 美元,为期六个月。年满 65 岁且家庭收入低于 $180,000 且未领取艾伯塔省老年人福利金的人也可以申请每月付款。Le lancement du portail sécurisé de demande en ligne aura lieu le 18 janvier à 9 h. Les familles dont le revenu du ménage est inférieur à 180 000 dollars pourront recevoir 100 dollars par mois pendant six mois pour chaque enfant à charge de moins de 18 ans. Les personnes âgées de 65 ans ou plus dont le revenu du ménage est inférieur à 180 000 $ et qui ne reçoivent pas la prestation aux personnes âgées de l’Alberta pourront également présenter une demande pour les versements mensuels.

任何无法轻松上网的人都可以在 50 个地点亲自向注册代理或 Alberta Supports 申请,以便在正常工作时间内获得 100 多种语言的支持。Toute personne qui ne parvient pas facilement à se connecter en ligne peut présenter une demande en personne dans 50 emplacements auprès d’un agent du registre ou d’Alberta Supports pour recevoir une assistance dans plus de 100 langues pendant les heures normales de bureau.

申请将在 2023 年 1 月 18 日至 6 月 30 日期间的任何时间接受。申请流程完成后,大多数艾伯塔人将在月底收到付款。付款的确切时间会有所不同。Les demandes seront acceptées à tout moment entre le 18 janvier et le 30 juin 2023. Une fois le processus de demande réalisé, la plupart des Albertaines et des Albertains recevront des versements à la fin du mois. Le moment exact du versement variera.

这是帮助艾伯塔人获得所需支持并快速获得支持的正确方法。 »> “在过去的两个月里,我们一直在努力实施最重要的措施来支持加拿大的负担能力。我们设计的在线门户易于使用、快速、安全且可靠。我对这个系统很有信心。« Au cours des deux derniers mois, nous avons travaillé d’arrache-pied pour mettre en œuvre les plus importantes mesures de soutien à l’abordabilité au Canada. Le portail en ligne que nous avons conçu est facile à utiliser, rapide, sûr et sécurisé. J’ai énormément confiance dans ce système. Il s’agit de la bonne approche pour aider les Albertaines et les Albertains à obtenir le soutien dont ils ont besoin et à l’obtenir rapidement. »

Nate Glubish,技术与创新部长__Nate Glubish, ministre de la Technologie et de l’Innovation

“我们知道,不断上升的通货膨胀迫使家庭做出他们不应该做出的选择,而且孩子们正在感受到家庭经济压力的影响。这些旨在让生活变得更负担得起的付款将对艾伯塔省正在努力应对不断上涨的成本的父母和看护人产生影响。我希望通过减轻父母和照顾者的一些经济压力,我们最年轻的艾伯塔人可以专注于他们的活动,而不是他们的父母必须支付的账单。 »« Nous savons que l’inflation croissante oblige les familles à faire des choix qu’elles ne devraient pas avoir à faire et que les enfants ressentent les effets du stress financier à la maison. Ces versements visant à rendre la vie plus abordable feront une différence pour les parents et les soignants de l’Alberta qui ont du mal à faire face à la hausse des coûts. J’espère qu’en réduisant une partie de la pression financière sur les parents et les soignants, nos plus jeunes Albertaines et Albertains pourront se concentrer sur leurs activités, et non sur les factures que doivent payer leurs parents. »

Mickey Amery,儿童服务部长__Mickey Amery, ministre des Services à l’enfance

在线申请既快速又安全Présenter une demande en ligne est rapide et sûr

直接支持请求门户的设计考虑到了人们的隐私和安全。要申请,父母和符合条件的老年人必须拥有已确认或待验证的验证帐户,这使艾伯塔人无需纸质文件或亲自访问即可在线证明自己的身份。Le portail de demande de soutien direct a été conçu en tenant compte de la confidentialité et de la sécurité des gens. Pour présenter une demande, les parents et les personnes âgées admissibles doivent avoir un compte vérifié confirmé ou en attente de confirmation, qui permet aux Albertaines et aux Albertains de prouver leur identité en ligne sans documents papier ni visite en personne.

艾伯塔人将使用他们经过验证的帐户登录信息来登录并完成他们的在线申请。除了提供银行信息以便付款可以直接存入他们的银行账户外,申请人还需要回答一系列问题以验证其资格。没有银行账户的申请人也可以选择通过邮政支票接收付款。Les Albertaines et les Albertains utiliseront les renseignements de connexion de leur compte vérifié pour se connecter et remplir leur demande en ligne. Les demandeurs devront répondre à une série de questions pour vérifier leur admissibilité, en plus de fournir des renseignements bancaires afin que les versements puissent être déposés directement dans leur compte bancaire. Les demandeurs qui n’ont pas de compte bancaire pourront également choisir de recevoir leurs versements par chèques postaux.

对于在线申请有困难或需要额外帮助的人,也可获得面对面、在线和电话支持。Des mesures de soutien en personne, en ligne et par téléphone sont également disponibles pour ceux qui rencontrent des difficultés à présenter une demande en ligne ou qui ont besoin d’une assistance supplémentaire.

“负担能力是艾伯塔省家庭和个人的首要问题,尤其是那些靠固定收入生活的人。当前的通货膨胀使老年人和残疾人陷入不确定之中。对于这些艾伯塔人来说,多花 600 元就意味着餐桌上有更多的食物,而且可以更加放心地知道他们将能够满足自己的基本需求。 »« L’abordabilité est une question primordiale pour les familles et les particuliers de l’Alberta, surtout ceux qui vivent avec un revenu fixe. L’inflation actuelle a plongé les personnes âgées et les personnes ayant une incapacité dans l’incertitude. Pour ces Albertaines et Albertains, 600 $ de plus, c’est plus de nourriture sur la table, ainsi qu’une assurance supplémentaire de savoir qu’ils seront en mesure de répondre à leurs besoins fondamentaux. »

Jeremy Nixon,老年人、社区和社会服务部部长__Jeremy Nixon, ministre des Personnes âgées, et des Services sociaux et communautaires

弱势艾伯塔人将自动收到付款Les Albertaines et les Albertains vulnérables recevront des versements automatiquement

许多有资格直接支付通货膨胀救济金的艾伯塔省人会自动注册,不需要通过门户网站或亲自申请。所有通过严重残障人士保障收入 (AISH)、收入支持或艾伯塔老年人福利计划(艾伯塔老年人福利计划)或通过发育障碍人士 (PDD) 计划获得服务的人都已经注册并将自动获得他们的福利从 1 月 31 日开始支付 100 美元。如果您是其中一项计划的受益人,并且您还有 18 岁以下的受抚养子女,则您需要通过门户网站为您的孩子申请领取付款。De nombreuses Albertaines et de nombreux Albertains qui sont admissibles aux versements directs pour l’allégement de l’inflation bénéficient d’une inscription automatique et n’ont pas besoin de faire une demande par le biais du portail ou en personne. Toutes les personnes qui reçoivent des prestations par le biais de l’Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) (Revenu assuré pour les personnes gravement handicapées), du Income Support (soutien à l’emploi et aux revenus) ou de l’Alberta Seniors Benefit (Programme de prestation aux personnes âgées de l’Alberta), ou qui reçoivent des services par le biais du programme Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) (personnes atteintes de déficience développementale) sont déjà inscrites et recevront automatiquement leurs versements de 100 $ à compter du 31 janvier. Si vous êtes bénéficiaire de l’un de ces programmes et que vous avez également des enfants à charge de moins de 18 ans, vous devrez demander à recevoir des versements pour vos enfants par le biais du portail.

寄养父母和寄养父母也自动注册,不需要为他们照顾的孩子申请。Les parents de famille d’accueil et les parents d’accueil sont aussi automatiquement inscrits et ne sont pas tenus de présenter une demande pour les enfants dont ils s’occupent.

除了旨在让生活更负担得起的 600 美元付款外,负担能力行动计划还提供总计 500 美元的电费回扣和数百美元的燃油税减免,以及天然气价格保护和所得税变化,以帮助生活成本上升。为了进一步支持弱势的艾伯塔省人,艾伯塔省政府增加了核心支持计划并为食品银行提供额外资金。En plus des 600 $ de versements visant à rendre la vie plus abordable, l’Affordability Action Plan (Plan d’action pour rendre la vie plus abordable) prévoit également des remises totales de 500 $ sur l’électricité et des centaines de dollars d’allégement de la taxe sur le carburant, ainsi qu’une protection du prix du gaz naturel et des modifications de l’impôt sur le revenu pour aider à faire face à l’augmentation du coût de la vie. Pour soutenir davantage les Albertaines et les Albertains vulnérables, le gouvernement de l’Alberta a prévu une augmentation des programmes de soutien de base et un financement supplémentaire des banques alimentaires.

要闻速览Faits en bref

  • 索赔可以在 6 月 30 日之前提交,付款可追溯至包括一个人符合资格的前几个月。 Les demandes peuvent être soumises jusqu’au 30 juin, les paiements étant rétroactifs pour inclure les mois précédents où une personne était admissible.
  • 无法立即提供所有必需信息的申请人可以选择保存他们的申请,直到他们可以返回以添加剩余的详细信息。他们的付款可能会延迟,直到他们能够提供相关信息。 Les demandeurs qui ne sont pas en mesure de fournir immédiatement tous les renseignements requis auront la possibilité de sauvegarder leur demande jusqu’à ce qu’ils puissent y revenir pour ajouter les détails restants. Leurs versements peuvent être retardés jusqu’à ce qu’ils puissent fournir les renseignements pertinents.
  • 艾伯塔省政府将使用来自加拿大税务局 (CRA) 的 2021 年税收数据来验证基于收入的资格。 Le gouvernement de l’Alberta utilisera les données fiscales de 2021 de l’Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) pour vérifier l’admissibilité en fonction du revenu. *为了获得申请方面的帮助,艾伯塔人可以: Pour obtenir de l’aide pour leurs demandes, les Albertaines et les Albertains peuvent :
  • 拨打经过验证的帐户帮助热线 1-844-643-2789; * appeler la ligne d’assistance du compte vérifié au 1 844 643-2789;
  • 拨打负担能力行动计划信息热线 1-844-644-9955; * appeler la ligne d’information du Affordability Action Plan (Plan d’action pour rendre la vie plus abordable) au 1 844 644-9955;
  • 亲自访问注册代理或 Alberta Supports 以获取 50 个地点和 100 多种语言的免费支持。在请求期间,Alberta Supports 提供延长的运营时间: * se rendre en personne auprès d’un agent du registre ou d’Alberta Supports pour bénéficier gratuitement d’une assistance dans 50 emplacements et dans plus de 100 langues. Pendant la période de demande, Alberta Supports propose des heures d’ouverture prolongées :
  • 周一至周五下午 4:30 至晚上 8 点; * de 16 h 30 à 20 h du lundi au vendredi;
  • 周六上午 9 点至下午 3 点。 * de 9 h à 15 h le samedi. *与所有在线帐户一样,艾伯塔人应使用强密码,不要与任何人分享密码。有关如何创建强密码的提示可以在申请提交网站上找到。 Comme pour tous les comptes en ligne, les Albertaines et Albertains doivent utiliser des mots de passe forts et ne pas communiquer leur mot de passe à quiconque. Des conseils sur la façon de créer un mot de passe fort se trouvent sur le site de présentation des demandes.
  • 艾伯塔省政府不会发送短信或电子邮件要求艾伯塔人提交个人或银行信息以接收这些付款。 Le gouvernement de l’Alberta n’enverra pas de messages textes ni de courriels demandant aux Albertaines et aux Albertains de soumettre des renseignements personnels ou bancaires pour recevoir ces paiements.
  • 在线提供其他信息,包括操作视频和问题解答。 Des renseignements supplémentaires, notamment une vidéo pratique et des réponses aux questions sont accessibles en ligne.

相关信息(仅英文)Renseignements connexes en anglais seulement)

  • 申请付款,让生活更实惠 Présenter une demande de versements visant à rendre la vie plus abordable
  • 让生活更实惠的行动计划 Plan d’action pour rendre la vie plus abordable
  • 查找注册代理 Find a registry agent (trouver un agent du registre)
  • 阿尔伯塔支持 Alberta Supports

多媒体Multimédia (en anglais seulement)

  • 视频:如何申请负担能力福利 Vidéo : How to apply for affordability benefits (comment présenter une demande pour les versements visant à rendre la vie plus abordable)

FCGvisa translated, alberta.ca All Rights Reserved.

How to Avoid Scams on Walmart Canada

目录 Table of Contents

  • 1 假交易: 1 Fake Deals:
  • 2 网络钓鱼诈骗: 2 Phishing Scams:
  • 3 未经授权的信用卡收费: 3 Unauthorized Credit Card Charges:
  • 4 结论: 4 Conclusion:

沃尔玛加拿大是一家受欢迎的零售连锁店,以具有竞争力的价格提供范围广泛的产品。但是,与任何其他在线购物平台一样,它也不能免于诈骗。从虚假交易到网络钓鱼诈骗,诈骗者可以通过多种方式诱骗购物者交出他们的钱或个人信息。在这篇博文中,我们将探讨一些最常见的加拿大沃尔玛骗局,并分享有关如何保护自己的技巧。 Walmart Canada is a popular retail chain that offers a wide range of products at competitive prices. However, like any other online shopping platform, it is not immune to scams. From fake deals to phishing scams, there are various ways that scammers can trick shoppers into giving away their money or personal information. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most common Walmart Canada scams and share tips on how to protect yourself.

虚假交易: Fake Deals:

加拿大沃尔玛最常见的骗局之一是虚假交易。这些是在加拿大沃尔玛网站上宣传的优惠,但实际上无法购买。它们经常被用来诱骗购物者以比他们通常支付的价格高得多的价格购买产品。为避免成为此骗局的受害者,您应谨慎对待好得令人难以置信的交易,并经常查看其他在线零售平台上的产品价格。 One of the most common scams on Walmart Canada is fake deals. These are deals that are advertised on the Walmart Canada website, but they are not actually available for purchase. They are often used to trick shoppers into paying for products at a much higher price than they would normally pay. To avoid falling victim to this scam, you should be cautious of deals that are too good to be true, and always check the price of the product on other online retail platforms.

网络钓鱼诈骗: Phishing Scams:

网络钓鱼诈骗是加拿大沃尔玛的另一种常见诈骗形式。这些是伪造的电子邮件或消息,看起来像是来自加拿大沃尔玛,但实际上它们来自试图窃取您的个人信息的诈骗者。为避免成为此骗局的受害者,除非您确定电子邮件或消息来自加拿大沃尔玛,否则切勿点击链接或输入您的个人信息。 Phishing scams are another common form of scam on Walmart Canada. These are fake emails or messages that are designed to look like they are from Walmart Canada, but they are actually from scammers trying to steal your personal information. To avoid falling victim to this scam, you should never click on links or enter your personal information unless you are certain that the email or message is from Walmart Canada.

未经授权的信用卡收费: Unauthorized Credit Card Charges:

另一个需要注意的骗局是未经授权的信用卡收费。当骗子使用您的信用卡信息在加拿大沃尔玛进行未经授权的购买时,就会发生这种情况。为避免成为此骗局的受害者,您应该密切关注您的信用卡账单,并立即向您的银行或加拿大沃尔玛报告任何可疑费用。 Another scam to be aware of is unauthorized credit card charges. This happens when a scammer uses your credit card information to make unauthorized purchases on Walmart Canada. To avoid falling victim to this scam, you should keep a close eye on your credit card statements and report any suspicious charges to your bank or Walmart Canada immediately.

结论: Conclusion:

沃尔玛加拿大是一个可靠且价格合理的在线购物平台,但它也不能免受诈骗。通过了解最常见的沃尔玛加拿大骗局并采取措施保护自己,您可以放心购物并避免成为欺诈的受害者。始终对未经请求的电子邮件、不切实际的交易保持谨慎,并密切关注您的信用卡对帐单。 Walmart Canada is a reliable and affordable platform for shopping online, but it is not immune to scams. By being aware of the most common Walmart Canada scams and taking steps to protect yourself, you can shop with confidence and avoid becoming a victim of fraud. Always be cautious of unsolicited emails, unrealistic deals, and keep a close eye on your credit card statement.

通过遵循这些提示,您可以保护自己免受加拿大沃尔玛的诈骗,并获得安全愉快的购物体验。 By following these tips, you can protect yourself from scams on Walmart Canada and have a safe and pleasant shopping experience.

进一步阅读 – https://corporate.walmart.com/privacy-security/fraud-alerts/ Further reading – https://corporate.walmart.com/privacy-security/fraud-alerts/

FCGvisa translated, © immigrants101 All Rights Reserved.

Top NOC B Jobs in Canada in 2023

2023 年加拿大顶级 NOC B 职位 Top NOC B Jobs in Canada in 2023

罗宾·法瑞尔着。更新时间:2023 年 1 月 18 日 by Robynn Farrell. Updated: January 18th, 2023

5 分钟阅读 5 min Read

如果成功,邀请您申请PR!https://bit.ly/3Ry3eJS 有什么问题吗?处理时间相对较快;ation (NOC) 描述了加拿大的不同职业。3. NOC 3222 - 牙科保健员平均年薪 - $83,924 无论你想在牙医诊所、私人诊所或医院工作,加拿大各省都有各种机会。 找出最需要您的技能的地方将有助于更轻松地找到工作,并有助于提高您获得工作签证甚至永久居留权的机会。!2023 年加拿大最佳 NOC B 职位 { “@context”: “http://schema.org”, “@type”: “VideoObject”, “name”: “加拿大最佳 NOC B 职位”, “description” 一些省提名计划 (PNP) 的处理时间非常快:例如,不列颠哥伦比亚省 PNP (BC PNP) 的处理时间约为两到三个月。”, “name”: “第 2 步:选择您的移民计划” } -08T16:01:25Z”, “duration”: “PT2M36S”, “embedUrl”: “https://www.youtube.com/embed/mzyB-qyd71U”, “interactionCount”: “2148” } { “@context 每两周,您的个人资料将与其他申请人一起抽签。职业是根据他们的教育水平分组的。 5. NOC 4214 - 幼儿教育工作者平均年薪 - 83,924 美元 加拿大非常重视其教育系统。JobBank Canada 或 Monster.ca、Workopolis、Indeed.ca 甚至 LinkedIn 等各种招聘网站之一。接近加拿大 2019 年 5 月的历史低点(5.4%)。这是它首次恢复到 COVID 之前的水平。总体而言,加拿大八个省的就业人数有所增加,特别是根据国家职业分类的工作一旦您从您选择的移民咨询公司获得资格评估结果,您就可以自信地继续并开始填写您的申请表。”, “name”: “Step 3: Start the Application Process” }] }今天,我们将探索这个群体中的一些需求职业。 要了解有关加拿大顶级 NOC B 工作的更多信息,请访问加拿大移民解决方案专家 Candianvisa.org。 “在加拿大获得 NOC B 工作资格的最好的部分是,您有资格通过快速入境系统下的三个项目之一直接申请永久居留权 (PR)。您搬到 Great White North 的机会成倍增加。什么是国家职业分类 (NOC)?国家职业分类2. NOC 1311 - 会计技术员和簿记员平均年薪 - 48,526 美元 无论您是记录企业账户、提交纳税申报表还是核实财务交易,每个企业都需要您的服务。 : “HowToStep”, “text”: “这可能是在加拿大找到梦想工作的重要一步之一,如果不是最重要的一步。如果您在加拿大有工作机会,另一种选择是直接向您工作所在的省提出申请,这非常好。请在评论部分提出您的疑问,我们会尽快提供帮助!”, “thumbnailUrl”: “https://i.ytimg.com/vi/mzyB-qyd71U/default.jpg”, “uploadDate”: “2022-09 平均六到八个月,个人资料有效期最长为一年。每个职业都列出了所有主要职责、教育要求和其他相关信息。4. NOC 4211 - 律师助理平均年薪 - $52,677 作为律师助理,你的主要职责是协助律师或其他法律专业人士研究和准备法律文件 - 加拿大需要你! 您可以通过在政府职位列表网站上搜索您的职业和省份来完成此操作; :“准备好了解您的职业是否已进入我们的前五名需求 NOC B 职位列表?单击此处。https://bit.ly/3qnTl5r 根据加拿大统计局的数据,2022 年 2 月失业率已降至 5.5%,即,{ “@type”: “HowToStep”, “text”: “现在您知道哪里需要您的工作以及您有资格参加哪些项目,是时候开始签证申请流程了。NOC B 职业适合受过大学教育的技术工人。它拥有世界上受教育程度最高的成年人口,您可以凭借合适的技能成为这个社区的一员。另一种选择是查看我们的热门工作页面。”, “name”: “第 1 步:找出最需要您的工作的地方”},{ “@type”: “HowToStep”, “text”: 分类 (NOC) 为高技能。现在在加拿大比以往任何时候都更容易找到工作。为此,您需要知道您的 NOC 代码。如果您的工作具有加拿大所需的 NOC 代码,则1. NOC 1223 - 人力资源和招聘人员平均年薪 - 54,045 美元 随着越来越多的国家希望招聘远程和现场员工,对招聘经理的需求大幅增加。 “: “https://schema.org/”, “@type”: “HowTo”, “name”: “如何通过 3 个简单步骤开始在加拿大工作”, “step”: [{ “@type” !Top NOC B Jobs in Canada in 2023 { “@context”: “http://schema.org”, “@type”: “VideoObject”, “name”: “Top NOC B Jobs in Canada”, “description”: “Ready to find out if your occupation has made our top five in demand NOC B jobs list? Click here. https://bit.ly/3qnTl5r According to Statistics Canada, unemployment has dropped to 5.5 percent in February 2022, which is close to Canada’s record low in May 2019 (5.4 percent). This is the first time that it returned to pre-COVID levels. Overall, eight of Canada’s provinces saw an increase in employment, particularly in jobs that are classified according to the National Occupational Classification (NOC) as highly skilled. It is now easier than ever to find work in Canada. In order to do so, you need to know your NOC code. If you have a job with a NOC code that’s in demand in Canada, the chances of you moving to the Great White North increase exponentially. What is the National Occupational Classification (NOC)? The National Occupational Classification (NOC) describes different occupations in Canada. Each occupation lists all of the main duties, educational requirements, and other related information. Professions are grouped according to their level of education. NOC B careers would be for Skilled workers who have a college education. Today we will explore a few of the in-demand occupations within this group. 1. NOC 1223 - Human Resources and Recruitment Officers Average Annual Salary - $54,045 As more and more countries look to recruit both remote and on-site workers, the need for recruitment managers has seen a vast increase in demand. 2. NOC 1311 - Accounting Technicians and Bookkeepers Average Annual Salary - $48,526 Whether you keep records of your business accounts, file tax returns or verify financial transactions, every business will need your services. 3. NOC 3222 - Dental hygienists Average Annual Salary - $83,924 Whether you’re looking to work in a dentist’s office, private clinic or hospital, there are various opportunities in various provinces across Canada. 4. NOC 4211 - Paralegals Average Annual Salary - $52,677 As a paralegal, your main role is to assist lawyers or other legal professionals in researching and preparing legal documents - and Canada needs you! 5. NOC 4214 - Early childhood educators Average Annual Salary - $83,924 Canada places a huge emphasis on its education system. It has the most educated adult population in the world, And you can be part of this community with the right skills. To learn more about the Top NOC B Jobs in Canada, head on over to Candianvisa.org, the experts in Canadian immigration solutions. https://bit.ly/3Ry3eJS Have any questions? Drop your queries in the comments section, and we will quickly assist!”, “thumbnailUrl”: “https://i.ytimg.com/vi/mzyB-qyd71U/default.jpg”, “uploadDate”: “2022-09-08T16:01:25Z”, “duration”: “PT2M36S”, “embedUrl”: “https://www.youtube.com/embed/mzyB-qyd71U”, “interactionCount”: “2148” } { “@context”: “https://schema.org/”, “@type”: “HowTo”, “name”: “How to Start Working in Canada in 3 Simple Steps”, “step”: [{ “@type”: “HowToStep”, “text”: “This is perhaps one of, if not the most, important step to landing your dream job in Canada. Finding out where your skills are in demand most will help make finding a job easier and help improve your chances of getting a work visa or even permanent residency. You can either do this by searching for your occupation and province on the government job listing website; JobBank Canada or one of the various recruitment websites like Monster.ca, Workopolis, Indeed.ca or even LinkedIn. Another option is to take a look at our in-demand jobs page.”, “name”: “Step 1: Find out Where Your Job is Needed Most” },{ “@type”: “HowToStep”, “text”: “The best part about qualifying for an NOC B job in Canada is that you could be eligible to apply directly for Permanent Residency (PR) through one of three programs under the Express Entry System. The processing times are relatively quick; six to eight months on average, and the profile will be valid for up to a year. Every two weeks, your profile will be entered into a draw with other applicants. If successful, you are invited to apply for PR! Another option to look at, which is great if you have a job offer in Canada, is to apply directly to the province where your job is located. Some Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) have very fast processing times: the British Columbia PNP (BC PNP) has processing times of around two to three months, for example.”, “name”: “Step 2: Choose your Immigration Program” },{ “@type”: “HowToStep”, “text”: “Now that you know where your job is in demand and which programs you qualify for, it’s time to start the visa application process. Once you get your eligibility assessment results from your chosen immigration consultancy, you can confidently move forward and start completing your application forms.”, “name”: “Step 3: Start the Application Process” }] }

根据加拿大统计局的数据,在加拿大找工作变得容易多了。 According to Statistics Canada, finding a job in Canada has become a lot easier.

2022 年 2 月,失业率已降至 5.5%,接近加拿大 2019 年 5 月的历史低点(5.4%)。这是它首次恢复到 COVID 之前的水平。 Unemployment has dropped to 5.5 percent in February 2022, which is close to Canada’s record low in May 2019 (5.4 percent). This is the first time that it returned to pre-COVID levels.

一些最大的就业增长出现在以下行业: Some of the top employment gains were found in sectors like the:

*住宿和餐饮服务; Accommodation and food services;

  • 信息、文化和娱乐; Information, culture and recreation;
  • 零售业。 Retail trade.

总体而言,加拿大八个省的就业人数有所增加,特别是根据国家职业分类 (NOC) 归类为高技能的工作。 Overall, eight of Canada’s provinces saw an increase in employment, particularly in jobs that are classified according to the National Occupational Classification (NOC) as highly skilled.

什么是国家职业分类 (NOC)? What is the National Occupational Classification (NOC)?

国家职业分类 (NOC) 描述了加拿大的不同职业。每个职业都列出了所有主要职责、教育要求和其他相关信息。 The National Occupational Classification (NOC) describes different occupations in Canada. Each occupation lists all of the main duties, educational requirements, and other related information.

在我们深入 NOC 技能等级 B 的顶级工作之前,让我们深入研究一下这个技能等级到底指的是什么。 Before we dip into the top NOC Skill Level B jobs, let’s delve into what exactly this skills level refers to.

哪些工作被认为是 NOC B? What Jobs Are Considered NOC B?

NOC 或 Skill Level B 工作是指被归类为技术或技能行业的工作。这通常需要大学文凭、专业培训或学徒培训。 NOC or Skill Level B jobs refer to jobs that are classified as either technical or skilled trades. This usually requires a college diploma, specialized training or an apprenticeship.

以下是 NOC B 职位的一些示例: Below are some examples of NOC B jobs:

  • 厨师 Chefs
  • 管道工 Plumbers
  • 电工 Electricians

准备好了解您的职业是否已进入我们需求量最大的 NOC B 职位列表的前五名吗? Ready to find out if your occupation has made our top five in demand NOC B jobs list?

加拿大排名前 5 位的 NOC B 职位 Top 5 NOC B Jobs in Canada

!微笑的员工在办公室 加拿大的 NOC B 职位 !smiling employees in office NOC B Jobs in Canada

人力资源和招聘人员 - NOC 1223 Human Resources and Recruitment Officers - NOC 1223

平均年薪 - $54,045 Average Annual Salary - $54,045

加拿大对人力资源和招聘人员的需求量很大。随着越来越多的国家希望招聘远程和现场员工,对招聘经理的需求大幅增加。 Human resource and recruitment officers are in high demand in Canada. As more and more countries look to recruit both remote and on-site workers, the need for recruitment managers has seen a vast increase in demand.

根据 JobBank Canada 的数据,该行业的就业预测显示,以下省份有良好的前景: According to JobBank Canada, the job forecast in this sector shows that there are good prospects in the following provinces:

  • 新斯科舍省 Nova Scotia
  • 新不伦瑞克省 New Brunswick *萨斯喀彻温省 Saskatchewan

很高兴知道 Good to Know

招聘人员通常需要商业或人事管理、劳资关系、商业或心理学方面的大学或学院文凭才能在加拿大工作。您可能还需要一名认证人力资源专家 (CHRP) 和一些在文员或行政职位上工作的经验。 Recruitment officers generally need a university or college diploma in business or personnel administration, industrial relations, commerce or psychology to work in Canada. You may also need a Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) and some experience working in a clerical or administrative position.

会计技术人员和簿记员 - NOC 1311 Accounting Technicians and Bookkeepers - NOC 1311 

平均年薪 - $48,526 Average Annual Salary - $48,526

随着越来越多的人开始创业,对会计技术人员和簿记员的需求也在增长。无论是记录您的企业账户、提交纳税申报单还是验证财务交易,每个企业都需要您的服务。 As more and more people are starting businesses, the need for accounting technicians and bookkeepers are growing. Whether to keep records of your business accounts, file tax returns or verify financial transactions, every business will need your services.

未来两年,加拿大以下省份将有很好的就业机会: The following provinces in Canada will have good job opportunities over the next two years:

  • 纽芬兰与拉布拉多 Newfoundland & Labrador
  • 爱德华王子岛 Prince Edward Island
  • 新不伦瑞克省 New Brunswick *马尼托巴省 Manitoba *萨斯喀彻温省 Saskatchewan
  • 不列颠哥伦比亚省 British Columbia
  • 育空地区 Yukon
  • 努纳武特 Nunavut

很高兴知道 Good to Know

您需要中学或大学学历才能在加拿大担任簿记员。 You’ll need a secondary school or college qualification to be able to work in Canada as a bookkeeper.

牙科保健员 - NOC 3222 Dental hygienists - NOC 3222

平均年薪 - $83,924 Average Annual Salary - $83,924

牙科卫生是加拿大需求增加的另一个领域。无论您是想在牙医诊所、私人诊所还是医院工作,加拿大各省都有各种机会。 Dental hygiene is another field that has increased in demand in Canada. Whether you’re looking to work in a dentist’s office, private clinic or hospital, there are various opportunities in various provinces across Canada.

这七个省份预计有良好的就业前景: These seven provinces are forecast to have good job prospects:

*艾伯塔省 Alberta

  • 不列颠哥伦比亚省 British Columbia *马尼托巴省 Manitoba
  • 新斯科舍省 Nova Scotia
  • 新不伦瑞克省 New Brunswick
  • 爱德华王子岛 Prince Edward Island *萨斯喀彻温省 Saskatchewan

很高兴知道 Good to Know

你需要两到三年的大学文凭才能在加拿大作为牙科保健员工作,如果你打算在萨斯喀彻温省工作,你需要特殊执照。 You’ll need a two- to three-year college diploma to be able to work in Canada as a dental hygienist, and if you intend on working in Saskatchewan, you’ll need special licensure.

律师助理 - NOC 4211 Paralegals - NOC 4211 

平均年薪 - $52,677 Average Annual Salary - $52,677

2023年加拿大也广泛需要律师助理。作为律师助理,您的主要职责是协助律师或其他法律专业人士研究和准备法律文件。看看这些在未来两年内寻找律师助理的省份: Paralegals are also widely needed in Canada in 2023. As a paralegal, your main role is to assist lawyers or other legal professionals in researching and preparing legal documents. Take a look at these provinces looking for paralegals over the next two years:

*艾伯塔省 Alberta

  • 不列颠哥伦比亚省 British Columbia *马尼托巴省 Manitoba
  • 新斯科舍省 Nova Scotia *萨斯喀彻温省 Saskatchewan

很高兴知道 Good to Know

您需要大学证书或法律学士学位和内部培训才能在加拿大担任律师助理。您还需要获得省级执照才能提供高级法律服务。 You’ll need a college certification or bachelor’s degree in law and in-house training to work as a paralegal in Canada. You’ll also need a provincial license to perform advanced legal services.

幼儿教育工作者 - NOC 4214 Early childhood educators - NOC 4214

平均年薪 - $83,924 Average Annual Salary - $83,924

加拿大非常重视其教育体系。它拥有世界上受教育程度最高的成年人口。它以其对所有公民和永久居民免费的高标准公共教育而自豪。 Canada places a huge emphasis on its education system. It has the most educated adult population in the world. It prides itself on its high standard of public education, which is free to all citizens and permanent residents.

作为一名幼儿教育工作者,您的职责是为 4 至 12 岁的学生规划课程和教育计划。以下六个省份将在 2023 年需要您的技能: As an early childhood educator, your role would be to plan lessons and educational programs for students aged four to twelve. The following six provinces will need your skills in 2023:

*艾伯塔省 Alberta

  • 不列颠哥伦比亚省 British Columbia *马尼托巴省 Manitoba
  • 新斯科舍省 Nova Scotia
  • 爱德华王子岛 Prince Edward Island *萨斯喀彻温省 Saskatchewan

很高兴知道 Good to Know

您需要两到四年的大学证书或学士学位才能在加拿大任教,成为一名幼儿教育工作者,并且可能需要获得省级执照。 You’ll need a two- to four-year college certification or bachelor’s degree to be able to teach in Canada as an early childhood educator, and a provincial license may be required.

这些只是今年最受欢迎的加拿大顶级 NOC B 职位中的五个。在这里查看加拿大薪酬最高的技术工人工作。 These are just five of Canada’s top NOC B jobs that are most in-demand this year. Take a look at the highest paying skilled worker jobs in Canada here.

了解您是否有资格在加拿大工作 Find Out If You Qualify to Work in Canada

如何通过 3 个简单步骤开始在加拿大工作 How to Start Working in Canada in 3 Simple Steps

!微笑的人在办公桌前用笔记本电脑 加拿大的 NOC B 职位 !smiling man at desk with laptop NOC B Jobs in Canada

第 1 步:找出最需要您的工作的地方 Step 1: Find out Where Your Job is Needed Most

如果不是最重要的一步,这也许是在加拿大找到理想工作的重要一步之一。找出最需要您的技能的地方将有助于更轻松地找到工作,并有助于提高您获得工作签证甚至永久居留权的机会。 This is perhaps one of, if not the most, important step to landing your dream job in Canada. Finding out where your skills are in demand most will help make finding a job easier and help improve your chances of getting a work visa or even permanent residency.

您可以通过在政府职位列表网站上搜索您的职业和省份来完成此操作; JobBank Canada 或 Monster.ca、Workopolis、Indeed.ca 甚至 LinkedIn 等各种招聘网站之一。 You can either do this by searching for your occupation and province on the government job listing website; JobBank Canada or one of the various recruitment websites like Monster.ca, Workopolis, Indeed.ca or even LinkedIn.

另一种选择是查看我们的按需职位页面。 Another option is to take a look at our in-demand jobs page.

第 2 步:选择您的移民项目 Step 2: Choose your Immigration Program

在加拿大获得 NOC B 工作资格的最好的部分是,您有资格通过快速入境系统下的三个项目之一直接申请永久居留权 (PR)。 The best part about qualifying for an NOC B job in Canada is that you could be eligible to apply directly for Permanent Residency (PR) through one of three programs under the Express Entry System.

处理时间相对较快;平均六到八个月,个人资料有效期最长为一年。每两周,您的个人资料将与其他申请人一起抽签。如果成功,邀请您申请PR! The processing times are relatively quick; six to eight months on average, and the profile will be valid for up to a year. Every two weeks, your profile will be entered into a draw with other applicants. If successful, you are invited to apply for PR!

如果您在加拿大有工作机会,另一种选择是直接向您工作所在的省提出申请,这非常好。一些省提名计划 (PNP) 的处理时间非常快:例如,不列颠哥伦比亚省 PNP (BC PNP) 的处理时间约为两到三个月。 Another option to look at, which is great if you have a job offer in Canada, is to apply directly to the province where your job is located. Some Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) have very fast processing times: the British Columbia PNP(BC PNP) has processing times of around two to three months, for example.

有超过 100 种签证和项目可供选择,要选择最适合您的签证和项目可能会非常棘手。找到最佳选择的最好和最准确的方法之一是由经验丰富且获得许可的专业人员进行资格评估。 With over 100 visas and programs available, it can be quite tricky to choose the best one for you. One of the best and most accurate ways to find your best option is to have an eligibility assessment done by experienced and licensed professionals.

这不仅可以节省您的时间,而且从长远来看还可以为您节省金钱。为什么要冒着申请错误的项目而被拒绝的风险? This will not only save you time but could also save you money in the long run. Why risk applying for the wrong programs and have your application denied?

查看您是否有资格在加拿大工作 See If You’re Eligible to Work in Canada

第 3 步:开始申请流程 Step 3: Start the Application Process

现在您知道哪里需要您的工作以及您有资格参加哪些项目,是时候开始签证申请流程了。一旦您从您选择的移民咨询公司获得资格评估结果,您就可以自信地继续前进并开始填写您的申请表。 Now that you know where your job is in demand and which programs you qualify for, it’s time to start the visa application process. Once you get your eligibility assessment results from your chosen immigration consultancy, you can confidently move forward and start completing your application forms.

请务必注意,大多数申请都是在线完成的。它既更快又更有效。 It’s important to note that most applications are made online. It’s both quicker and more efficient.

关于加拿大 NOC B 工作的常见问题 Frequently Asked Questions About NOC B Jobs in Canada

我可以通过 NOC B 工作获得 PR 吗? Can I get PR with an NOC B Job?

是的,您可以通过 NOC B 工作获得 PR。 NOC B 工作在加拿大被认为是高技能工作。如果您满足要求,他们将允许您通过联邦技术工人计划 (FSWP) 或加拿大经验类 (CEC) 等计划申请永久居民身份。 Yes, you can get PR with an NOC B job. NOC B jobs are considered highly skilled in Canada. They will allow you to apply for PR status through programs like the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), or the Canadian Experience Class (CEC), provided you meet the requirements.

您也可以通过省提名计划或大西洋移民计划等计划申请。 You could also apply through programs like the Provincial Nominee Program or the Atlantic Immigration Program.

您的 NOC 会影响您的 CRS 分数吗? Does your NOC affect your CRS score?

不会,您的 NOC 代码不会影响您的综合排名系统 (CRS) 分数。它仅表明您将有资格参加哪个快速入境计划。它还有助于确定您的技能是否符合某些相当于加拿大标准的工作要求。 No, your NOC code doesn’t affect your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score. It only indicates which Express Entry program you’ll be eligible for. It also helps determine whether or not your skills match certain job requirements that are equivalent to Canadian standards.

哪个 Express Entry 项目最适合拥有 NOC B 工作的人? Which Express Entry program is best for someone with an NOC B job?

FCGvisa translated, © canadianvisa All Rights Reserved.

Refusals and appeals for Canadian immigration applications

加拿大移民申请的拒绝和上诉 如果您的移民申请被不公正地拒绝,您可能有追索权。 Refusals and appeals for Canadian immigration applications You may have recourse if your immigration application was unjustly refused.

得知您的加拿大临时或永久居留申请被拒绝可能是毁灭性的打击。幸运的是,您可能有追索权。 It can be devastating to learn that your temporary or permanent residency application to Canada has been refused. Fortunately, you may have recourse.

如果加拿大移民官员拒绝申请的决定在事实或法律上是错误的,或者就手头的事实和提交给官员的文件的质量而言是不合理的,则可能会受到质疑。 A Canadian immigration officer’s decision to refuse an application may be challenged if the decision was wrong in fact or in law, or it was unreasonable with regards to the facts at hand and the quality of the file presented to the officers.

加拿大移民、难民和公民部 (IRCC) 做出的所有影响申请的决定都可以提交给联邦法院,联邦法院将首先决定案件是否值得听证,或者是否提出了重要的法律问题。这方面的一个例子可能是工作或学习许可申请被拒绝,尽管有大量证据可能有利于其批准。 All decisions taken by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) that affect an application can be presented to the Federal Court, which will first decide if the case merits a hearing or if it raises an important question of law. An example of this could be a work or study permit application that is refused despite substantial evidence that could favour its approval.

例如,在拒绝赞助的情况下,也可以在移民上诉部门对拒绝永久居留申请提出异议。永久居留申请的拒绝也可以在联邦法院提出质疑,就像技术工人申请被拒绝的情况一样。 The refusal of an application for permanent residence can also be contested before the Immigration Appeal Division, in the case of refused sponsorships, for example. The refusal of an application for permanent residence can also be contested before the Federal Court, as would be the case for a refused skilled worker application.

如果在您的特定情况下有必要,您可以聘请加拿大移民律师帮助您出具复议函。 If warranted in your particular situation, you may hire a Canadian immigration lawyer to help you with a reconsideration letter.

如果拒签是基于事实或法律上的错误,而不符合程序公平原则,律师可以写信给有关加拿大签证处的项目经理,指出错误并要求重新考虑拒绝。 If the refusal was based on an error in fact or in law and not in accordance with the principles of procedural fairness, a lawyer can write to the program manager of the Canadian Visa Office in question to point out the errors and to request a reconsideration of the refusal.

如果没有收到回复或收到否定回复,如果案件看起来值得追究,律师可以帮助您寻求适当的法律程序。 If no response is received or a negative response is received, a lawyer can help you seek the appropriate legal proceedings if the case appears to be worth pursuing.

对于在联邦层面被 IRCC 拒绝的申请人,资源通常会提交给移民上诉部门或联邦法院。 For applicants rejected by IRCC at the federal level, recourses are usually presented before the Immigration Appeal Division or the Federal Court.

对于被魁北克移民局 MIFI 拒绝的永久移民申请,追索权通常会提交给魁北克行政法庭或魁北克高等法院。 For permanent immigration applications rejected by Quebec’s immigration department, MIFI, recourses are usually presented before the Tribunal administratif du Québec or the Superior Court of Quebec.

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What is the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program?

什么是不列颠哥伦比亚省提名计划? BC PNP 适用于希望移民到该省的技术工人、毕业生和医疗保健专业人员。 What is the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program? The BC PNP is for skilled workers, graduates and healthcare professionals who wish to immigrate to the province.

不列颠哥伦比亚省是加拿大最西部的省份,也是该国第三大城市温哥华的所在地。该省的经济依赖强大的自然资源部门,重点是林业和采矿业。 British Columbia is Canada’s westernmost province and home to the country’s third largest city, Vancouver. The province’s economy is reliant on a strong natural resources sector, which focuses on forestry and mining.

如果您想移民到不列颠哥伦比亚省,省提名计划提供三种选择: If you wish to immigrate to British Columbia, there are three options within the Provincial Nominee Program:

  • 技术移民类别 Skills Immigration Stream
  • 快速通道不列颠哥伦比亚流 Express Entry British Columbia Stream
  • 企业家移民 Entrepreneur Immigration

技能移民流 Skills Immigration Stream

技术移民流下有许多类别,适用于技术工人、医疗保健专业人员、国际毕业生、研究生和半熟练工人。这些类别包括: There are many categories under the Skills Immigration Stream for skilled workers, healthcare professionals, international graduates, postgraduates, and semi-skilled workers. These categories include:

  • 技术工人类别:此类别适用于已获得技术职业合格工作机会的个人。 The Skilled Worker Category: this category is for individuals who have received an eligible job offer in a skilled occupation.
  • 医疗保健专业人员类别:此类别适用于具有医生、护士或专职医疗保健专业人员等经验和合格工作机会的个人。有 11 种合格的健康职业。 Healthcare Professional Category: this category is for individuals with experience and eligible job offers as physicians, nurses, or allied health professionals. There are 11 qualifying health occupations.
  • 国际毕业生类别:此类别适用于在过去三年内从符合条件的加拿大大学或学院毕业并获得 BC 雇主工作机会的个人。 International Graduate Category: This category is for individuals who have graduated from an eligible Canadian university or college in the last three years and who have a job offer from a BC employer.
  • 国际研究生类别:此类别适用于从不列颠哥伦比亚省合格教育机构获得自然科学、应用科学或健康科学硕士或博士学位的个人。此类别下不需要工作机会。 International Post Graduate Category: This category is for individuals who have graduated from a Masters or Doctorate program in the natural, applied or health sciences from an eligible educational institution in British Columbia. No job offer is required under this category.
  • 入门级和半熟练工人类别:此类别适用于旅游、酒店、食品加工或长途卡车运输中的入门级或半熟练职位的工人。在不列颠哥伦比亚省东北开发区生活和工作的初级或半熟练职位的个人也可能符合资格。 Entry-Level and Semi-Skilled Worker Category: This category is for workers in entry-level or semi-skilled positions in tourism, hospitality, food processing or long-haul trucking. Individuals may also be eligible if they are in entry-level or semi-skilled positions living and working in the Northeast Development Region of British Columbia.

不列颠哥伦比亚省快速通道 Express Entry British Columbia

BC 快速通道与管理永久居民申请的联邦政府快速通道移民系统保持一致。许多 PNP 流也使用 Express Entry 系统,这些被称为“增强流”。 Express Entry BC aligns with the federal governments Express Entry immigration system, which manages permanent resident applications. Many PNP streams also use the Express Entry system, and these are called “enhanced streams”.

Express Entry 根据综合排名系统 (CRS) 根据年龄、教育程度、工作经验和语言能力等多种因素为移民候选人提供分数。分数最高的候选人将获邀申请永久居留权。从 BC 获得省级提名的快速通道候选人将获得额外的 600 CRS 积分,基本上可以保证在下一次快速通道抽签中获得申请永久居留权的邀请。 Express Entry gives immigration candidates a score based on the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS), based on multiple factors such as their age, education, work experience and language ability. Candidates with the highest score are invited to apply for permanent residence. Express Entry candidates who receive a provincial nomination from BC are awarded an extra 600 CRS points, basically guaranteeing an Invitation to Apply for permanent residence in the next Express Entry draw.

以下技能移民类别可通过不列颠哥伦比亚省快速通道处理: The following Skills Immigration Categories may be processed through Express Entry British Columbia:

  • 技术工人类别 Skilled Worker Category
  • 医疗保健专业类别 Health Care Professional Category
  • 国际研究生类别 International Graduate Category
  • 国际研究生类别 International Post-Graduate Category

企业家移民 Entrepreneur Immigration

作为企业家,您可以通过三种方式移民到不列颠哥伦比亚省: As an entrepreneur, you may immigrate to British Columbia through three options:

  • 企业家移民 – 基本类别:此类别适用于计划在不列颠哥伦比亚省投资拟议企业的高级管理人员或企业主。 Entrepreneur Immigration – Base Category: this category is for senior managers or business owners who plan to invest in a proposed business in British Columbia.
  • 企业家移民 – 区域试点:此类别适用于希望在不列颠哥伦比亚省的一个小社区建立新企业的国际企业家。 Entrepreneur Immigration – Regional Pilot: this category is for international entrepreneurs looking to establish a new business in a small community in British Columbia.
  • 战略项目类别:该类别允许外国控股公司在不列颠哥伦比亚省开展业务。最多可提名五名主要管理、专业或技术人员在该省永久居留。 Strategic Projects Category: this category allows foreign-controlled companies to set up an operation in British Columbia. Up to five key managerial, professional or technical staff members can be nominated for permanent residence in the province.

根据您的具体情况选择适合您的流很重要。经验丰富的移民律师可以帮助您选择适合您的流程。 Cohen Immigration Law 的律师和专业团队将努力为提交 PNP 申请提供尽可能多的帮助。 It is important to choose the stream that is right for you based on your specific situation. An experienced immigration attorney can help you choose the stream that is right for you. Cohen Immigration Law’s team of lawyers and professionals will work to provide as much assistance as possible in submitting a PNP application.